Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

No nothing really significant. Lost some mucus plug at 24 weeks but doctors and midwife at the hospital weren't concerned and said it can go anytime and nothing will happen. Apparently it regrows anyway. I had been having braxton hicks from 20 weeks but again that's normal particularly for us twin mums. I felt so full of energy the Friday and Saturday, housework crazy. Not like hoovering I mean cleaning cupboards out and repacking them etc, Sunday felt rough. Achy in my bump. Bit period painish but wasn't coming and going just a dull ache. Woke up on the Monday bit was getting worse steadily. Then started get bh which came from the period pain upwards, really tightening my belly. It was making strange shapes they were that strong. I kept putting it down to the babies growing and me just stretching. It got to about 7pm and I had been trying to make it to the Tuesday as I was due to see the midwife but thought I better ring just in case. I got asked how regular the bh's were but I hadn't ted any of them. Got told to go in just to get checked. Went to hospital to find that I was contracting every 3 minutes. Ooops! Cervix was still closed but soft and central. Had the steroid jab and was sent to delivery and monitored continuously.given some sort of drip as well (not saline) to stop contractions. I finally stopped at 11am on the Tuesday. I had the next steroid jab Tuesday night, started contracting on and off between Tuesday and Thursday. Finally escaped hospital once I had been free of contractions for 24 hours on the friday. Then on this Sunday two weeks later, Wayne went off to play golf and I had been feeling rough all day and had joked that hopefully I wouldn't ruin his game... Started contracting again at 1pm. Took a bath at 2, still contracting at 3, rang the hospital only this time I had timed them, again they were 3 minutes apart by the time I got Wayne home and to hospital for about half 4. All settled during the evening and I was home for tea on monday. Not good though!!!!
WOW but glad it all turned out fine. I am a very nervous pregnant person so it worries me when I hear things just come out of the blue when all was going fine. So far all is good for me except my body hurts if I go to a store and walk around and get vaginal cramping but they said it is stretching pain and cervix is very long and closed. Yesterday I had a bad pain in my stomach for 10 min but that was prob just a stomach ache lol. Sometimes my stomach feels hard but I dont think it is BH bc it stays hard it is not like it gets hard then stops and then gets hard and stops?? I think it is the girls position that makes it get hard and stay hard. I see my regular OB Tuesday but I really can't wait t go to my high risk the following week bc I feel like at my regular OB I dont fee relaxed tey dont to u/s they just do my blood pressure, weight, and check the heartbeats. I like high risk bc they check babies growth and my cervix.
Hey Nicky,

Nice to see you back. Glad to hear that things are still going okay. Thank goodness for modern medicine! Here's hoping you making it to 36 weeks!

It's interesting reading what your symptoms are, gives me an idea of what to looks for. I know the hospital gave me lots of books on preterm labour, but hearing what it felt like to you makes more sense to me. :)
I'm glad it helps everyone. I had no idea and just thought it was growing pains. It is quite hard to distinguish between my normal painful self and the preterm thing but it was a lot more specific to period pain area and the contractions did start to feel a lot different from either them moving or bh. It didn't hit home what I was feeling until I was sat at the hospital and had to concentrate on what I was feeling. I suppose I had just shut it out when I was home. I know that sounds strange but I guess I just didn't stop to think it was anything but the usual uncomfortable/pain.

I must admit now though that I have hit a really selfish point with pregnancy and want them to come along just because I'm so sore. Everything from my hips when I lay on my side to my bump when they move etc. Oh and not ro mention the kicks to the internal vag area-erggggg it feels like our little lad just keeps testing the exit with his nails!

How's everyones presentations going? My little lad (who is closest to the exit and will be first to arrive) had been head down since 20 weeks. He was so low in my pelvis when I first went in at 27 weeks that they thought he was fully engaged. But things have changed! Now he is using his foot and butt to block the exit. If he doesn't come back around I have been told that it is a c section unless they do finally come early while they are still small. Our little girl is transverse and surprises everyone just how high up she is. She like being up right by my ribs. I think I must be quite lucky though as I don't get too much rib kicks-she tends to lay looking at the exit if you get my drift.

