"Does anyone else not test early Refugees" Baby Club

Jan 26, 2012
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This is a thread set up for all of us who've made it through the "Does anyone else not test early" club AND the "Does anyone else not test early Refugee Club", and who've now had babies! :o

And for anyone else who is amazing and wants to join us! :)
hehe! I'm here too :)
Just have to wait for a few more of you to pop now!
See you ladies in 14 days!! :D Might take me a little longer to check in, but with technology I'll probably be asking you lot for advice from the hospital bed! :wohoo:

I keep losing this thread (which probably won't happen when more of us are here) so I made little siggy graphic. Feel free to use it. :)
and... we can't use links in signatures. Oh well it was a nice idea lol.
How do I add it to my signature??????????

My little Noah-bean is doing well. 4.1kgs at 5 weeks old :) that 9lbs :)
Aww post some new piccies! Hadley was 9lb at birth, what a little chunk she was lol. Thanks for converting the weight too, I totally have no idea in kgs.

I put it on my photobucket so hopefully it should work for everyone. Just add:

[url]https ://i49.photobucket[/url] .com/albums /f276/lupin84/babyclub.png

But take out the spaces, if that makes sense?
Well I really am finding this hard. Honestly I think a lot is feeling horribly trapped, as I can't drive for 6 weeks, can't really walk anywhere much yet...and deal extraordinarily badly with sleep deprivation. So having to work really hard on not panicking a lot atm :| I hope that all goes soon as it's awful. We're trying to make sure to go outside once a day so I can remember that it's all about me and DH, with Winter as an added guest - otherwise urgh.

6lb11 now
The first few weeks are so hard. I remember being terrified to leave the house because she might cry and people would look. Looking back, with a second baby I'd just go out straight away. I think we had a ton of problems with BFing though and so by the time we switched to formula it was a whole new thing to learn and get the hang of (also very upsetting for me). Honestly I'm sure it was around 3 weeks before we took her out for any length of time when she was due a feed. I think the point is everything is so new but don't worry, it does get better. I think once I got through my head that babies cry and sometimes I can fix the problem and sometimes she's just ratty things got better.

The sleep deprivation is hard, is your partner helping in the night? We just got up and did it together for the first few weeks whilst my partner was still off work. It was nice having him there to help and it was much harder when he returned to work but I can't help entirely as Hadley has STTN since Christmas, I have no idea why I think we are just lucky. Other people may have some good advice though. One thing we used to do was put something on the TV whilst we fed her in the bedroom. We figured we were up and rather than us constantly nodding we had something to focus on. It helped us at 4am.

:thumbup: Completely agree that Winter should be the added guest. I know some people run their entire lives around their new baby but it's just not practical in the long run. Also they pick up on routine from you, if you keep it up long enough.
It really is hard, and u have more experience than me, JustMe! I'm trying to look at it like this.

I adore this little man more than I thought was possible. I'm one of those lucky moms who had that huge, overwhelming, all consuming love the second I laid eyes on Ethan. That said, I miss my sleep!! Wow do I miss it! And he's only 4 days old! As much as DH wants to help, he just doesn't have the boobs for it.

So after quite a few chats , even from before when Ethan was born, I'm not sure we'll be doing this again. I mean, we are so blessed with the 'easy' pregnancy and 'easy' birth and beautiful healthy child. Also, these little kids are expensive, and I would rather be able to give everything and anything to this little guy than to have to compromise on some things because of finances. Now I'm fully aware that I'll get the 'only-child syndrome' speech from some people, or the 'he'd rather have a sibling' rant, but do u know what? It's our choice. Also, we might change our minds later and that's our prerogative too. But right now, this is hard and I'm tired and I can't imagine being super keen to do it again.


I am glad we did it. Super glad. This little man is the perfect addition to our family. I'm trying to see the long, sleepless nights as my special time with my special little guy. This is time only I will ever have with home. It's time I'll never get back and time I'm sure I'll wish I had back as he grows up. I get to see the faces he pulls that even his dad sometimes doesn't see. Lord know I'm tired and would do anything for 8 hours of sleep, but after 4 hours (ok ok, 2.5) I'd probably be right back in the war zone, just to see that he's ok.

I can't seem to load pics off of my iPhone, which is seriously annoying coz I'm dying to show off, so I'll have to try get to a computer at some stage.

