Does anyone else suffer from M.E (chronic fatigue syndrome)


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
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I'd love to chat to some other ladies who suffer from M.E.

I'm 21, live with my partner (he also has M.E) and I've suffered with it for 4 years.

It would be great to chat to someone who knows what else I'm going through as well as the pregnancy :)

(Apologies if I posted this in the wrong section.)

I suffer from CFS and have done for 7 years (a bit longer than docs estimated 1!!)

Would be nice to chat to someone whose been there and done it lol!
Would be nice to chat to someone whose been there and done it lol!

Lol, would be interesting to chat with ME sufferers who have survived labour, as its weighting on my mind now the time is getting closer x

Im 32 and was diagnosed with ME when I was 17, its worsened during last 5 years, however pregnancy hasnt been too awful with it, so guess im one of the luckier ones x
Lol, would be interesting to chat with ME sufferers who have survived labour, as its weighting on my mind now the time is getting closer x

Im 32 and was diagnosed with ME when I was 17, its worsened during last 5 years, however pregnancy hasnt been too awful with it, so guess im one of the luckier ones x

Lol me too. My MW's advice "dont get too worked up!!!

Im more worried about falling asleep!!
Hey ladies :)

I was diagnosed with ME when I was 8 years old (at that time I was the youngest person to be diagnosed with the condition)

Although I now consider myself to have come out the other end of it all and manage the residing symptoms successfully (I'm 26 now) I do wonder if the tiredness that I experience now that I am pregnant is normal or is it increased due to the condition?? It would be interesting to hear other people's view on this one :)
i have it to had it since i was 16! im also worried about the lbour and how ill cope the weeks after would be great to chat to others! x

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