Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

Morning everyone,

Just thought I would let you know my lastest... Had to ring the mw again yesterday morning as I was having tightenings from about 5am until about 9am. Was a little worried but all seems to have settled down now. It made me very tired and my bump (muscles) feel very exhausted today as do my eyes (yawn)! I am finding that I can eat a really hearty meal now a days too, finishing nearly everything that is on my plate seems to be a theme.

1 week and 1 day until I find out if they are little Waynies or little Nickys! V V V excited.

My kidney has calmed down a lot now as well except I have been so terrible at remembering to take my antibiotics.

How is everyone's bumps growing? Would be great if you girlies could post some of your bumps on here so we can see how we are growing!

Love to you all :hugs:
Nicky, love your ticker!!! It's new right?

So I've just caught up reading posts..sorry I've been a bit awol but I've been a bit stressed from work and have been signed off by GP so have been just trying to relax. To help me relax I booked a compulsive last minute private gender scan last friday... so we had the scan (at 16w1d) and its a boy & girl for me!! I'm quite excited!! nervous still but very excited!

I've not read the NICE guidelines for multiples yet but plan too,..will look out for aspirin. But aspirin or Iron have not been mentioned by my consultant or midwife.

Had my 16w midwife appointment last week and she just said I'd have lots of appointments and she'd like to still see me for the midwifery care if I was alright having lots of appointments... she also said, 'well I had it down here we were going to discuss homebirth so I guess we can throw that out the window'.... I was like, guess so... :( We didn't listen to heartbeat either, but I knew I was probably going to book the gender scan and last gender scan we listened to heartbeat. The private center didn't disappoint either as listened to the heartbeat. 145 for the boy and 141 for the girl. Next scan is for Jan 9th, can't wait!

Bump is growing here too!! pelvic pain comes and go's and I have had trouble getting comfortable when sleeping. the nausea is going away but sometimes when I cough I feel like I could gag and throw up... and my boobs are getting soo hard the last couple of days, I think I have gained a couple lbs each!! Will post a picture soon!! I just am not brilliant with technology but will have a few minutes hopefully to sort it out this week.

Promise to not go quiet again!! Its so nice to have other ladies to bump twinnie thoughts off of!! :) xx
Glad to hear everyone is doing okay :D

Nicky sorry about whats been going on, I hope it all settles down! I've found this pregnancy to be full of weird and new aches and pains, can't remember if I posted or nto but last week I saw my midwife cos of really low down pain and pressure like I was needing to poo also some spotting. The spotting went away and the pressure did too after a while but when I saw her yesterday and told her the pressure and pain moved to the left side all she could say was "thats weird" and had no explanation for it. Tests came back fine no infections or anything :D

Its really hot and humid here where I am the past two days have been a killer I am hating every second of it and its only gunna get worse :( Can't believe I have summer pregnant with twins to look forward to, I will be living in front of my fan I think.

My appetite is still pretty huge, I eat then an hour later I am starving again. I am craving such naughty foods too!! uggh
My sleeping is a bit better since I got that pillow but waking up in the morning with a full bladder hurts a lot.

My strecthing pains have eased off lately but the past two days I have had an awful headache :(

Thats about all for my update! Scan in 2 weeks yay I can't wait!! I shall upload some bump pics this weekend I have one from 17 weeks and I took on at 18 weeks but havn't uploaded that one yet, will do it this weekend with my 19 week one :D
I wish it was hot & humid here!! I'm freezing!! just had to turn the heat on!!

I feel like my bump has gotten 'smaller'this week compared to last... still feeling stretching and pains.

Anyone have any exciting plans for Christmas? x
No big plans for christmas. Just normal family dinners etc. I still haven't done all my baking yet... I better get on that this weekend.

i'm not feeling like I have a great bump yet. I was overweight when I got pregnant so Just looking bigger than usual. I give myself a few more weeks before other people will start to think that I'm pregnant not just have a big belly... lol...

I get a new pregnancy swim suit the other day. It's wonderful. I am going to sign up for a prenatal aquafit class starting in January. Just to give myself something to do for me. I quit all the things I was doing before so I need something.
I'm off to OH's parents on xmas eve. We are stopping over the night and spending xmas day there as well. Anyone would think that they live the other end of the country but no... 3 miles away ha ha! I'm looking forward to it and I'm going to buy myself a xmas dress from Mothercare (never thought I would write or say that lol), it's the black one with the beading on the shoulders and on one hip (like a mid broach). It looks almost as if it is a wrap over but it's not so not too boring at least! God I am rattling some junk today!

I ended up at the assessment unit at the RVI (the hospital here in Newcastle) on Wednesday....The branston pickles (braxton hicks) came back and didn't stop from about 11am until 6pm so the midwife asked me to go in and be checked over. So I trundled off down there at about 3pm to sit around for a bit to be told that it is branston pickles (which I thought it was) and that there isn't anything to worry about despite the fact I was getting them around every 3 minutes and they would last about a minute. I hadn't had any shows or anything like that so they were happy that it is just my poor growing belly getting huge...I hope I will be able to hang onto them for the duration! I am a bit concernded now that my body isn't going to be able to hang onto the full distance, I probably could have done with being bigger framed! Although I'm 5'9" and really sporty I just think that I'm still a bit slight for twins-I hope you get what I mean...I'm sorry I'm rambling on again but I sort of feel I need too...

