I know what you mean but it doesn't make me sad really. Like you say, I'd be happy with just one but I really want 3. But my plan is, should I ever be fortunate enough to fall pregnant and have just one baby, I don't want to ever go back to the "trying" again and obsessing, wondering when I'm ovulating, looking for any kind of symptom, testing all the time. My plan would be not to go back on the pill and I just feel with that kind of mindset, I wouldn't obsess and it would probably happen naturally. I've had one miscarriage and one chemical so I know it's possible for my husband to get me pregnant so, even though both were awful experiences, I do feel it gives me some hope.
And my boss at work is signed up to some kind of twins group where she receives hundreds of emails. I have to check her emails when she doesn't work and I did come across one that actually gave me hope (normally I delete them all). This one was from a woman warning other women who've had IVF and had a baby through this (or twins in her case) that she fell pregnant naturally almost straight after she'd given birth, even though she was told she wouldn't fall pregnant without any kind of medical intervention. Then someone else had replied saying the same thing happened to her. I really do think pregnancy is more likely to happen when you are least expecting it. I've also got a friend who used to work in a private IVF clinic. She said it was amazing the amount of couples who had to cancel once they'd booked because they'd fallen pregnant naturally. So there must be something in it.
But I do know what you mean. Seeing some people fall pregnant so easily just upsets me because I'm struggling for just the one, which I would be more than happy with. Fingers crossed we'll get there in the end xxx