Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

Hi ladies!! Funny you mention movement. I am nervous that I keep feeling movement on one side and not the other?? I think I have only felt one baby move a lot and the other just a couple times.

Have you had this feeling?? Over my left hip bone I had a pinching feeling on and off. Then when I walked on my left side it just felt odd like maybe one of the girls was going into my side or pushing something into my back, it was odd and not confortable. I called the doctor and they said where the pinching is sounds normal but to call if it starts to spread to other areas or gets worse. I think it was one of them on a nerve or something. This happen to you??
addie - I had a pinching feeling round my hip area (the front near my groin area) last week and it was awful, I figured it was nerve related and that it was probably one of the babies.
I'm the same with the movement too though they keep swapping. The girl was the one who was doing little to no movement and actually had me worried for a while there.
Then the boy did it and now they both are moving round heaps so I dunno. Its still really worrying though.

I had a really bad couple of days last week btu since then I have been feeling okay just been busy and had heaps to do and get too tired.

Last night my sleep was awful though I kept waking up sore and having to roll onto my other side, which does not help with my tiredness at all :p

Hope evryone is doing well
Oh yeah yesterday my twins were being very impolite! I was sitting having a rest and they I dunno they sort of expanded or stretched themselves out to take up ALL the space so my ribs hurt so I moved upwards a bit more and stretched to give them more room - lol bad idea within a few seconds they did the same thing again, expanded I moved some more and then they did it again both at the same time! It was unreal and I was so uncomfortable haha
Awww they are copying each other. Yes I wake up sore as well sometimes my hips hurt so badly I can't lay on my side fully. My back was horrible for a while but has been a bit better the last couple days. :thumbup:
try not to worry about the kicking only on one side or thinking it is only one...

I had the same worries- I was telling my doctor that I could only usually feel one of them, and only on one side- when we did the ultrasound the boy was laying across my stomach with feet to the left, and the girl was head down feet to the left--- basically i was feeling both kick in the same area, on one side, and assumed it was only one... They are allllll over the place now, phew!
I'm feeling kicks everywhere tonight and I think they are getting into patterns of when they like to move (ie, when I'm resting!!) sounds like your twins zephyr!!

I really like feeling them move about/kick, but its not really a pleasurable experience as it was with my first!!

And welcome Sarah!!
and I read somewhere that by 24w weight gain of between 24-30lbs is expected (double the singleton expectations)

and is it just me, but I've been getting a lot of comments lately from strangers asking how much time left I have with the pregnancy, and I'm like, uh, I'm only 22w, but having twins... but what I do enjoy is when people ask what sex the baby is (again, strangers) I say, a boy and a girl!!

...and I'm looking forward to Thursday, viability day!!! :happydance::happydance:

TMI but yesterday I had a little clump of yellow and today a little clump of yellow in my undies. Is this normal???????? I have not had this while pregnant before. It wasn't a lot but it was thick and wanted to see if it is something that happens or if I should call my doctor?? It really wasn't a lot or anything but bc it was thick I got a bit nervous.
addie - i wouldnt worry. as long as u dont have any other symptoms to accompany I'm sure its just normal discharge.
So my doctor wants me to go see an allergist so he knows what meds I can take later on in the pregnancy since I am prone to utis during pregnancy. I know they wouldn't ask me to do something if it was harmful for the babies but an allergist makes me nervous. They stick u with all kinds of meds to see if u react to them and the babies can't have those meds. I know they say they put it under ur skin and it doesn't go into ur system but what if it does. I told my doctor what I'm allergic 2 I don't get y I need to go to an allergist?
Doesn't sound like fun addie25. I hope you are doing okay. Don't stress too much! Hope they get it figured out!
Hey Addie25 - How are you feeling? Have they got anything figured out yet? I was thinking about you last night while reading in one of my pregnancy books. It was telling me that a symptom of gestational diabetes can be frequent urination and recurrent uti's. Just made me think of you. I know here in Canada we don't have our glucose test until between 24 and 28 weeks, but we do have a urine strip test each visit to the obgyn to check for protein. Have you been getting checked? Just thought of you.
Hey those strip tests are done each time for me and come back normal. I will be tested at 24 weeks for GD. I soooo hope I don't have that. I go to the bathroom a lot but my doc says that's normal bc I'm pregnant and be4 I was pregnant I went a lot. I actually went so often be4 I was pregnant I got tested for regular diabetes and I don't have it thank god. We shall see. I go to the doctor today and hopefully find out if I have a uti and of not what that pain was. I am feeling good now so that's positive.
How'd your doctor go addie? I hope it all went okay!

Well I dropped in today to let you all know I feel really really gross! Seriously I feel huge and I feel short of breath and nauseas today with no energy whatsoever. I feel like I can't complain about it to anyone I know either :( and I do kinda feel like having a big cry would make me feel better.....maybe uggh pregnancy! Usually I enjoy it but today is not one of those days!!
Anyone else having some rough days every so often where they feel like everything is so hard!? Or am I the only one? Most of the time I feel good but today omg......whata day! I can't wait till I am back in bed sleeping this one off.

I have my next scan the day after tomorrow, fingers crossed all is well hopefully I get some better pictures this time and not just the tops of the babies heads haha.
Sorry you arent feeling well. I have those days. All I want to do is lay down and rest when they come about but better days are coming u will feel great soon!! My apt went well I had no infection no kidney stone so they think it was a painful back spasm. I have my next apt on the 7th and hopefully the girls are doing great and continue to be healthy!! I can't wait to see them I hope I get better pictures of their profiles :cloud9::cloud9:
Addie, glad you are doing ok and that you have been checked out!!

