lol !!
Do u think maybe we need to to explain ourselves for our own preconcieved and judgemental thinking before we actually tried it. Iv realised I was a bit judgemental about ff but I would never ever have said anything to anyone as its their own choice but I was very high and mighty about how "of course I was going to breastfeed" when people asked me. iv completly realised how wrong I was and how a healthy baby is not determined by ff/bf x
I don't know befor e I had LO all my friends had babies and they all FF and I thought nothing of it the thought as to whether or not they'd even tried BF didn't even cross my mind.
But I think it really shows how much MW are pushing it now as a friend of mine is about 20wks pregnant and the whole how are you going to feed conversation came up while I was giving LO a bottle, and I said if when you do BF and you find for some reason you can't don't like me feel bad about it there's nothing wrong with FF.
She replied, i'm gonna try as it's the best thing for them and it makes you slimmer quicker, to which I got my back up and said not necessarily, she said how long did you do it for, I said a week, she said well you didn't do it long enough my sister breast fed and she went back down to her pre preg weight straight away.
If it weren't for the fact i know she would never of meant to offend she'd be right off my Christmas list!!! lol