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Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012


Dylan's Mum & w/Bump#2!
Nov 8, 2009
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Bringing over from Multiples section. Anyone expecting twins Spring 2012 pls feel free to join, the more the merrier! It was a bit of shock for me to find out we were expecting twins so it would be lovely to share the journey with others, hopefully through to how we are all managing with our hands full in 6 months time or so!!

Well I'm Liz, due May 24
I'm 29 and this will be baby 2 & 3 for us!
From East Midlands

How is everyone feeling today?
Yay! A new group :D Hopefully everyone jumps over to this one, will be good to keep in touch with people who are going through the same things round the same time.

I am feeling okay today actually which is a change from normal. I have plans on sorting through stuff in my house trying to rearrange and make space just took a break to sit down and eat some dahl yum.

Later if the weather holds out I'm gunna try and get into the gardening though that all depends on how I feel. The days start out great but by mid afternoon I am too sore to move usually :p

What about everyone else?
thanks for making the group Liz!

I was just realising yesterday that the nausea has actually reduced alot. The fatigue still hits me everyday, and I don't think that will go away. I'm not too sore yet, but I am having a hard time sleeping at night, for sure. I stay home with my youngest who is 2 1/2 so I have noticed that I am already slowing down following her around... :)

We are hoping to go swimming today! Have a great day ladies!
Minivan - sorry you are having a hard time sleeping. I am going to get a maternity pillow tomorrow and see if that helps my sleeping, will let you know how it goes.

Yesterday I barely got anything done and definitely didn't get any gardening done haha. I started feeling very ill, had an up chuck and then for the first time in a while got really exhausted and fell asleep on the couch.

I am hoping today is a more productive day and am really hoping to get my plants out.

Have fun swimming!!
Minivan, where are you swimming? in like a leisure centre or should I be jealous that you're in an exotic location with good weather??

zephyr, your time difference is throwing me off! I was going to wish you well on planting your plants today but to me you posted at 7:39PM! Hope you have a productive day, I'm ready to go to sleep now!!

I'm also full of exhaustion, my nausea is fading away but if I dont snack every 2 hours or so I start to feel ill again! I have tomorrow off so hoping husband gives me a little rest in the morning and then I'm taking the little one to drama and then to visit a friend with a new baby. Love my days off, but starting to think it would be a lot nicer if I could stay close to home!

My next appointment is the midwife of Dec 8th for my 16 week check up, then I'm booking a private gender scan so we can find out the sex of the babies! (I'm very impatient) but I really want to know so we can plan the nursery and then I can also buy some baby clothes in the January sales! xx
haha well I think we are probably around 12 hours ahead, right now its 2:15pm Wednesday Not sure on the exact time difference though.

Sorry you are so tired! Yay for the day off :D We are having our scan on the 30th Dec we will be finding out the sex's too. I could keep a single baby a surprise but two would be so hard! I have considered keeping it a secret and probably could but OH really wants to know and I don't think he will wait hes never good with surprises. haha
I am no where exotic! Just at the local Pool with my little girl.

Oh, I have the Snoogle, pregnancy pillow. I do like it, but I think it might be my 4 year old son who climbs in to bed with us in the middle of the night that disturbs me more now. I didn't seem to notice it before but it's harder now... Might have to stop him from doing that...

I go for my next dr's apt on Dec. 1st, but don't think I will get my gender scan until in to the new year. Looking forward to seeing what I'm having, and what everyone is having...
Morning everyone! What a great idea to keep it all open for all of us to chat! I'm feeling loads better (sickness gone) but I have my first cold of the season (BOO!) but on a funny side, everytime I cough or sneeze I have two little wrigglers which is LOVELY!

I hope you're all doing really well! I will try to pop a bump picture on here at some point, I'm starting to feel like a belly with stick limbs attached! No mistaking it for a bloated belly anymore!
Hi Nicky! boo for your first cold... I seem to catch everything this time of year too. think I should buy stock in tissues! I'm definately feeling bigger now too!!

and minivan, my little one who is almost 18 months had been coming in with us too!! which disturbed me more with his wriggling than the babies did!!! but have persevered with just re-emphasizing it is still bedtime and laying him back down when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and he now seems to be sleeping better in his cot.

and I've been sleeping better too, not waking up so much to pee at night but I'm sure that will return sooner than later!! Have definitely moved into maternity clothes now too....

Will have to post a bump pic so we can compare!! :) x
Hi everyone!
Mind if I join?