I apologize for any delerious rambling, but like I'm pretty sure I mentioned, I'm a little tired.

PS. Seriously? How long does it take a little thing like this to poop?? I've been writing this on and off all morning and he still isn't done! And I don't want to change him too soon, made that mistake twice already and pooping babies just aren't cute unless they're in a diaper!!
Do you guys have family you utilize near by? I can't remember when but I'm sure it was 2 or 3 weeks in I went to stay with my mum for a night. I took Hadley with me and I had to get up with her but it was nice having someone else to help me. I felt really refreshed afterwards. No it doesn't last but it's a little bit of sanity to look forward to. Paul's parents would call once a week and take her to the park for a few hours too, that was great as we got quiet time together. Then before you know it your little ones will smile at you and start to give a little more back and from that point it's almost worth being up at 3am. :)
I know Im obviously still pregnant but I wanted to chime in if that's alright because I feel bad reading some of these posts. Having had two children already.. one ridiculously easy baby and the 2nd the absolute opposite :dohh: Anyways, I always tell my friends who haven't had kids yet how hard it is in the beginning because I want them to be prepared for it and I try to be very frank about it. Of course there's always the ones that get blessed with the easy baby (like my first) but then there's the others (like my 2nd). But I tell them those first couple months are the hardest no doubt. I think mostly due to the lack of sleep but I also feel it has a lot to do with the fact that the baby doesn't and can't do anything. Once you get a couple months down the road and hopefully the baby is sleeping more he/she will also be able to start interacting with you more, which I feel makes a big difference. It makes it more fun, I guess you could say. They start hitting milestones and turn more into an actual person rather than being completely helpless. You can make them laugh and play with them. It really is a completely different experience then that of those first few month. You just have to get there and know as time goes on it gets easier and better! :hug: And don't worry about deciding on whether or not you'd want more kids now. I think most people don't want to go through it again right after. Its not a decision to be made right away when things are at their worst. There's nothing wrong with only having one child but you may feel differently as your baby gets older and easier and more fun to deal with. I said after my second I was done but sure enough I wanted another a couple years after although we couldn't afford one. But now being pregnant with my 3rd and after dealing with how my 2nd was I'm not looking forward to how those first couple months may be but I know that it gets better and is completely worth it so that's what I keep telling myself! ...and keep hoping for another easy baby like my first :haha:

Anyways sorry for my ramble. My heart goes out to anyone who's having a tough time! So massive :hugs: to you and please know it'll get better!!! :hugs:
Please don't let my sleep deprived state get the wrong message across ladies, I adore this little bundle, and I would do it all again in a heartbeat! DH is so amazing with him, u should see how he gets him to chill out when I need a shower. I come back into the room and there's the little guy I couldn't get to settle sleeping peacefully with his daddy! Seeing the two if them together has only made me love my husband so much more!!!

How are the ladies who had c-sections feeling?
Please don't let my sleep deprived state get the wrong message across ladies, I adore this little bundle, and I would do it all again in a heartbeat! DH is so amazing with him, u should see how he gets him to chill out when I need a shower. I come back into the room and there's the little guy I couldn't get to settle sleeping peacefully with his daddy! Seeing the two if them together has only made me love my husband so much more!!!

How are the ladies who had c-sections feeling?
Oh no I know. I wasn't saying it like that. I just know how overwhelming it can be and at first its the toughest but then its so amazing once they're able to interact more. Also that it can be especially trying with a baby like my second was.
Indeed, first few weeks I said never again. Now I'd try again tomorrow if only we had a spare room and some money! :) We think we're going to try again when Hadley's 2. She's just hilarious, she makes us laugh all day. :)
My first born was a hideous newborn. Give yourselves time to settle down as a family. Get out of the newborn stage and it will get easier!!
Sorry I don't get chance to get on here as often as I'd like, life if pretty hectic with 2 kids, awesome but Chaotic!!
You ladies are awesome, thanks for the encouraging words! I'm getting used to going with not much sleep, and still loving this little man to bits!!

Quick question, did any of you completely lose your appetite after birth? I'm having to for e myself to eat. I drink I LOADS of water, but food just doesn't sound appealing at all at the moment. I don't want it to affect my milk production, so I'm trying to be good and remember to eat, but not enjoying any food at all right now!

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