the last time someone told me when was i was the at hospital when i was 7 weeks i was in the 72 thousands ( i think) now i have no idea but im going to find out
i dont no mine this time but for the last one i did because of the eptopic. mine were not going up enough witch turnt out to be a mc. thats why this time i dont want to no i just want to relax and not be worried about what they will be every other day. i will wait till the 30th of december at my 8 week scan.
Hi hun, its not the done thing in the uk..... the times they use it is if they think something could be up. I had spotting so thry did my hcg levels at 9 weeks which were fine and again at 10. My 10 weeks hcg levels came back and they said they were not progressing normally..... I was given an emergancy scan the following morning after a night or worry and tears and baby was perfect. When I went to the hospital the explained that hcg levels are so different from person to person they are not a acurate test....especially in the later stages in 1st trimester...... x
My first midwife appointment they tried to take blood from me but couldn't and so I have had no test so far! I am seeing my midwife on Tuesday again though and she will be doing bloods so maybe they will test the hcg levels then? x
No I don't think its rountine here in the UK unless like when I had my miscarriage in September they did my bloods then just to check the hormone was decreasing, this is my 4th pregnancy and I have never had them checked before!!
I had mine tested but only because i had a bleed. But i would not have it again even if offered an another pregnancy. As i obsessed over the results and paniced when my levels didnt doube like they where meant to. They always say they need to double otherwise you will likely miscarry. Im 27 weeks now so this isnt the case. So i would always advise against it now
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