Oh totes mcgoats to online classes. I am probably going to look into that for History very soon as it’s the one class I really struggle with. Honestly I don’t think the younger kids need it too much; we more focus on geography and some world culture things, but the “real” lessons, in my opinion, are best taught later when they will actually retain it. We did US history for MONTHS and my oldest barely recalls it. I’m a little intimidated by finding an online class though because that course in particular can be biased in what/how it’s taught. This is why I like math. Math is like logic puzzles and there’s only one answer (usually). My fave subject ^_^
Anyway…ultrasound went well! Save for the start where the tech couldn’t find anything. She went with the probe first, and it took her a couple minutes to find the faintest ghosty shadow bean with the faintest flicker of a heartbeat. During that time I was very calm actually; I was just like, “oh, there’s no baby…huh…well that explains why this doesn’t feel real.” Anyway she switched to an abdominal ultrasound and there s/he was, clear as day! Well, clear-ish. It is an ultrasound afterall.
The meeting with the ob afterward went fine. Looks like I’m at the age where I’m going to run into younger and younger doctors, certainly younger than me! She had to have been late 20’s, maayyyybe early 30’s but that would surprise me. She was very nice though. I won’t get a plan for delivery until the anatomy scan (ie a c section date). We have a game plan to watch my platelets (they were low in my last pregnancy), which makes me nervous but it is what it is…and my NIPT test is next Friday O_O that seems soon soon! But I’m just hoping and praying all goes well with that. Honestly I am in no rush to learn the sex at this point, I guess because I am still wrapping my head around everything. It’s just an enormous change I was not at all prepared for so it’s been hard…but I know I’ll come around. I’m having more and more moments of excitement; I can’t wait for that to be the dominating emotion.
Last thing is hubby got a little misty eyed when I showed him the pictures

Also the kids are pretty excited. I’m not sure my 5 year old really “gets” it but he will as I get bigger! Also he’s always been the one fascinated by babies so I’m sure he’ll be excited when baby is actually here.
Eta—baby measured 8+1-+2 ish, but they’re calling me 8 weeks exactly as that’s what I guessed at for my LMP (I actually wasn’t sure, just went back 2 weeks from my best guess at when I ovulated).
Ok, here’s a picture!