Hi summer,
30-31 day cycle is fine Hun, I conceived my daughter when my cycles was 30-31 days so good luck.
How long is your LP? if you know! Are your charting?
so your dpo6 today too! Not much to go off for me tbh I know it's still early but my temps are literally up down up down up down since ovulation there never like that, and my resting heart rate pre ovulation is roughly 76, after ovulation it slowly rises to roughly 84-88 but today it hit 100bpm... and that was a resting heart rate to! Oh and cm seems to be thicker then normal and a little increased (TMI Alert) To the extent that I'm leaking cm. sorry guys if ya got a weak stomach. Also I have had some slight cramping today but I do normally get mild cramps during 2ww only difference is they are sharp cramps. xx
Anyone get extreme tummy grumbling/gurgling during 2ww and/or right before AF? Curious to know! xx
I have Hashimoto. I track my periods on an app. Last year my periods were so crazy. 45-65 day cycles. Even had a 71 day cycle. Had my thyroid tested in December and it was high. Uped my dose and now the past 3 months I've had 30-31 day cycles. Sometimes I go off my meds when I run out. But whenever we ttc I'm medicated for sure! I lost 1 baby due to my thyroid.
Anyway, I have done a bbt chart for past pregnancies. This is our first cycle ttc #5 so I figured we'd just see what happens this month. Next cycle I'll chart. I looked at your chart. Seems ok. I think I remember mine looking similar.
Does LP ever change through the years? It's been a while but I think mine is about 12-14 days.
What is your dpo Jessica? I'm 8dpo today. I've had a little cramping. I've had loose BM's and a lot of gas. Those symptoms are common for me in past pregnancies this early but of course those could happen at any time. I did throw up on 2dpo. It was so weird. I was feeling so sick to my stomach, threw up all over in the car (it was horrible. I only had a grocery bag). Afterwards I felt fine. After a couple hours I just felt a little nauseous and then 2 other times since I've felt a little sick to my stomach. No idea what the heck happened on 2dpo. It was so weird and I'm not sick. My fingers are crossed though. My anxiety can't handle the ttw. Lol