Anyway, changing the station to good news...had a very quick scan while I was at the RVI just to help put my mind at rest that they are happy (for the time being) in my tummy. I had a doctor scanning me rather than a scan tech and he confessed that he wouldn't be so great at gender spotting but said he would have a bash anyway. Had a sneaky look at the one on the right of my tummy who always shows off...he thinks it could be a girl. The shy one on the left was being awkward so it was kind of hard to see anything but it did look like it had boy parts...So we left wondering if it is one of each, if the show off is a little girl etc. Here is to my big scan on Tuesday! Should find out then I guess!


I really hope all you ladies are doing well and your xmas plans are coming together nicely.

Love to you all xxx
Good luck for your scan! That would be awesome if it was one of each :D Real glad that things settled down for you.

My xmas plans are, well cooking grrr! My mum was meant to do xmas dinner but now she has changed her mind and invited herself here for me to do all the work! Soooooo annoyed about this cos I get so tired but then again my mum is moving out of the country in two weeks so she is pretty busy saying goodbye to everyone:( So I do understand its just I'm pregnant and can't be bothered.

My scan is a week and 5 days away I can't wait :D

Here is my 18 week bump photo:

and my 19 week bump photo:

Hope all is well with everyone. I have been pretty good. No more spewing!!! Yayyyy. Just aches and pains now and the heartburn hit me over the past few days.
o Zephyr, your bump pics are fab!!! can you upload them from your phone straight onto bnb??

I've got 3 weeks now til my scan, but I'm reassured now I'm feeling movements...but not all the time, but at least reassuring to feel them moving about. And my tummy has really come out this week and has gotten a lot harder!

Nicky, Glad to hear everything is alright, how worrying to have to go to assessment centre already!! but yay for having a scan and the reassurance a scan brings!! Can't wait to find out what you're carrying on Tuesday!

Urm, I'm not sure about uploading from a phone? On my computer I have to upload to photobucket first then to here, which is a bit annoying lol

Yay 3 more weeks till your scan! That time will fly hopefully :D Good that you have been feeling movements though, its more reassuring when you can feel them moving around lots.

I know my top one flips around heaps and the bottom one is usually really quiet, except when my bladder is full or if I poke at it :p
Hey All,

I've been feeling movement as well, but I have a hard time deciding what exactly I am feeling. I think when I go for my u/s I will better understand their position.... I'm getting really excited. We go on Thursday morning, so 2 more days. Can't wait to find out what we are having and to put my mind at ease that the babies are still doing alright!

I was on my feet for hours the other day doing some Christmas baking, and I paid for it that night with some really sore feet. But they are feeling better now. Just have to do everything in moderation. Trying to get ready for my MIL who is coming over for Christmas from out of town. She will be with us for a week at least.

Can't wait to see all our scan's soon...
Whoop boy and girl bump for me! Both are well! He is measuring big and she is spot on!!!! Ahhhh so chugged!

Ps nice bump zephyr!!!!
Had my scan today. Both babies look great. Measuring great! I felt relief for sure.. But neither one would uncross their legs... so we didn't get to find out the sexes yet. I have my next u/s scheduled for Jan. 5th so hopefully they will be nicer to me by then. It's nice to know that I will have a million u/s so eventually I will find out... :)
Ah shame they were being shy! The sonograph tech called my little boy a bugger because he was just merrily jigglling around and she was having difficulties measuring him. He kept flashing his bits at us as well making sure we all knew he was a boy and my he is a BOY!!! lol xx
Hi ladies!!! I hope I can join. I am having twin girls in May!! :twingirls: I would love to have other twin moms to chat with :flower:
Thank you!! So far it has been good. I had m/s starting at 11 weeks and now it is pretty much gone. I have been having sleeping issues because of hip and back pain and the cramping on and off from growth. Any suggestions on how you girls sleep?
I think a fair few of us have invested in those body pilloows that go the full length from boobs to knee-hugging into that and resting my bump on it helps. Also I got a heat bag thing kind of like a hot water bottle but made with weat and it is infused with lavender, it helps with the bump ache and soothes for sleep. I've been suffering really bad from bump ache and the mw said to take paracetamol which has really helped as well x
I tried the full length body pillow and it doesn't agree with me :dohh: I got a smaller one that I cuddle with and put between my legs and I like it so far. :thumbup: Hopefully it helps. The hot water bottle idea sounds nice as well. Relaxing. I take hot showers be4 bed. Not 2 hot because babies don't have sweat glands but hot enough where it relaxes me be4 bed. Last night that worked well I didn't even wake up once. When I did eventually wake up I had bad hip pain but at least I wasn't up all night tossing and turning.
Welcome Addie!

Yah, sleeping is always interesting. I tend to wake up with a sore back and hips, then toss and turn for the rest of the night. I guess I just have to deal with it...
Yea last night was a big toss and turn night for me. How about dizziness have u experienced that with ur pregnancies? I went to my doctor and they said its normal in pregnancy but if it keeps happening I would be sent to a neurologist.

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