Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

Hey Addie,

Is the dr you see at the High Risk Clinic the same as your OB? If it's a different dr maybe they can give you an induction date? Either way, once you get to 38 weeks you will be able to ask for an induction I am sure. :) Hope it doesn't drive you too crazy

Just wanted to update everyone on my babies. Just came back from my latest apt. They are now measuring 3lbs 4ounces and 3lbs 10ounces at 30 weeks. :) Cervix is 3cm long right now. They said that is fine. blood pressure is nice and low as usual. 96/60. So nothing exciting to report. Just waiting it out...

Hope everyone is doing well.
Glad your apt went well and those weights are great!!!!!!!

High risk is different than my OB but you are correct at 37 weeks if I do not go naturally I will tell them I want to deliver at 38 weeks.
Every night after dinner I can feel the food stuck in my throat it just can't fit and then I get sick maybe 3 times a night. I just had lunch and food couldn't fit again and keep getting sick. It is making me nervous bc I am scared the girls aren't getting what they need if I keep getting sick. I guess I really have to eat very small meals and not eat as often.
I wouldn't worry addie, I have spent 28 weeks solid spewing at least 5 times a day at one point I lost 2 kilos in the second tri. All up I have only gained 6 kilos. I was weighed last week last so that may of changed since then. Somehow the babies still managed to pile on the weight and were over 3 lbs each at my last scan!
Your body has a way of getting everything to your babies I think, its just you that suffers. You just have to be sure to keep hydrated and try to eat very small amounts. I hope you can find something that helps :( Its awful the sickness!!
Mine came back because I have had to take iron tablets, this morning I was vomiting blood!!! but thats because I must of had a nosebleed in my sleep and since my nose was blocked I think I was swallowing the blood ohhh it was awful!! Freaked me out, but after I blew my nose I realised what had happened, same thing happened last week.
Anyways I was prescribed anti nausea meds which are helping a great deal, its a last resort but maybe you could ask for those?

Sorry I have been MIA too, we switched isp and we had to wait for a new modem to get sent out and we just got back up and conected again today finally! omg its been a very slow boring week not being able to get in touch with anyone I know!

I have had a huge growth spurt the past week too, I went through a clumsy period cos the weight of my bump and I was tripping over everything and a bit wobbly on my feet.
I have a terrible stretching almost skin ripping pain when my girls head is sitting so if I stand for too long it feels like my bump is ripping my skin :( and then the usual pelvic pains from the weight of the babies on my hips.
I have an appointment with the specialist tomorrow, then an appointment with a physio therapist the next day to get a support belt fitted so hopefully I can walk a bit better, then the day after that I have my scan so fingers crossed w ehave some good weights in there!! I dont wanna feel like I have been going through all this pain for nothing so I need to see two big healthy babies :D

Anyways long update, hope everyone is well! I cannot get round my head that we are all going to have babies in the coming weeks! Like.....5 - 6 weeks? some maybe sooner. I am so excited :D
Addie have you tried protein shakes? Can you find a pregnancy friendly one to take and have that with milk? I was doing that 2 or 3 times a day when I coudl not eat much and when I was spewing cos I knew at least the babies were getting minerals and protein from that and then I tried to eat what I could on top of that.
I feel so sorry for you girls! I have a few days here and there where I feel nauseated and don't feel like eating much, but I don't actually vomit. I can't imagine what you are going through... yuck... At least we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I am also on iron pills now. But I have been too chicken to take them with Vit. C on an empty stomach like they recommend. I have heartburn issues (prepregnancy) and I am just getting by as it is, I just don't want to be too sick.... I am a baby I know. :)

Felt pretty bad yesterday. Lots of BH. had to sit around all day to keep them from coming. And the babies moving is starting to feel much different. Not like kicks anymore. They have moved to the wriggling stage. Where they don't have as much room to move around. Seems to hurt more. I am hoping that I am almost at the point where it wont' be worse. Almost there... Almost there....

Getting harder and harder to do stuff with my other two kids. We just finished March break here, and just getting the kids up, feed, dressed and off to the bus was exhausting.
just had my 3rd iron infusion... I have one more scheduled for fri... hopelly that will do the trick and i wont need anymore. I am i turn 34 weeks tomorrow- such a huge milestone! I know I really havent 'done' anything but I cant help but feel proud that I have made it this far... it is so scary reading about all the preterm labor- those poor mommies... how stressful. I feel very blessed.