My name is Holli I will be 29 in a few weeks, and this will be baby #2 and #3 for us:)
My son is 2.5 years, and i am pregnant with boy girl twins. my official due date is May 2, but they won't let me go past 38 weeks and have a repeat c-section planned for April 18 if I make it that long.

So glad I found this thread:)
Hi everyone!

I don't know if it's just me but is anyone else starting to really slow down when it comes to moving about? My other half now says the titantic turns faster than I do in bed hee hee! But rolling over aside, I can't walk anywhere near as fast as I could. Is it normal to be like that so early on?

Hope everyone's bumps are doing well! x
Nicky - I have noticed that actually. I have been walking a bit to town etc and I find my trips have gotten shorter and shorter. I also can't stand up for too long at home usually clean or whatever for an hour then have to rest or half an hour just to make up for it.
The turning over in bed also seems like so much effort. I am not sure if it was meant to start this early either but I get it feeling it does and will probably get worse until they are born! I was wondering the same thing though! There was definitely a sudden moment where I had to start taking it easy a few weeks ago! I was also getting a lot of pelvic pressure and stomach/back pain and I was worried and rang my midwife, she told me off for being on my feet all day and told me to rest more and she is right, it helped a great deal and those pains are pretty much gone now.

I'm in maternity clothes too, LOL I tried to put on a pair of pants yesterday from pre pregnancy and they fit but they are super tight! My behind exploded! :blush:

How is everyone else doing? I managed to get into my garden, weed it and plant a couple of rows of beans :happydance:
Oh yes I forgot to mention, that maternity pillow was the best money I spent! I have had very good sleeps lately and so comfortable!!
I've found myself short of breath just from carrying lo up the stairs.... as then I start to read him a story and find I've got to just take a minute before starting... how pathetic! :( I'm not the fittest person but really feel this pregnancy is starting to take its toll!! I've at least stopped waking to pee in the middle of the night! (yay for small achievements!!) but I'm sure that will start again in no time!!

Definitely have realised I'll be going off on maternity leave a lot earlier this time!! anyone have plans on when they'll finish work if you're working now? also, couple things I've been wondering about...

Birth- is anyone hoping for a natural birth v. a c-section? what are the opinions... I really wanted a home natural birth in a pool when I thought it was just one, but I'm no of the opinion that there is 2 and I just need to wait and see where we are later on in pregnancy.. are other people like this or does anyone prefer the c-section route? Just wondering!

sleeping arrangements... anyone thought about how they want babies to sleep when the come home?? I had this image of them sleeping together but don't know how I can safely achieve this.. or if you guys plan on 2 moses baskets or 2 cribs or straight to cot beds???

I'm sure we'll discuss loads on here... its so nice to be able to have you guys to discuss twins with!! :hugs::hugs: xx
I am so glad to hear that you guys are having the same issues that I am. I was thinking, maybe it's because I'm older this time around, or because it's my third pregnancy. But I think it's also normal for a twin pregnancy. I get tired walking around for sure! It's sad. I used to play ice hockey twice a week (I live in Canada... :) ) and for my last pregnancy I played up until I was 13 weeks!! I can't imagine having done that this time around. I stopped playing right away this tiime! I also have alot of pains and pressure in my pevic area. I know the feelings as I have had them before, but I don't remember them starting at 14 weeks!!!

When I spoke with my Dr. He said that he recommends most women stop working at 26 weeks. He said most women are really surprised about that! I was! But it doesn't really affect me because I am a stay at home mom, so I work at home! But I know I am really going to slow down in a few months.

It's hard when I look forward to some women who are at 34 weeks and they are just dying to have their babies! Makes me worried about what is to come. For that reason I really like our new group because we are all around the same place, so I don't have to look to far ahead! LOL

I'm not sure what I will do about sleeping yet. I was thinking at first they would be together, for the first little while anyway. I guess I better go out and get a good book about raising twins....

I am actually still a bit in denial about it all I think. We've had a few miscarriages and so until the gender u/s I am still thinking that one little one might not make it. There is no reason this time around to worry. Both babies looked really great and were both measuring perfect! I guess another month or so before my scan... then I better start planning...

As for C-section I don't have a choice this time around. I've had two previous c-sections so the best thing for me and babies is a repeat. I was a bit disappointed as I was actually going to try vbac this time around. But, that's okay c-section is fine with me. I've had two so I know what to expect! One thing I know is that a scheduled c-section was much easier to recover from than an emergency one after a few days of labour.

