Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

just a quick update...

my iron has been low and they upped we to 2 iron pills a day plus my prenatal that has iron... but it still dropped lower. Today was my first iron infusion (IV) it waspretty uneventful, just hooked up to an iv, and pumped full of iron. i go back again friday to get my second infusion. After that they will check my levels again, and depending I may or may not need more iron infusions. My next ultrasound is friday as well, I am excited to see how much they weigh now... i hope they are getting nice and plump.

I feel like I have been so lucky as this has been a pretty easy pregnancy- i have kept a positive mental attitude through the pelvic pains, and braxton hicks, etc... and nothing has really gotten me down--- UNTIL... I got my very first hemorrhoid. It is TERRIBLE. I swear it is the most painful thing I have ever been though, and I have birthed a 10 lb 8 oz baby and had a c-section. i can't sit well, so i sit all awkward, and that is causing my back/hips/pubic area to ache, my poor butt is throbbing. i ice it, use witch hazel compresses, and just started using the preparation h... nothing is touching it. i am taking tylenol around the clock, and I am miserable. i cry, i feel bad for myself, i am down in the dumps. Haha, i need to get this butt bump under control, but it keeps getting bigger. I will have the doctor look at it (oh joy) on friday and see what he says.. i want a magical cure, but I am pretty sure there isn't one:) I keep reminding myself that millions of people have hemmorhoids and they are fine. Work is horrible, I hate sitting, it hurts when I walk, go to the bathroom, wipe, i swear to god I feel my heartbeat in it. it is GIANT. I told my husband I am no longer having twins, but triplets- 2 babies and 1 hemmorhoid. I think it was from all the iron tablets I was taking trying to raise my levels, and all the constipation that went along with it. Boo for me. I need to get back on the positive thinking train, and stop feeling so helpless. I just feel like there is nothing i can do where I am not in pain. blaah. I got up at midnight last night and took 5 baths!.... 5 by the time my husband got up for work. i had a non stress test this morning and then my infusion and was supposed to go back to work after but I think I am just going to ice my crack and watch the cooking channel:)

I hope things are going well for all of you ladies! Things really are going well for me- I need to keep reminding myself so many women have delivered twins prematurely at this point, or are on bed rest, or have pre-eclampsia, etc... and if the only thing i can complain about is hemmorhoids- than I am a lucky lucky lucky woman. My babies are doing well, so am i, my poor b.h. on the other hand...;)
Sorry about all the discomfort :hugs: Hopefully the doctor will give you advice on how to get rid it. You are still working?? What week will you stop?? Glad you and the babies are doing well tho. 32 weeks that is awesome!!
That does sound uncomfortable for sure! Let's hope you manage to get it under control... I can't imagine adding that extra discomfort to all the others we all ready have. My hips/lower back have been acting up latley. When I get out of bed or sitting for awhile it takes me awhile to start walking as it's extremely painful.

We did our hospital tour the other day and they were talking about twins that delivered at 29 weeks. So you are very right that we all can be happy that our babies are still growing inside of us.

Addie, maybe the reason they noted the difference is because B is bigger. My Dr. always mentions that B is bigger, then he says, oh it doesn't matter because you are having a planned c-section. Because I guess if B is alot bigger than A, it makes delivery harder? Something like that. nothing to be worried about at all. :) And those are good weights for sure.

Hope you get your next scan soon Zephyr. That must be frustrating for sure. I know I have all my apts booked from now till 36weeks. It would frustrate me if I didn't know them for sure...
That does sound uncomfortable for sure! Let's hope you manage to get it under control... I can't imagine adding that extra discomfort to all the others we all ready have. My hips/lower back have been acting up latley. When I get out of bed or sitting for awhile it takes me awhile to start walking as it's extremely painful.

We did our hospital tour the other day and they were talking about twins that delivered at 29 weeks. So you are very right that we all can be happy that our babies are still growing inside of us.

Addie, maybe the reason they noted the difference is because B is bigger. My Dr. always mentions that B is bigger, then he says, oh it doesn't matter because you are having a planned c-section. Because I guess if B is alot bigger than A, it makes delivery harder? Something like that. nothing to be worried about at all. :) And those are good weights for sure.

Hope you get your next scan soon Zephyr. That must be frustrating for sure. I know I have all my apts booked from now till 36weeks. It would frustrate me if I didn't know them for sure...