PS my bump also feels like it is ripping off me when i stand for a bit- ow. I am measuring 48 weeks- ha! to date, i have only gained 4 pounds. (babies were 4lbs 5 oz and 4 lb 7 oz at 32 weeks ultra sound and so they are doing well) don't worry about the throwing up, they just take from you:(
I wouldn't worry addie, I have spent 28 weeks solid spewing at least 5 times a day at one point I lost 2 kilos in the second tri. All up I have only gained 6 kilos. I was weighed last week last so that may of changed since then. Somehow the babies still managed to pile on the weight and were over 3 lbs each at my last scan!
Your body has a way of getting everything to your babies I think, its just you that suffers. You just have to be sure to keep hydrated and try to eat very small amounts. I hope you can find something that helps :( Its awful the sickness!!
Mine came back because I have had to take iron tablets, this morning I was vomiting blood!!! but thats because I must of had a nosebleed in my sleep and since my nose was blocked I think I was swallowing the blood ohhh it was awful!! Freaked me out, but after I blew my nose I realised what had happened, same thing happened last week.
Anyways I was prescribed anti nausea meds which are helping a great deal, its a last resort but maybe you could ask for those?

Sorry I have been MIA too, we switched isp and we had to wait for a new modem to get sent out and we just got back up and conected again today finally! omg its been a very slow boring week not being able to get in touch with anyone I know!

I have had a huge growth spurt the past week too, I went through a clumsy period cos the weight of my bump and I was tripping over everything and a bit wobbly on my feet.
I have a terrible stretching almost skin ripping pain when my girls head is sitting so if I stand for too long it feels like my bump is ripping my skin :( and then the usual pelvic pains from the weight of the babies on my hips.
I have an appointment with the specialist tomorrow, then an appointment with a physio therapist the next day to get a support belt fitted so hopefully I can walk a bit better, then the day after that I have my scan so fingers crossed w ehave some good weights in there!! I dont wanna feel like I have been going through all this pain for nothing so I need to see two big healthy babies :D

Anyways long update, hope everyone is well! I cannot get round my head that we are all going to have babies in the coming weeks! Like.....5 - 6 weeks? some maybe sooner. I am so excited :D

OMG I have pregnancy brain or ADHD I don't know but I just read this post 3 times and can't remember what I want to say in response!!!

Let's start with the meds u were given. My doc did offer them to me if the zantac doesn't work. Zantac does work but I just don't want to take it daily, I get nervous. Clumsy period you say lol. My whole life is a clumsy period, I fall all the time.(only fell once pregnant tho and I was half sitting on the floor so it was not a bad fall) Now I just bump into people with my big bump!!!! I am sure your babies will be a great weight!!!!
I feel so sorry for you girls! I have a few days here and there where I feel nauseated and don't feel like eating much, but I don't actually vomit. I can't imagine what you are going through... yuck... At least we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I am also on iron pills now. But I have been too chicken to take them with Vit. C on an empty stomach like they recommend. I have heartburn issues (prepregnancy) and I am just getting by as it is, I just don't want to be too sick.... I am a baby I know. :)

Felt pretty bad yesterday. Lots of BH. had to sit around all day to keep them from coming. And the babies moving is starting to feel much different. Not like kicks anymore. They have moved to the wriggling stage. Where they don't have as much room to move around. Seems to hurt more. I am hoping that I am almost at the point where it wont' be worse. Almost there... Almost there....

Getting harder and harder to do stuff with my other two kids. We just finished March break here, and just getting the kids up, feed, dressed and off to the bus was exhausting.

I feel like their kicks are more rolling movements now. I do get the big pop corn kicks tho that just keep coming and you can see it outside your belly. So far doesn't hurt so hope it doesn't later on and hopefully yours relax and it doesn't hurt when they move. Soon they will run out of room to move 2 much. We are almost there. I really hope to make it to at least 36 weeks. I keep talking to people tho that went at 33 or 34 weeks but they were on bed rest and such so I am hoping not being on bed rest but still resting a lot means that I can make it to at least 36. My doctor says it means nothing lol bc things can change any day but I still like my positive outlook on it. Oh my you had acid issues be4 being pregnant, are you doing ok with it while pregnant?? I hateeeeeeeeee acid. I never had it before and it is just horrible.
esperanzamama - ooo no! does that ripping feeling get worse? Its horrible! I thought it was just her head pressing on something but maybe not.
Yay you are almost there!!
I feel so sorry for you girls! I have a few days here and there where I feel nauseated and don't feel like eating much, but I don't actually vomit. I can't imagine what you are going through... yuck... At least we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I am also on iron pills now. But I have been too chicken to take them with Vit. C on an empty stomach like they recommend. I have heartburn issues (prepregnancy) and I am just getting by as it is, I just don't want to be too sick.... I am a baby I know. :)

Felt pretty bad yesterday. Lots of BH. had to sit around all day to keep them from coming. And the babies moving is starting to feel much different. Not like kicks anymore. They have moved to the wriggling stage. Where they don't have as much room to move around. Seems to hurt more. I am hoping that I am almost at the point where it wont' be worse. Almost there... Almost there....