Would love to hear everyones growth scan measurements too. I'm at the obsessed with how big they are stage.
I totally know what you mean about the cervix hits. Both my girls girls are breech, so I've been getting kicked down there for ever it seems... I suppose it could be worse, I could be getting feet up under the ribs.

I am the same way about the weights. I guess I am just so anxious for them to get bigger so that if they were to come early they will have a better chance. My last weighs for the girls were at 26 weeks. They were 2 pounds and 2 pounds 4 ounces. I go in again this week for my next set of u/s, and I will be 28 weeks.
Nicky - wow I am glad everything is fine now! I worry about whether I will know I am in labour or not. I have had a few days where I thought maybe this is it, I've been losing plug at least once a week or fortnight since early on (before 20 weeks) and those period pain cramps woke me up one night but went away then the next day they were back and they were bad, so bad I was shakiing and had to lay down! Lasted for about half an hour once the paracetemol kicked in. I was going to ring the hospital if the paracetemol didn't work.
I've lost more plug since then and get the usual braxton hicks regulary but I always wonder how will I know? you think I would after 3 kids, but this pregnancy has been so different. I asked my midwife and all she could say was "you need to keep those babies in for at least another month, the hospital is seeing you in two weeks they can help you more then"
Anyways, I'm not sure if I posted my last scan, but the boy was 3 pound 1 and the girl 3 pound 4 and the boy is the leading twin and hes head down, so hes in a good position. the girl was breech unsure if she still is, my stomach stretches on that side often and sets off BH's cos I think she is trying to flip over.

And dont worry, I have days where I want them out too! I think that's normal. Its not that we want them to come early, its just us wanting to stop feeling so uncomfortable and sore. We must all be hitting full term size for a single pregnancy round this time shouldn't we? If not then over the next month anyways. So its no wonder we are sore! I was measuring 35 -36 weeks last appointment.
I had a growth scan last Tuesday. I was 29+6 so very nearly 30. My little girl is average at 2 pound 15 and the little lad is 3 pound 11. I did say to the midwife is that ok for them to be so different and she said yeah because they aren't identical.
I am also worried that I will not know I am in labour. I had such a bad back spasm again last night that I was on the floor crying from it, I couldn't breath, and thought I was going to get sick. It still hurts on and off but my doctor said it was a spasm and if I keep getting this I should go to a chiropractor. I don't want to during pregnancy I will just deal with the pain. I just wish I could fast forward to May, I hate how things can change so quickly in pregnancy and never feel 100% safe. I have my regular OB Tuesday but I just cant wait till next week when I see high risk doctor so I can know their weights. I hope they are over 2 pounds now. I will be 27 weeks when I go next week to my visit. My shower is also next Sunday. I am very excited. I went to my friends shower today and stayed 3 hours which is why I think my back is starting to hurt again. I can't wait to bring everything home and set up, it will make things feel so much more real. At the party the girls were kicking the entire time, I never felt so much movement. It was lovely!! They were having a great time :thumbup::thumbup:
Went for my u/s today. The girls are growing fine. So at 28 weeks one is 2 pounds 9 ounces, and one is 2 pounds 14ounces.

I got all of my other apt's scheduled from now till the end as well.. After 32 weeks I have to go in every week! That seems like so many apts, since it takes at least 2 hours each time, as I have an u/s and see the nurse and dr each time.

How is everyone doing?
wow every week?! Thats crazy and 2 hours each time omg you know having those weekly appointments are going to make time fly by really quickly for you hey. Congrats on the scan and good weights :D

I am doing okay I am having a bit of trouble today though I am just so incredibly sore :(
I know my bump has dropped and I still have not thrown up since then (yay!! :D) but now my aching in my lower back has started up bad and the past two days I have been feeling bruised and swollen down there in my bum and lady parts. Kinda like I went for a really long horse ride.
Its awful and is just getting worse the longer I am sitting or standing. Looks liek another early night for me!

Hope everyone else is feeling better!
hey Addie, good luck at your shower tomorrow. Hope you get lots of cute things and have fun!

My shower isn't until March 25th, but I think it will come soon enough.