That is true. She did say they are both in the norm. I really hope for a vaginal delivery I am so scared of a c-section (and scared of a vaginal lol but the girls have got to come out one way or the other!!) Baby A is head down and B is not 2 much bigger than A at all so I think as long as A stays head down I may have a chance at a vaginal delivery!! I am so excited I am having a 3D video made of the girls on the 22nd. This will be the first time I really get to see their faces the ultrasounds I get I can't tell what they look like so I am just overly excited to get this done and then I can watch them all the time till they come in May!!
Oh wow I am so sorry to hear you are in so much pain! You are 32 weeks now though you dont have much time to go. I know it doesn't help the now but there is an end in sight at least!! I hope the next month goes by fast for you!
Minivan - aww yeah the walking is awful innit?! I have been this way for two weeks now getting up out of a lying or sitting position to standing is pure agony. I cry every time almost and I find myself walking on tippy toes cos even taking a step sends searing pain into my pelvis. Each day is getting harder.

I hope I get my scan soon too, the hospital takes so long to do referrals I'm worried mine will get missed again. Will speak to my midwife on Tuesday and see if she can get in touch with them and find out, If not I will get her to send me off for another one.
Beforehand when it was just my midwife my scans were elsewhere and I went in myself and booked them. Now cos its through the hospital I have to wait for them to contact me with a time. Its so frustrating.
Hey ladies!

Can't remember if I had told you all I had been back admitted to hospital again with contractions? It was a couple of Sunday's ago now but only spent one night on the ward thankfully. All seems to have settled again now and I feel the best I have for weeks!!! I'm sleeping through apart from One wee break and I'm so happy to be well rested!

I completely know what you mean about the bottom problems, I look like I have angelina joley's pout down there! I had a look with the mirror and oh god...Ernest and gallo would use my poor bum for their wine-full blown bunch of ripe purple grapes! Sorry tmi but oh god!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!

Just to put you ladies at ease about the weight issue, at 30 week scan they were nearly a full lb different. Still both just on the scale but opposite ends. Spoke to mw and she said we aren't worried as they are still in the range, cord is working fine and they are two different people at the end of the day. Had my 32 week scan on Tuesday and now they are only 3 lb 13 and 4 lb 2 so our little girl is catching up. She was only 2 lb 15 at 30 weeks and he was 3 lb 11 so it's amazing what two weeks can do for the growth.

I have a date finally, 12 th of April for a c section... Little lad is still breech and she is transverse above him. Dr said the likely hood of them changing now is so remote. Oh well as long as they come out the healthiest way for them!

I'm so done now though what with all the stupid preterm things, the bottom issue and the pains from size errrrrg! Hurry up my little bambinos!!!!!:cry:

Hope your all well!
Wow Nicky that's just over a month away! How exciting, its soooooo close!
Are you nervous?

I am so incredibly sore today :( my lower back and hips ohhhhhhh its not getting any better.
Nikki how awesome you have a date and so soon!!!!!! Thanks for sharing about their weight. I just got scared since one had less fluid ( the smaller one) she is not much smaller she is 2.3 and her sister is 2.6. Doctor said they r doing great so I'll just not worry about it.
Wow Nicky that's just over a month away! How exciting, its soooooo close!
Are you nervous?

I am so incredibly sore today :( my lower back and hips ohhhhhhh its not getting any better.

My body hurts also. Tomorrow I decided I am going to rest all day and my one outing will be the post office. I dont want anyone to come over I just want a day to myself. We have had so many people in n out causing me stress since we remodeled the bathrooms and today we had new windows put in girls room I'm just sick of people being here bc I can't rest when they r here. Tomorrow is a day of full rest.
ohhh enjoy that! I know what you mean, I'm a pretty private person so can only handle so many people in my house and I like those days too! It really is hard to just relax when people are in your home.
It is I can't just rest in my bed when people r working or visiting. Tomorrow is a pj day. :thumbup:
Wow, so exciting about the dates nicki!!! 1 month away, so exciting!!!! I am 2 months from my c-section date now.... Still seems like a lifetime....

I think I remember reading other ladies posts and they would say that at 32 weeks you feel like you can't go on much longer, that you are sore, and you don't think you can handle much more. But that it doesn't get much worse than what you have around 32 to 34 weeks, just stays the same. that's what I am hoping for anyway....
God I really hope it doesn't get too much worse! I also hope I don't get too much bigger either! I need them to stay put at least until the end of this week as we are about two weeks away maybe three from having the new house finished and moved in! STRESS!

