Hi girls,
I don't normally have an issue over the whole BF/FF divide, but i'm getting fed up with explaining myself to people as to why I chose to FF, I cried when I told my Midwife i've swapped over as I thought she'd think bad of me, and when I saw GP he asked if I breastfeed, I said no he said why not??!! Who is he to ask why? Because I chose to!! And last week was the tip of the iceberg!!
So I was at the sure start center and I was being registered, the lady asked if I breastfed (she was very nice and said she's not bothered either way, but they have BF support classes if I need one)
I said No.... And then came the explanation (which for some reason I feel compelled to give), that I did for a week, but got a blocked duct, very painful breast and one breast at least 2 sizes bigger than the other, LO wasn't latching on to it and when she did the milk poured out and choked her.
To which a worker in the background said I've got one breast bigger than the other and I still breastfeed!!
Well whopdie doo, what do you want a banana or fucking even sized chest to pin it on??? Grrrr Is it in my head was I being over sensitive?? Does anyone else feel that when they say they FF they have to explain why after??
I have friends that BF and I see them getting congratulated on their hard work and it really boils my blood, it's hard work sterilising bottles knowing when to up the feed, we still wake up in the night to feed, we still wind, whats the big deal??
I understand yes it is hard to BF and alot of mums find for one reason or another they FF, and some mums choose to from the start but where has this taboo come from that mums that FF are made to feel like they're doing something wrong??
At the end of the day aren't we all in the same boat, just trying to be loving caring parents and doing the best we can??
Rant over, just needed to get that off my chest xx
I don't normally have an issue over the whole BF/FF divide, but i'm getting fed up with explaining myself to people as to why I chose to FF, I cried when I told my Midwife i've swapped over as I thought she'd think bad of me, and when I saw GP he asked if I breastfeed, I said no he said why not??!! Who is he to ask why? Because I chose to!! And last week was the tip of the iceberg!!
So I was at the sure start center and I was being registered, the lady asked if I breastfed (she was very nice and said she's not bothered either way, but they have BF support classes if I need one)
I said No.... And then came the explanation (which for some reason I feel compelled to give), that I did for a week, but got a blocked duct, very painful breast and one breast at least 2 sizes bigger than the other, LO wasn't latching on to it and when she did the milk poured out and choked her.
To which a worker in the background said I've got one breast bigger than the other and I still breastfeed!!
Well whopdie doo, what do you want a banana or fucking even sized chest to pin it on??? Grrrr Is it in my head was I being over sensitive?? Does anyone else feel that when they say they FF they have to explain why after??
I have friends that BF and I see them getting congratulated on their hard work and it really boils my blood, it's hard work sterilising bottles knowing when to up the feed, we still wake up in the night to feed, we still wind, whats the big deal??
I understand yes it is hard to BF and alot of mums find for one reason or another they FF, and some mums choose to from the start but where has this taboo come from that mums that FF are made to feel like they're doing something wrong??
At the end of the day aren't we all in the same boat, just trying to be loving caring parents and doing the best we can??
Rant over, just needed to get that off my chest xx