Getting harder and harder to do stuff with my other two kids. We just finished March break here, and just getting the kids up, feed, dressed and off to the bus was exhausting.

just had my 3rd iron infusion... I have one more scheduled for fri... hopelly that will do the trick and i wont need anymore. I am i turn 34 weeks tomorrow- such a huge milestone! I know I really havent 'done' anything but I cant help but feel proud that I have made it this far... it is so scary reading about all the preterm labor- those poor mommies... how stressful. I feel very blessed.

PS my bump also feels like it is ripping off me when i stand for a bit- ow. I am measuring 48 weeks- ha! to date, i have only gained 4 pounds. (babies were 4lbs 5 oz and 4 lb 7 oz at 32 weeks ultra sound and so they are doing well) don't worry about the throwing up, they just take from you:(

WOW 34 weeks that is awesome!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! I can't wait to make it to 34 weeks. Hopefully time goes by fast.
Ahh okay, well at least something helps :D If you really are worried though get a protein shake of some sort.

Minivan - I don't feel the babies much anymore I think they have just run out of room. I have mentioned it heaps but no one seems concerned at all so I guess its normal. It was just the girl who quietened down now its the both of them.
I would def tell doctor like u did if movements reduced, but with twins it is normal for that to happen bc they do run out of room.
I think we are all getting to the hardest part of the pregnancy. I remember when I was first pregnant with twins I thought, no problem I can do this. Didn't really think about all the things that would be different than with my other pregnancies....

I am having a grumpy day today.... Just one of those days I guess. I hope it will pass quickly as I don't really have time to be grumpy. LOL
I agree Minivan, I knew it would be hard but I really had no idea :p

My ripping on the top of my bump is whats bothering me today! I had another burst of energy and managed to clean my kitchen from top to bottom and I am feeling pretty good today, no pelvic pains, no BH's just that tearing pain, like someones trying to rip my bump off. haha O_O Surely that cant be normal? I'll have to ask at my appointment which is in an hour yaaaaay!!! Finally
My consultant is awesome! I finally got to meet him :D My mum worked at the hospital before she moved overseas so knows who he is and she said I was very lucky to have got him but now I see why!
He even said that if my babies are breech he will do a breech delivery if that is what I want to do! Not sure if I would but it is good to know that I actually have some control of the situation.
We will find out in two days if my little monkeys have flipped or if they have stayed put :D I can't imagine they have changed positions, I would like to know how they would manage that without me noticing.

esperanzamama - I am so incredibly nervous about how little time is left and then I remember you are further along than me, are you nervous at all?
Nicky as well, your date is coming up soon! You have what 3 or 4 weeks left?! omigosh
I honestly am not all that nervous... I think it is some sort of weird mental preservation/block. haha. It must be some coping mechanisim- as soo as I start thinking about carrying two babies to the car (plus herding a toddler) i get really nervous. I just dont think about it. I am so lucky becuase my husband is AMAZING and would do anything for me and our family- he give me so much support that I know we will be fine- just thinking about the little details gets me stressed. C-section? no problem, loading the car with babies? nerve shattering. Weird huh? Tick tock- we are down to 30 days at the MOST. C-sect scheduled for april 19th... lets see if I make it that far.
Zephyr- at 28 weeks both babies were head down- at 30 weeks one was breach and the other was transverse and at 32 weeks one is head down and the other is still transverse - drs say they have plenty of time to move into/or out of position. too early too tell... a breach delivery sounds painful.
OK how are you all doing thins. I am about to break rt now. My bump feels like it is ripping off of me, my acid is just horrible and I again got sick last night. I don't want to take zantac 150 every day to prevent the acid bc medicine during pregnancy makes me nervous. I just feel like I can not do anything anymore. I am also tired of people telling me it is for a good reason and people would kill to be in my shoes. WELLLLLL YEA I get it is for a good reason but it doesn't make it any easier or make me feel any better. If I had the choice I would do this again to have my daughters but people telling me that does nothing but annoy me.
I understand your frustration Addie. I have hit a wall the last two days. Just feel grumpy and down. And could cry at the drop of a hat, which is totally not me. I am hoping that it will go away. I think I am in a feeling sorry for myself mood... :) Just need to focus on all the great things. Oh, and if it makes you feel any better I take two Zantac 150's everyday just to get by, plus tums on top of that. I was on a stronger medication that I had to stop when I got pregnant. So this is doing the trick, on most days.

Like my baby shower this Sunday. It will be fun, and then I can really get things finalized for when the girls come.

Let's see, C-section date is May 11th (38 weeks 3 days). I will be pretty happy to make it anywhere past 36 weeks. But if I count to the surgery date I have 52 days to go.... urgh.... under 30 days sounds great!!! here's hoping with Easter and all it will go by quickly.

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