I just got the tape measure out to have a go at seeing how huge I am...45.5 inches around (116cm) and from my pubic bone to the top of my bump i am 19 inches (45 cm). I think that is quite big! I have been so lucky, I am all bump-the only bit of luck so far for this pregnancy!

Has anyone else had swollen hands, feet and ankles? Mine only started on friday. I have been reading that it can be a sign that your not too far from going into labour if you haven't experienced it earlier in pregnancy. I'm not too sure how right that is though. I don't think it is too much of a concern because I'm not hugely swollen. When I take my socks off there is a definite indent of nearly half an inch and I can tell my legs are swollen when I try and bend...

How is everyones babies measuring? I hope all is well!

Had a fab week last week, felt on top of the world but the bh have returned again today and I feel all sluggish and unmotivated.
Hey. I would check with your doctor about the swelling just to be on the safe side. My friends feet are super swollen and her doctor said it was fine. It happens when she walks around 2 much.

Soooo I have been starving the past week but the more I eat the more likely the girls will make it stay in my throat till I throw it up :dohh: Every night I have been getting sick bc there is just no room for the food. Last night was the 1st night I didn't get sick last week so that is good. Everyone says small meals so I eat a small meal then 15 min later I am starving and dizzy. Maybe babies are growing.

I have my doctors apt tomorrow. I want to ask them for a due date already. Also next week I am getting a 3D video made of the girls so I am so excited. The first time I will really get to see their faces!!! I didn't tell my DH I want to surprise him with the DVD!!! He is going to love it. He has been so in love with watching them move. When he plays his guitar they move around so I think he will love the 3D video to really get to see his girls!!!
Oh wow I would have loved to have got a 3d scan but it sooooo expensive at the hospital here. It's something like £250!

With the small meals, are you having more of them rather than like just 3 a day? I think if you cut down the size your meant to have more of them like 6 small meals a day. It must be horrible being sick all the time! I feel for you.

Hopefully they will give you a date then you will havve a goal to aim at x
Yes I def want a date to look 4ward 2. The scan here is $250 but I have never seen the girls faces clear and I think it will be a nice memory to have.

My regular OB doesn't do my ultrasounds anymore only the high risk doctor. Last week I asked the high risk doctor if we could flip to 3D so I could see the girls she said no. I think that was very rude and don't see what the big deal is, it's the push of a button.
Nicky, your post about measurements made me curious so I went and measured myself. :) So around my belly I am 52 inches!!!! and from my public bone to the top of my belly I am 45cm, so almost the same as you! I think the last time I did that measurement I was still in the 30's, so stomach has definitely started to get bigger. I guess I am for sure bigger now than I was with both of my previous pregnancies!

Not too much new here. I was going to sing in a concert on the 31st of March. I just really wanted to get out and sing again before these girls come because I know it's gonna be awhile before I can get out of the house and do anything like that. But I have come to the reality that it probably wont' work out. Just practicing the few songs I would sing I realise I just don't have the breath support. Can't get a big breath.... Plus my hips have been killing me, and I am not sure I would make it through the evening... I was sad to have to cancel, but such is life...

I also got it figured out when my MIL will come and visit after the babies are born. When she is here she stresses my hubby out, so it's always best to have short visits. So we are going to ask her not to come until we are home from the hospital for a few days, and then just stay a week. She lives about 8 hours away, so we will have to play it all by ear. At least she is retired, so she should be able to be flexible... :)
does anyone get bad stretching/growing pains?? i used to get them once in a while and now i get them almost daily - i went to a wedding on sat night and on the way there i started getting the pains and since i had no tylenol on me the pain just progressively got worse i literally couldnt even walk. the car ride back was torture. and now i feel like my stomach just got soo much bigger.
I can't even read a book out loud bc I have no breath lol (I read to the babies)

I used to get stretching pain, sometimes I get low vaginal cramps.

So doctor wont give me an induction date. He said if all is well he will just let me go into labour. I told him my high risk doctor said 37 weeks is term and they don't want me going past 38 weeks. He said well if all is good why not get to 40. HE IS A CRACK HEAD!! at 40 weeks I will look and feel 46 weeks pregnant I am not an elephant!!!!! Then he said if I make it to 38 n I am not going into labour and I feel I can not make it to 40 they will induce me. Well thats what the high risk doc wants so why would my reg ob say well get to 40 if you can ugh. I know lots of things play into this I can walk in at 36 weeks and have them tell me ok well time to have these babies bc xyz is going on. But if I make it to 38 without going into labour and babies are good then I want to be induced, thats what high risk said and that is what I want.

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