Welcome Kiki!
Jaynie, have a great time at on your trip. JEALOUS as I love Paris!!!
Baby1, I do yoga at least once a week. It is perfectly safe even in first tri as you will be taking a class geared towards pregnant women. When you attend your first class, let your instructor know about any discomfort, etc you might be experiencing, they may have you skip or modify certain poses because of it. As you were physically fit before you should be fine to continue exercising. I still do my treadclimber, (though am a little slower than I was before
) and do a pregnancy exercise video (cardio and weights) and pregnancy yoga. The only thing I have cut out is running as I stopped before I got my BFP and didn't want to reintroduce while pregnant so I go for daily walks at work instead!
Exercise actually made me feel much better in first tri, hope it does the same for you!
Tom's, Lightening McQueen, that is too cute!
Noo, congrats on reaching V day
Morebabies, that is awesome re your little guy's feet. Isla loves to move, she is constantly kicking and punching me now and for like the past month my stomach moves around when she gives me a really good hit. Last night there was also something sticking out of the right side of my stomach, not quite sure what it was. Ah the joys of pregnancy
Like you though, I think I will miss feeling her move around most of all; it is so amazing