I wouldn't worry addie, I have spent 28 weeks solid spewing at least 5 times a day at one point I lost 2 kilos in the second tri. All up I have only gained 6 kilos. I was weighed last week last so that may of changed since then. Somehow the babies still managed to pile on the weight and were over 3 lbs each at my last scan!
Your body has a way of getting everything to your babies I think, its just you that suffers. You just have to be sure to keep hydrated and try to eat very small amounts. I hope you can find something that helps

Its awful the sickness!!
Mine came back because I have had to take iron tablets, this morning I was vomiting blood!!! but thats because I must of had a nosebleed in my sleep and since my nose was blocked I think I was swallowing the blood ohhh it was awful!! Freaked me out, but after I blew my nose I realised what had happened, same thing happened last week.
Anyways I was prescribed anti nausea meds which are helping a great deal, its a last resort but maybe you could ask for those?
Sorry I have been MIA too, we switched isp and we had to wait for a new modem to get sent out and we just got back up and conected again today finally! omg its been a very slow boring week not being able to get in touch with anyone I know!
I have had a huge growth spurt the past week too, I went through a clumsy period cos the weight of my bump and I was tripping over everything and a bit wobbly on my feet.
I have a terrible stretching almost skin ripping pain when my girls head is sitting so if I stand for too long it feels like my bump is ripping my skin

and then the usual pelvic pains from the weight of the babies on my hips.
I have an appointment with the specialist tomorrow, then an appointment with a physio therapist the next day to get a support belt fitted so hopefully I can walk a bit better, then the day after that I have my scan so fingers crossed w ehave some good weights in there!! I dont wanna feel like I have been going through all this pain for nothing so I need to see two big healthy babies
Anyways long update, hope everyone is well! I cannot get round my head that we are all going to have babies in the coming weeks! Like.....5 - 6 weeks? some maybe sooner. I am so excited