Do you "look after yourself?"

Before having kids I spent a fortune on looking after myself! I am a clarins junkie and was always trying out new products, had my nails done in a salon every two weeks, regular waxes, full make up to post a letter, nail varnish done on my toes fresh every few days. I had a massive beauty product collection and a massive beauty regime!

These days I have a nice bubble bath every night, wash and condition hair every other day, face pack once a week, full make up and straighten hair every day and cleanse, tone and moisturise twice a day but I don't spend all the money on expensive products and I can't afford getting my nails done or professional waxing anymore. I feel as though I don't make as much effort anymore and I would like to get back to making more of an effort.
Yes. Everyday.

I shower each morning with very nice products, I wash my hair and blow dry it every other day.

I always ALWAYS have breakfast, lunch and dinner....alone! No holding baby, no feeding baby etc etc Millie knows Mummy has her food in peace ;)

I also treat myself to something in the shops once a week if I see something I like - this week was new pajamas & a pair of jeans.

I think it's very important I look after myself and always feel very well. I am a mummy now but I was always Sue first.
My mum and the girls godmum was on at me because i never moisturise. I said fine i'll do and got some Nivea....made my skin go all blotchy. This is why i dont bother :haha:
I shower and shave and hope for the best!
Not as much as I should.
I do the obvious shower, shave, moisturise. Make up wise I wear mascara and sometimes lipstick and/or eyeshadow, maybe foundation if I can be bothered, I'll make an effort with my make up if I'm going "out" out in the evening, but haven't been out since just before DD was born. I paint my nails once a week (but not always). I don't do much with my hair- usually straighten my fringe and just stick the rest in a bun, or French plaits. I love straightening my hair nicely but can't find the time at the moment- I feel too guilty doing it instead of housework or work.

This thread has inspired me to go and have a bath (I've only had showers since DD was born as she's usually on me, I love baths!), pluck my eyebrows, wack on a face mask, hair mask and paint my nails :dance:
My mum and the girls godmum was on at me because i never moisturise. I said fine i'll do and got some Nivea....made my skin go all blotchy. This is why i dont bother :haha:

I moisturise my face but I never moisturise my body - fuck that it takes sooooo long! I don't ever get dry skin though so perhaps we are onto something :haha:
I have certain appointments that I wouldn't miss, like getting my eyebrows waxed and tinted every 2 weeks and having my hair dyed and trimmed every 6 weeks or so. Manicures and pedicures have become more sporadic since LO came along but I always make sure my nails are painted and every few months or so I have a proper pedicure. I shower and moisturise every night and am always up to date with waxing, my hair gets washed every other day and I usually have it in a messy bun or side plait at work so that it looks 'done' but literally takes seconds. I definitely feel better when I take the time for myself, at weekends I don't wear makeup unless we are going somewhere (usually never) but i Wear it through the week at work to avoid being told I look tired and pale lol
My mum and the girls godmum was on at me because i never moisturise. I said fine i'll do and got some Nivea....made my skin go all blotchy. This is why i dont bother :haha:

I moisturise my face but I never moisturise my body - fuck that it takes sooooo long! I don't ever get dry skin though so perhaps we are onto something :haha:

I tried to quit the daily body moisturising but my skin was just awful after a few days. I was sure if I stuck it out it'd get better but I couldn't handle it :haha: I wish I didn't have to do it
I shower every morning, dry my hair and put in pony or bun! That's basically as much as I do, il shave my legs if I remember, have never worn makeup on a day to day basis, only mascara and lip gloss for a night out. My only real vanity is my eyebrows I get them waxed every 3/4 weeks, mine are big bushy mono brow who could be arsed plucking that? :haha:
I shower and shave everything everynite do mynails and eyebrows every 2 days I work on reception so have full make up and bun everyday although I just hate hair so struggle with that part of it I recently got a fringe to try and make more effort. I moisturise everynite 2. When it comes to weekend I like to have messy hair flats and baggys tshirts
Nothing like I used to. I shower every day and wear lip gloss and mascara. I usually let my hai r dry naturally, its curly so looks ok but if I have 5 mins ill run the straightners through it. Hubby works on n oil rig so usually shave just before he gets back :/

I get my hair done about every three mths at a decent salon.

I'm too tired to be arsed most the time to do much else x
Yeah I do! It makes me feel good about I like to feel "desirable" and I just don't if I pull on sweats and don't wash my hair in the mornings!

I get my hair done every 6 weeks (colour) and get it cut every other time. Manicure every 3 weeks and give myself a facial at home twice a week. I get fake tan done for holidays but not as a permanent thing.

I wear makeup daily- usually minimal for work/casual day out (mascara and foundation) and then "full" for nice days out/nights out (eyeliner and sometimes eye shadow)

It has always been part of my routine so its natural to me.
I shave daily during the summer, but in the winter...not as often :haha:

I currently have acrylic nails, but I don't know how long I'll keep them. I get them trimmed down, and they still manage to interfere with various tasks.

Toenails are currently painted, but also because it's summer.

I only wear makeup if it's a special occasion.

I try to work out. A little. :haha:
I spend about as much time on myself as I did before I had Lucas. I'm clean and wear make-up, bubble bath about once a week, my hair is a frigging mess but it always has been :lol:
I do. I don't wear make up often or wear my hair in any more than a pony tail.

But I cleanse and moiturise twice a day. I don't shave my kegs as often as I should as they're sensitive.

I keep my nails either clean or painted.

So as much as I feel my body needs.
I'm showered every day, wash hair every other day, full makeup whenever I go out and I TRY to have my nails painted nicely all the time.

I'm crap with skincare though! And it shows :( I need help in that area! xxx
Yeah I do try my best to look after myself. I eat as clean as poss, gym once/twice a week. Dance twice a week. I have a good skin care routine. Use good products etc.
I don't often wear make up (I like my skin to breathe!) but I own lots of it and do make sure im presentable when I do go out :).
I do, a lot.. :blush:
Shower every morning, do my skin care (cleanse, tone, moisturise), hair & make-up everyday before I leave the house, bath every night, shave most nights if I need to, again do my skin care, apply foot cream, body lotion etc. I paint my nails and my toe nails every 2-3 days (or as soon as they chip)
I sometimes do face masks and stuff too or hair treatments and I also sometimes fake tan.
That all makes me sound very high maintenance :lol: but I like doing it all because if I don't I don't feel good about myself
I must admit that I first thought you meant an entirely different kind of 'looking after yourself'!!:blush:

I kind of do, but not as much as I'd like. I have to shower, wash my hair and put on makeup before I leave the house, but I don't moisturise my body hardly ever, and don't shave my legs often enough either!! I used to get my hair cut and coloured but I just dye it myself now every couple of months, and I always used to paint my nails lovely but they're currently a chipped mess!

I'm back at work next week so I think I'll start making more of an effort again then, seeing as all my workmates will be well groomed and I'll have clients to see!

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