Zephyr, I totally agree some days are much harder and I do not know what I would do if I had to go to work at the moment, I'm just so exhausted and spend lots of time laying down. My husband can tell I'm exhausted this time around and is really helping out but I am just still panicking about coping once they are here. I know everything will be fine and it will all work out but I get so overwhlemed and having a good cry helps...except if dh sees me crying, then I get in trouble (pretend trouble - he hates to see me cry!!)

Well have my 24w scan on Monday, not looking forward to it...its nice to see babies on screen but it hurts so much... the last 2 scans I've had the sonographers push down soooo hard, and then constantly are like, 'are you ok' as I'm just laying there in pain, I'm like no Im not ok!! and the last scan the lady kept asking me if I felt faint!! I must look awful lol!! and then I have a GD/GTT test on the 14th... and mw on the 16th, feel like I have constant appointments now, but I also feel like I'm not getting consistent care, I wish I had a midwife that had experience in twins....

Going to start looking at getting a Doula, I'm sooo worried about getting a managed hospital birth and I just don't want that!! (obv whats best for babies) so worrying!

I hear you ladies. I get more worried everyday. If I already feel like this, how I am gonna make it to 38 weeks.... But I know it will work out.

I don't get much sleep at night as my pelvic is always killing me. I roll over from one side to the other all night long. Some days I feel totally drained and don't do much. I feel bad for my 2 1/2 yr old at home as she dosen't get as much from me as she used to. Mom guilt I guess.

I'm also wishing this pregnancy would go by fast. I didn't feel that way with the other two, I had very normal pregnancies. This will be my last pregnancy so I know I should be enjoying it, it's just hard.

I totally feel like a complainer, but also feel good that you ladies know what I am going through. :)

I go for my first apt with the high risk clinic tomorrow. I will be seeing my obgyn at that clinic from now on. One more step.

At least I know that I will have a scheduled c-section since my last two were c-sections it's the safer option for me. So that is positive. :)

Thanks for listening ladies...
I feel the same way. I want to enjoy the pregnancy more but I wish it would just fly by bc I want my girls here with me safe and sound. Pregnancy to me is scary, I am always afraid something will go wrong (my doctor gave me an award last week saying I get an award for most visits to the office while pregnant and I am only 22 weeks) Wellllllll w/e I like to make sure my girls are ok. I do enjoy the movement tho so hopefully that can help me relax when I can feel them more and more so I know they are ok. We are not planning on more children so I really should enjoy this pregnancy more but I just can't wait to meet them!! I feel like I have more control when they are here and have no control while they are in me. Odd I know bc most pregnant people want to keep their babies in them safe and sound but I feel like I can protect them and keep them nice and safe when they come out.
I have just copied and pasted what I wrote in another thread cos it was lots of typing lol

I just got home from my scan It was wonderful. It took ages though and halfway through I found myself not even looking at the screen and talking with the lady cos it got boring, is that bad? I was there for well over 40 minutes and she tried really hard for so long to get one clear shot of the girls spine but it just would not happen. When she moved on to measurements again I was all excited watching but getting that shot (that she never ended up getting) omg it was so hard I feel sorry for the poor lady.

She even said to me jokingly "I really hope I'm not scanning you next time"
I said "ohh whys that?" and she said cos usually it gets alot harder to work out everything as you get further along and I would believe her too, this time round everything was even more jumbled and half the time it looked like there were 6 different babies in there!!

So anyways Both babies have switched position and she let out a "oh no" sigh when she saw that (cos she wasnt sure who was who) but once we confirmed that the sex's were one of each she knew who was who!
Both babies are laying transverse side by side and the girl is totally face down that explains all those strange kicks in my bum I have been getting We couldn't get a profile picture of the girl or even see her mouth and no pic of her today

Both twins are measuring just over a week ahead on their tummies and almost a week ahead on everything else. The boys estimated weight is 2.1 pounds and the girls is 2.2 pounds.
That's a lot of baby so far! no wonder I feel so heavy


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and aww I just read everyone's replies It really sucks that you all have off days too, but I am really glad there are some people who can relate!
I am sort of starting to get really exhausted now, I am defnitely slowing down and most days I feel like I can not survive without a nap.

This is my last pregnancy too and I find myself wanting things to hurry up and then I feel guilty because I should be enjoying it more, but then I think well no one enjoys feeling uncomfortable and in pain etc so I guess its not that bad that I want time to fly!.
I know with my single babies things were easy in comparison.

I am STILL vomiting!! and my sleeping is disturbed a great deal now. I feel better than the other day, but still a bit run down and I have started counting down the weeks now......

Time is flying by though I just want it to go faster, and mrsbeanbump - I know what you mean, I have those moments too and freak out so much about what its gunna be like when they are here. So many things to worry about!
Well apparently sitting around makes my body feel like I ran 5 miles!! :haha:

I am in bed now in pain bc of my day.

1. Breakfast with my friend
2. Resting at my moms and then I took my moms scooter and rode around the block so we could walk the dogs. Took the scooter so I didn't walk bc that causes vaginal cramps if I walk to much. So basically I sat on a motorized scooter and drove around for 10 min so the dogs could use the bathroom.
3. Attempted to clean out some water bottles from my car but couldn't bend so gave up.
4. Sat outside for a couple hours chatting with my cousin bc it was beautiful
5. Drove home

What part of this day should make my body feel like I ran 5 miles??

I guess I really cant do much of anything but lay in bed and go 2 a store or 2 and not sit straight up. The sitting is what I think caused my body to react like this.

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