Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

I had an IUI done, and even my twins were measuring a few days off (even though I know the EXACT day the eggs were fertilized) the measurements are an average age guess.

If one is just a touch bigger, they will measure as being a few days ahead, but really they are the same age... with me, more scans down the road has shown the difference to be 5 days, and then 1 day apart, and we will see what my scan today brings. They also said it depends on how accurate the measurement is, even just a little bit off could change dates...
I had an IUI done, and even my twins were measuring a few days off (even though I know the EXACT day the eggs were fertilized) the measurements are an average age guess.

If one is just a touch bigger, they will measure as being a few days ahead, but really they are the same age... with me, more scans down the road has shown the difference to be 5 days, and then 1 day apart, and we will see what my scan today brings. They also said it depends on how accurate the measurement is, even just a little bit off could change dates...

Oooh I'm so jealous, wish I had a scan today!!! Good luck! Let us all know how you get on! Pop a picture up as well if they give you a copy. What week scan is it that you are having today? x
Nicky - epidurals a great idea :D I'm still not sure which way I wanna do it but if I did a v birth then I will be getting one. I had one with my first and it was great. I am interested in that book you mentioned. I am going to try and find it and see if we have it over here.
I too have been taking paracetemol when I get those awful stretching pains, After a few hours I feel like there's just no other option but to take them.
My twins were measuring 2 days apart at 6.5 around 8 weeks they were the same.
Love the pics too btw! I had my last scan done round 8 weeks they were both just a couple of wriggly blobs hehe so can't wait to see them at my scan on the 30th!
Also I can relate with the twin laying on the bladder thing, I have one that lays on my bladder and one up by my belly button who kicks me in my stomach. I have a doppler and have been listening in and the one on the bladder is very low down so I figured it must be laying crossways over it but I'm not sure, does get uncomfortable though haha
Nice bump!!

esperanzamama - Good luck with your scan today!! Can't wait to hear how it went :D

I have my daughters birthday to organise tomorrow so have a cake and stuff to make today. Cannot believe how fast the year went!
Hope everyone has a great day.
how exciting that we share a due date!!

The little buggers were doing well in there... the girl was about 8oz and the boy was 9oz everything looked good and they were quite active. the girl look like she was kicking the snot out of the poor boy. probably will reflect real life pretty soon.

my blood pressure was high today 124/90 eeeks. I hope that isnt a trend, I really dont like to see it creeping up like that- it is really unsual for me. ugh.
Love the bump pics!! and scan pics!! and look at you Nicky saying you weren't sure about the technology!!

Well just a flying visit for the minute I'm afraid, off to bed as have had a 13 hour day at work today and I'm exhausted!! xxx
Nicky - epidurals a great idea :D I'm still not sure which way I wanna do it but if I did a v birth then I will be getting one. I had one with my first and it was great. I am interested in that book you mentioned. I am going to try and find it and see if we have it over here..


I asked my sort of sister in law where she got the book from and she got it online from amazon...might be worh a try???

How did the cake making and party go? I bet you were shattered after!
how exciting that we share a due date!!

The little buggers were doing well in there... the girl was about 8oz and the boy was 9oz everything looked good and they were quite active. the girl look like she was kicking the snot out of the poor boy. probably will reflect real life pretty soon.

my blood pressure was high today 124/90 eeeks. I hope that isnt a trend, I really dont like to see it creeping up like that- it is really unsual for me. ugh.

Did you get a scan picture? I can't wait until the 20th of Dec when I get my next scan...find out what sex our little bundles are.

Fingers crossed your bp comes backdown! The last time I went to the midwife and dr, they explained that NICE (not sure if you guys have anything like this over there) who are the governing body for pregnancies has just started to introduce a new procedure for multiple mum's. They are starting to get us mum's to be to take asprin to help with bp and keeping pre eclampsia away...don't know if anyone else has been told this yet...I wasn't put onto them as the hospital up here in Newcasle hasn't been told to start the asprin yet but will be told in the next few weeks by the nhs-I think it takes a while for the guidance set out by NICE to come into play. Maybe worth an ask the next time you go if your bp still is up a bit.

Any UK ladies been put onto asprin yet? I have been put on iron tablets even though I don't need them...more of a preventative.
Love the scan picture and Bump picture!

Just found out that my next scan will be on Dec. 22nd. I will be just over 18weeks at that point, so a bit early in my mind to find out the sex of the babies. But I hope they co-operate. I can't wait to find out! We are thinking of bring our almost 5 year old son to the ultrasound to see the babies. I think he will find it really exciting!

I haven't heard anything about aspirin over here in Canada yet. But I will keep a look out for that information.

