Yes, when you have two it is impossible not to leave one of them crying for a few minutes once in a while, unless you are an octopus! wishingonastar, I have the same issue with George, I think I had my babies the wrong way round, as George needs to be held far more than Abigail ever did, she would sit for ages in her bouncer and just look around wheras once he wakes up he won't stay settled anywhere for very long. I try to put him in a sling as much a possible but it's not always possible to get him in it straight away when he wakes up if I am in the middle of cooking or bathing. I don't think we are deliberatley leaving our kids to cry though, that's just the reality of parenting when you have more than one, you can't possibly respond to the needs of both at the same time, so don't feel guilty about having to leave one or the other of them for a few minutes (even though I always feel guilty about the one that is not getting my attention right away!)