Does it get easier?



So my LO is 7.5 months and I just went back to work. I'm in four days this week and then I finish for Christmas. I've been back a day so far and loved seeing everyone and being challenged mentally again. I love my job and we need me to work full time in order to pay our mortgage/run our car etc. thing is though, I'm worried LO will be so happy with his grandparents and at daycare that he forgets who I am! I'm worried that I'll barely see him during the week, except for an hour or so before bedtime. I'm also worried I won't manage to fit everything into my life - full time job, work at home, time with LO. My job was pretty challenging and time consuming before LO but I kept on top of things with early starts and a few late finishes a week. With a baby I won't be able to do that.

Anyone have any words of wisdom or positive experiences they can offer?
It gets easier I promise! I went back as a full time teacher and head of department when my dd1 was 6 months old. The first month was awful. I'd cry after dropping her off at the childminders all the way to school and cry all the way back again to pick her up.

I always worried that she would prefer her childminder to me. Our lady is fantastic and it is like Phoebe has two mummies but I am the one she always wanted. The welcome I got when I can to pick her up (even now) is brilliant. It's like she's a teenage girl and I'm a member of one direction! Our childminder is part of our family now and I won't worry when dd2 goes at 9 months.

My advice is organisation, organisation, organisation. I'm like a machine when I'm working and my mornings and evenings follow patterns. I like to get up before dd1 so I can have ten mins for a cup of tea and toast in peace before it all begins. I also refuse to answer the phone in that hour I have her after work and before bed. If someone was bleeding they would need to text and ring or I'd ignore it - my theory was I could talk to my mum/sister once dd1 was in bed.

We also went swimming every Sunday morning where we would have quality mummy and daughter time - we do that now but thankfully I don't have to swim with her anymore as 8.30 is a little early for me to be swimming! This way we got and still do get some quality time.

I also use all my time at school really wisely now. No more chatting in the staff room! I have loads of marking, which i do bring home, but do once she is in bed. Before I was pregnant with dd2 I used to try to stay late one day a week and just mark to avoid having any at the weekend. My oh works 7.30 to 6.30 so he can't help with pick ups. I also plan easy meals for week nights for my oh and I. My childminder fed my dd1 a proper dinner at lunchtime so all I would do is a quick tea when she got in. I also gave up going to the supermarket at the weekend and let them deliver now - far easier!

I to have to work for the mortgage and car/ holiday / treats. I do enjoy my job and I like being able to use my skills to provide for my girls. The guilt never goes away that I'm teaching someone else's kids whilst someone else looks after my own but I like to think I am teaching my girls that if you work hard it brings rewards.

You will soon settle into a pattern. I remember one colleague said to me that she never got cross or fed up with her kids because she was so pleased to see them after she had been to work. She also told me that no one ever wishes they had done more housework when they look back at their life so not to worry about that and spend the time with my baby. Great advice I thought.
I'm a teacher too!

I'm pretty organised as it is, but you're right - no more chatting in the staff room or gossiping in the corridor after the children have gone home! I was always pretty good at not bringing work home with me but now I will do marking once LO is in bed.
It gets so much easier as time goes on. I work full-time, go to college full-time, and have a 14 month old dd who runs around & owns the place ;-) End of the day is the best b/c I get the best cuddles! Just manage your time well, have a set schedule for grading, etc at night & on the weekends.
I've always brought school work home and since having DD1 I've tried to do less lesson planning at home and just do marking.

The good thing about being a teacher is the holidays - you get time with your LO and I found that I can go in the holidays for a sort out and she loves playing in my classroom (or there is someone else in who entertains her for a bit) - she loves watching iplayer on the board or playing with the interactive whiteboard.

I can also escape at 4pm if she is poorly and look after her then do my work in the evening - suits me and the school quite well.

I also do things like make the kids leave their books open on the page i need to mark - it saves 10 seconds a book! Or i put my stamps on the work at my desk at school then just add comments sat on the sofa at home.

Only a few days until the hols!
So my first full day back went really well! It's nice to have something to get my teeth into again, plus the adult conversation was wonderful.

History gal - I do that - get the kids to pile their books open - saves loads of time! There are a lot of pluses to teaching when you have a baby I guess!

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