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Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

ewww I hate that, get some pregnancy friendly antacids and take those for it :D

I had some strange period cramps yesterday that ended up with me laying down for the rest of the day and taking paracetemol. They went away after the paracetemol so I wasn't worried but boy did they give me a fright!
Got my midwife appointment tomorrow so can talk to her then about it. It hasn't come back again so hopefully its nothing and was just the babies laying funny.
I am sure it is nothing. Could just be growing. I got some cramping when I was at the hospital and they told me it is just my muscles.

I hate taking medicin while pregnant but I will have to talk to my doctor about it. I see her next week but I don't want to wait that long. I will call the nurse line tomorrow and see if a doctor can call in a prescription. I just really hate taking meds while pregnant, I wish I didn't have it this bad.
Well just threw up everywhereeee. Im so sick of my bathrooms not being finished.(If I have not mentioned we are remodeling both bathrooms upstairs and they are half done each!!)

I am in my room and the bathroom upstairs is getting worked on and so I shut the door and put boxes in front of it so the cat wont go in ( door doesn't have a handle so does not just close we are getting new handles) So I feel like I am going to be sick and try to get in there and cant so get sick in my glass. SOO GROSS. Then run to the other bathroom upstairs which HELLO doesn't have a vanity bc we are getting one installed this week and it has tools all over the toiletttttt from the guy working this morning so no where to get sick and as I am running downstairs to our only working bathroom I get sick all over the stairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our stairs have carpet which we just had cleaned!!!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What was that from the acid or am I getting morning sickness again?? And DH isn't home :(
Sounds like nausea again :/ I hope its a one off! Nothing worse than puking ugghh sorry you had to go through that, sounds hard with bathrooms being renovated lol
YES I just want my bathrooms doneeeee. They are putting tile in our master bath and shower tomorrow and then vanities will go in Wed to that bathroom and the babies bathroom (which has already been tiled and painted) Then all we have to do is have painter come back and paint our bathroom and we can be done hopefully by next week!! I will never again buy a house where I have to update anything. nothing I mean not one thing. I want full move in ready it is just a pain.
Oh it sounds like it! Though good that it will be done this week and you wont have to wait too much longer :D
Yes hopefully it will be done this week. It was supposed to be done last week!!
addie - have u tried tums or zantac?? u dont need a prescription for those and they work well.
Tums does't work for me butttt after getting sick I have not had acid. I hope it was from the tomato sauce and if I avoid it then I wont get as sick as I did. I will try to keep a bland diet and if that works I wont need medication. If it doesn't work and I still have as much acid as I have had then I will have to take something. Thanks for all the suggestions :thumbup::thumbup:
I have not felt baby A move all day. In the am I did but haven't felt her since. Hope she moves around soon. I know sometimes you don't think you feel one but you actually are so I will try not to worry.
Aww thats good! I know mine quietened down quite a bit over the last week then after spending a short time worrying and getting close to phoning the midwife the little monkeys would start jumping round again!
Sometimes its hard to tell who is who :/

I just had the hospital phone me to make my appointment with the specialist and she had read the date wrong on the paper an tried to book me in for the 10th of May I was like "the 10th of whhaaaaat??!" cos clearly my babies will be here before then.
She changed it to the 6th of March, that was the earliest they could get me in
That seems so far away. Its 2 weeks away I will be 30 weeks then considering I was told I would be seen at 28 weeks at the hospital, I dont understand how they have left it for that long. Anyways the appointment will last for about an hour and a half.......I wonder what they are going to do thats gunna make it take that long? hrrrmmm
They are prob going to look at every part of the babies like they do at the 20 week scan. My next doctors apt is Feb 28th. Then high risk doctor is March 6th. I feel like things are starting to go slow again. UGH speed up speed up!!
You reckon? I didn't even know they had scans in that department..
Oh you are March 6th too? See that's what I mean by didn't they leave mine a little late not seeing me till 30 weeks?

Naww time will fly! Theres seriously not much time left till we all start having these babies. It does seem kinda slow lately especially on days like today when my kids are at school etc and its just me here and all I wanna do is clean my house but I really cant be bothered! So time drags. But then I will get to the end of the week and be all where did my week go?!
I think it is going fast it was just a long 2 days bc I was not feeling good. And the bathrooms dragging on makes me feel like time is going slow.

I just can't wait till their furniture comes March 2nd so I really feels like things are moving along!!!
I'm still under midwifery care. Visits are once a fortnight now but I wasn't even meant to have an appointment with her tomorrow, it was just a back up worst case if the hospital hadn't been in touch yet. It'll be my last with her tomorrow.
Sorry to hear you are feeling sick addie... And the bathroom situation sounds frustrating for sure..

I've had cramping as well anytime I am on my feet too much. I am just trying to listen to my body. But it's hard with two kids running around.
It must be so hard with two other kids to look after.:hugs: do you have any help with them?
Aww minivan how old are your kiddies? I'm lucky cos 2 of mine are at school and my 3 year old is at daycare 5 hours 3 days a week but weekends are chaos haha!

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