I also joined a Multiple Birth Family group here in Canada. I went to a prenatal course with all women expecting multiples. It was pretty neat. Nice to meet some people in this area expecting twins and triples and maybe form some connections.
That's great u joined a group it will help for sure. I'm part of a multiples group as well and I get helpful advice on what to do when the girls come and even advice durin the prefnancy stage. Got sick again yesterday with my colitis ugh it stinks girls r moving a lot tho so I'm glad to know they are ok. I
Am so excited for my shower tomorrow and My furniture comes tomorrow as well. Tuesday is my doc apt so I am anxious I just want to hear they are growing well and are healthy.
Congrats ladies!! I'm overly excited for all of you :) I hope forbtwins but dnt think they run on either side :(
I went to my doctor today and she said baby A is 2.3 pounds and baby B is 2.6 pounds. She said they are both in the normal range for this stage and all looks good. After saying that she said bc baby A is smaller than B and has a bit less fluid than baby B we will see u back in 3 weeks instead of 4 just to keep an eye on things. I said OK but you said things are normal for both. She said yes all looks good babies are both doing very well. Wellllllllll why tell me that A has less fluid and is smaller as if that is not a good thing after saying it is normal for them to be different bc they are not identical???? Do you find the same thing with your babies that they are different weights and such.
At my last scan the girl was 3.4 and the boy was 3.1 they never said anything about the difference in weight. Maybe its only a small thing with the fluid and nothing to worry about and they are just being cautious? Those weights sound pretty good :D

As for me, I got overlooked somehow and my scan I was due for end of last week I wont be getting for another 2 weeks if I am phoned before then with an appointment.
It has been over 4 weeks since I last had a scan, 6 weeks till I actually get one!! and thats IF I get contacted. Bit frustrating that they are leaving me this long, this late without a scan at all.

I had my consultant appointment yesterday and all my pain down below is because baby has his head right down low in my pelvis. I suspected it was but hes all ready to go hehe. His sister is still breech.
At my last scan the girl was 3.4 and the boy was 3.1 they never said anything about the difference in weight. Maybe its only a small thing with the fluid and nothing to worry about and they are just being cautious? Those weights sound pretty good :D

As for me, I got overlooked somehow and my scan I was due for end of last week I wont be getting for another 2 weeks if I am phoned before then with an appointment.
It has been over 4 weeks since I last had a scan, 6 weeks till I actually get one!! and thats IF I get contacted. Bit frustrating that they are leaving me this long, this late without a scan at all.

I had my consultant appointment yesterday and all my pain down below is because baby has his head right down low in my pelvis. I suspected it was but hes all ready to go hehe. His sister is still breech.

Yea she didn't say the fluid level was not normal just that A has less than B. I don't get why she would even tell me that if it is normal, it just causes worry. I am worried now that I won't make it to 36 or 38 weeks bc they will tell me A has lower fluid and they want to deliver me. That is my new fear. I know she said fluid level was normal but then why compare the 2 like that with me. Wish she didn't say anything.

I would call and tell them it has been way 2 long since you have been seen and ask them to take you in. One of my little girls is sideways as well. A is head down, I do not see B going head down I think she will stay how she is lol.
last time i went for a sono - they told me the same thing. B is bigger then A and has more fluid - when i asked why she said its because she is bigger. im going back on thurs to recheck the fluid. as far as one being bigger then the other - that is completely normal because they r 2 completely different babies. Im sure everything is fine with the fluid tho and u dont need to worry. I know what u mean tho - i sometimes feel that although i like to know everything that is going on they sometimes tell u things that make u all worried for no reason.
Yeah I saw the consultant yesterday and she has sent my referral through again so now I have to wait for the call. If I dont hear anything by my next appointment on tuesday with my midwife I will tell her an ask if she can send me for one at a different place. The public hospital here is useless and take their time!

I agree, some things they tell us just worry us more. She could of worded it a bit better I think comparing babies weights and fluid levels with each other is silly.
last time i went for a sono - they told me the same thing. B is bigger then A and has more fluid - when i asked why she said its because she is bigger. im going back on thurs to recheck the fluid. as far as one being bigger then the other - that is completely normal because they r 2 completely different babies. Im sure everything is fine with the fluid tho and u dont need to worry. I know what u mean tho - i sometimes feel that although i like to know everything that is going on they sometimes tell u things that make u all worried for no reason.

Makes sense that if one is bigger they would have more fluid. I don't like how she compared them especially when they are both in the norm, it just causes more worry. I can not wait till May when they are here with me in person!!

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