I will have to look into that book as well, as I've been trying to find a book that I think will be useful before I buy it!
Nicky, thanks I made 3 cakes yesterday and cleaned and got heaps of stuffed prepared for today. I was exhausted after yesterday yes but the party isn't until later this evening!! I am taking the kids to the xmas parade beforehand too so yeah I'm probably gunna be shattered. Havn't shaped or iced the cake yet will be doing that after lunch.

I never heard of the aspirin thing, though I have been told to take iron also. My iron got very low in all my pregnancies so my midwife has been on my case all the time about the iron this time round. I havn't been able to take any sort of iron tablet because it makes me throw up violently but I have been taking some liquid iron every few days. If I take that every day I throw up.

Anyways I must start on my day! Heres hoping the temp stays down today and my feet dont swell lol yesterday it was 23 degrees celcius and my feet swelled so much!! I know thats not all that hot but its definitely the first hot days of summer!! and it was very unpleasant being pregnant in that heat.

Have a great day everyone
Minivan congrats on your scan date :D You should be able to find out then, I think my previous scans I had at 18 weeks and found out. Though my friend a couple of months ago had hers round that time and she was dying to find out the sex and the baby had her legs crossed and her hands between her legs!!! So there was no way they were going to know. Lucky for her they had to have a follow up scan because her baby was being so uncooperative the couldn't get all the measurements and she found out then.
Hey ladies! I hope you are all doing well! It seems to have gone quiet on our thread recently so I thought I would pose a question to you all and ask for an update on your twins and your bumps-how are both doing?

I had to go to the doctor yesterday after having what I thought was kidney pain for 2 days in my right side of my back. I spoke to the midwife and she said go straight to the doctor...turns out I have a kidney infection so I haven't been feeling the best. Oh and to top it all off, the night before last my other half decided he was having a wobbly moment and started questioning things like is it to soon to have kids (a bit late to ask that one now matey), are we going to cope as a couple (we have never ever had any problems etc and it has been fab) and basically getting scared/nervous about our inpending mini double act. I think it is because my bump is so noticeable, he did comment that seeing my big belly now has made realism kick in. Anyone else had this from their partners?

Anyone with scan news? Less than 2 weeks now until my next one-the big scan...find out if it is mini Waynes or mioni Nickys or hopefully one of both (that is what I have my fingers crossed for). The doctor did listen to the heart rates of both of them yesterday and one was significantly faster than the other...anyone believe in the heart beat and gender theory???

Anyway sending you all hugs and belly rubs! x
I'm not sure about the heart rate gender theory but when I was pregnant with my second daughter I was so sure she was a boy and my midwife said to me "I dunno, they say higher heart rates usually mean a girl" and I was all "haha no way this is a boy" and she did the whole well we will see but I think I'm right shrug.
Turns out she was a girl:blush: so I dunno, it was right that time! We have just picked out a girls name and a boys name so one of us will be let down and have to pick a new name if its not one of each!

As for how things are going well yesterday I had a teeny scare I had some really bad pains in my cervix area and later on int he day I had some spotting and I obviously thought the worst. Rang my midwife panicking! But I calmed down for the night and things were okay again.
Saw her today and shes testing me for infections as everything seems to be going well and could just be cause a baby is sitting really low.
I got to hear them both and she said theres definitely two seperate heart rates there, so she wasn't picking up the same heart beat!! they were also very active and she commented on how large my uterus was, she seemed kind of surprised hehe

everything else has been great! hope you all are doing well. Oh yeah my nausea is better now, not very often at all do I get sick now.
I don't know about the gender and heart beat as well. I can't really remember with my other two what the heart beats where.

At my last check up the dr was not able to find the second heart beat ( I was 15wks). He wasn't able to find it the other time either, but it makes me nervous! I can't wait for my scan on the 22nd to make sure that they are both okay in there. The worrying never stops eh!

I think I might be starting to feel them move for the last week or so. So that's been neat. Can't wait till it's a bit stronger so I can be sure.

Hey Zephyr, that's great that the nausea has let up! I am sure it's a relief.

I'm doing pretty well today. Went to a play area with my hubby and kids. I can't get around as quickly as I used to be able to, but I still managed... lol

Nicky1982 I love your scan picture. Can't wait to get one where they are big like that!

I am going out to see a play tonight with my mom, so I get a night off. I will enjoy it!
Take care all.
My scan was picture is my 13 week scan, I don't know why but it was just so clear. Hope everyone is well x
I'm good, just starving all the time! haha! Yay only like just under 3 weeks till my scan.
i am always starving... for salty foods.
mmmhmmmmm.... chips.

feeling pretty well, but having a lot of pelvic pain (in the front) when i walk, go up stairs, etc. Also not sleeping as well- but during the day i feel like I could fall asleep if I blink too long...
Besides that, getting sick is happening less and less :)

my bump is really starting to pop.. feeling like a mini-blimp :)
Yah I hear you, lots of pelvic pain. I don't think it's gonna go away either. I jut try to get as much time resting as I can.... Nothing much new yet...

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