Dear lord, apparently yesterday I was HUNGRY and today I am HUNGRYYYYY too - am currently sitting at work wondering if I could possibly get away with phoning for some pizza delivery.... (cheese free and vegetarian so not TOO unhealthy...)
Nnngh, feel like I may have to eat a PERSON if I don't get something else soon!
(and yet all I have right now is fruit - and some bread, I might try that...)
Apparently my poor hb has had food poisoning! We had the council on the phone yesterday working out where he had been before he got it so they could try and track the source!
Oh! AND I phoned the midwife to try and book a scan date and was absolutely refused. Was told that it could only be booked at my booking appt and if I couldn't make that date, to phone and change it. After explaining that hb needs a LOT of notice to get out of work, got a very snotty response of 'well it's all about your priorities isn't it'. Told her off for that as it has nothing to do with priorities, just work...! Plus I need notice as I see my boss once a week max, and as work doesn't yet know I am pg, I am not going to be giving this as a reason I need the time off...!
Do they seem like they're being unreasonable compared to other peoples experiences? Surely everyone can't be able to drop their life at 2 weeks notice to come to an appt? I am hoping that if it comes down to it, me refusing to come to a scan until hb can come to, will help make them more accomodating... ? :\