It really is hard, and u have more experience than me, JustMe! I'm trying to look at it like this.
I adore this little man more than I thought was possible. I'm one of those lucky moms who had that huge, overwhelming, all consuming love the second I laid eyes on Ethan. That said, I miss my sleep!! Wow do I miss it! And he's only 4 days old! As much as DH wants to help, he just doesn't have the boobs for it.
So after quite a few chats , even from before when Ethan was born, I'm not sure we'll be doing this again. I mean, we are so blessed with the 'easy' pregnancy and 'easy' birth and beautiful healthy child. Also, these little kids are expensive, and I would rather be able to give everything and anything to this little guy than to have to compromise on some things because of finances. Now I'm fully aware that I'll get the 'only-child syndrome' speech from some people, or the 'he'd rather have a sibling' rant, but do u know what? It's our choice. Also, we might change our minds later and that's our prerogative too. But right now, this is hard and I'm tired and I can't imagine being super keen to do it again.
I am glad we did it. Super glad. This little man is the perfect addition to our family. I'm trying to see the long, sleepless nights as my special time with my special little guy. This is time only I will ever have with home. It's time I'll never get back and time I'm sure I'll wish I had back as he grows up. I get to see the faces he pulls that even his dad sometimes doesn't see. Lord know I'm tired and would do anything for 8 hours of sleep, but after 4 hours (ok ok, 2.5) I'd probably be right back in the war zone, just to see that he's ok.
I can't seem to load pics off of my iPhone, which is seriously annoying coz I'm dying to show off, so I'll have to try get to a computer at some stage.
I apologize for any delerious rambling, but like I'm pretty sure I mentioned, I'm a little tired.
PS. Seriously? How long does it take a little thing like this to poop?? I've been writing this on and off all morning and he still isn't done! And I don't want to change him too soon, made that mistake twice already and pooping babies just aren't cute unless they're in a diaper!!