Okay I ramble on...
oh yah! Pregnancy pillow was great! Still having a harder time sleeping, but I deal with it! And yes the peeing at night has all but stopped for now!
It will be a repeat c-section for me as well... my son was 10 pounds and 8oz... phew. I keep telling myself that two twins will weigh the same as he did- so I can do it! haha I have a lot of pelvic pain- the front of my pubic bone area-wowza. hurts when I am on my feet a lot. i am also very curious about the work thing.. i get 12 weeks of job protection, so i am affraid of going off super early, and then needing to come back to work when they are still itty bitty. hopefully my work with my supportive and fflexible.

i think i am going to have them share a crib when they come home, when they get a little bigger move them to seperate cribs (3 months?) we will play it by ear.
Mininvan - I know what you mean about the nervousness and not actually being settled with the pregnancy until the gender scan! I had a mc right before I conceived these two and it was awful! so although I wanted to get pregnant right away which helped me heal a bit, I have been very nervous all the way through and I keep thinking the exact same thng, what if one doesn't make it?
Everywhere I have read though chances are very good, so we probably shouldn't worry. I think once I reach 24 weeks then I will relax more and once I am under specialist care.

As for the c section vs the v delivery, thats a really touch one. I have never had a c sec before!! O course I may have no choice but even if I had a choice I am thinking about opting for one only for the reason that I am so scared to give birth to one of them then have something go wrong and need to have a c sec anyways! That kind of recovery would be hard and that is my worst fear so I think to avoid all the anxiety I would have while in labour a c sec is probably the best, however that scares me a great deal :( I'm worried the recovery will be hard. Such a tough choice but it has been on my mind a lot right from the start.

I have one cot for now and we will be letting them share till they start moving around a lot then we will put them in seperate cots.

My nausea has come back again the past two mornngs, very violent and sudden. It wakes me up and I have to run to the bathroom even though I know my stomach is empty and I probably wont puke and then my stomach starts clenching cos its empty uggh its awful! I had about 5 or 6 days break from spewing but these past two morning havn't been too good. How is everyone elses nausea going?

Though on the upside, I too don't have to get up during the night to pee anymore woohoo! :D
Oh man! I just wrote a huge post and it didn't work! How annoying! So I will start again (hopefully not as big this time).

I am going to sleep them together after reading a book called double trouble by Emma Mahony. It's really good, informal but informative. She is a win who has had twins and she has loads of great tips and advice. Well worth getting a copy if you can!

I am planning a v birth although I have said since day dot that i will be having an epidural as I would prefer to enjoy the birth rather than feeling like a space cadet from gas and air or injections like pethadine. I will have to wait and see what the positions of the two of hem are closer to the time though. If I am putting them in danger I would rather have a c secion than trying to give birth. We shall see!

My night time trips to the loo are back and they are now happening in the day time-oh joy! One of the twins decides that my bladder is mighty comfortable and decides to lay on it. I end up thinking that my bladder is going to burst, race to the loo only time find it is what I now refer o as a 'fake wee'. It literally lasts a second or two when I go even though I felt full. I have noticed though that I can give the offending twin a little jiggle and it moves off of my bladder and I feel fine again without having to take the loo trip option.

I have also noticed I can figure out when they are having a growth spurt from how my body reacts. I get really really hungry at night then the next day my tummy is so sore-muscles, ligaments, pubic bone etc etc but to the point where I really can't do anything but try and get comfortable. One day I had to sit in an all four position with my rear end higher up/chest on the bed just because I felt that my belly was so low down and that the pain would ease up if the bump was higher in my tummy. It did work but I must admit after sitting like that for 2 hours I was even more shattered although slightly relieved of pain. I took paracetamols for the 24 hour period that I was in pain and woke up the following morning with a noticably bigger bump (to others not just me and the tape measure) and feeling great.

I read somewhere that they are about 6.5 inches each now but in two weeks will be 10.5 each...guess I will be having a few more days in bed if it was like the last growth spurt!

Anyway, Im going to try and attach my scan picture (12/13 week scan picture) today so hopefullythat will work. Maybe a bump one after...see how my technology head copes ha!

Did anyone else who is have fraternal twins have one older than the other? When they scanned me (which feels like months ago-26 oct) one was 13 weeks and 3 days and the other was 12 weeks and 6 days. The rounded it of and said 13 weeks roughly as how far along I was. My partners parents joked "We know what you two have been doin!!!" I did go rather red at that point!:blush:

Hope you are all well and I hope that my pictures work!

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