Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

Zephyr: I agree that the screen gets confusing when they are doing the measuring. I have no idea what I am looking at half time time. She did get 2 zoom in on their faces but it wasn't a great picture bc 2 much is going on in there. Glad everything went well for you tho and the babies are doing well :thumbup:
Aww addie, that sounds like half of my days! lol
Especially the bending over part!! I have noticed the last few days I cannot bend over forwards anymore :( and it really sucks cos I have 3 kids so usually I do a lot of bending forwards picking things up off the floor etc but now anything that involves that I have to call someone else for help or do it really awkwardly.

I hope you feel better soon :D
That would be half ur day? Wow thats good u can do more. Yea bending is not going to happen till babies r born in May. Guess I just have to spend most my days laying in bed but thats ok. I pick one thing a day I have to do and thats that.
I didn't have as much movement today from the girls :shrug: Is this an issue or is is different each day?? I don't get a tun of movement to begin with I get some in the morning, afternoon, and night but its not for long stretches of time at all. I know they sleep a lot but how often do you feel your babies, and for how long a period each time??
Yeah my days are definitely slowing down and I do spend a lot of it resting. As soon as I start aching I will rest. Some days are great and I get loads done, others are very unproductive and nothing gets done! Just depends on the day I guess.

With the babies moving, they have quiet days which are really worrying and other days I feel them move a bit but never really as much as my single babies.
The other problem I have too is I cannot really tell who is who unless its clear kicks from either the bottom or top.

So how is everyone feeling now??
I have had more movement but can not tell who is who :shrug: I have a doctors apt tomorrow so knowing where they are located should help me know who is who :thumbup:

I have started snoring. I woke up this morning (I was half awake) and I hear this really loud truck like noise and realize it is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSOOO super embarrassing I had a coughing fit last night and I was coughing so hard that I peed in my pants!!!!!!!!! Thank god we were home but now I am nervous about doing that in public. Guess I will have to bring a change of close when I go out just like I will do for the babies LOL.
Oh no! I'm in the same boat, I have had to wear liners now just in case! Nothing worse than going out and having a sneeze fit and yeah.....

I had my midwife appointment today and she wasnt sure which position the babies were in but thinks they are still transverse. I am measuring 30 weeks now!!
Today was meant to be my last appointment but I still have not yet recieved my appointment from the hospital to switch care so we made another for two weeks time. Hopefully by then I will have seen them at the hospital and have a date for my next scan :D

I have a Glucose tolerance test on Friday too, not really looking forward to that but I guess I have to.

Hope everyone is well!
the babies are moving loads for me and I've started to figure out who is who and which way they are. We had a scan yesterday and before the scan I said I thought they were both head down as I was feeling kicks on both sides and they were so yay I was right! I think just knowing one is 'left twin' and one is 'right twin' helps me figure out where they might be...

I have my GTT on 14th Feb.... but you zephyr you don't have to 'do' anything. I personally am thinking about not getting the test done. The reason i'm supposed to be getting it is my bmi is 33ish I think and over 30 is recommended to be tested. I think bmi's are by no means an indicator of anything as I have quite big bones and am tall and seeing the ideal bmi weight associated to my height, to me is unrealistic. So I, personally, am still in limbo about getting it done, which I've said to my consultant and midwife..the consultant was quite understanding but the midwife was trying to use scare tactics. I think it depends on what makes you risky for Gestational Diabetes. Sorry, I am just a bit touchy at the minute about 'having' to do stuff as I am trying unsuccessfully to crusade for a natural birth and everywhere I turn it seems twins are too risky to do more than lie on your back and push :( (which do not get me wrong can be some peoples cup of tea, but I'm not a fan and I want to be offered choices) and if I have to come to the realisation that I also might be having a c-section for any emergencies, I'd like to think of the actual birth of a more natural experience (something to aim for) the end of the day I'll do whats best for babies, but I'm sooo discouraged at the minute!! Sorry for this little rant xxx
Where I live everyone is tested for gestational diabetes. My test is the 14th as well. I understand what u mean about having options. My one OB says both have to be head down for me to attempt pushing the others say just baby A has to be head down so I pray when I have them the other doctors are there so I can have a vaginal birth. I'm ok with having an epidural and pushing in an operating room to be on the safe side if a c section is needed but I so hope it's not needed.
I hate being told what I have to do.... :( I just want to have some control!! I'm looking into getting a doula with natural twin birth experience to come along with me to hospital. At the minute I've told my consultant I want a home birth, which he will not sign off (fair enough) but I'm hoping that will give me some negotiation later to not being so managed or monitored when at hospital. and my bp has soared, have a midwife appt next thursday, hope it comes down by then. I need to just relax and stop thinking about everything for a bit!! xx

In case anyone was interested in reading a natural twin home birth story... it does happen. But that doesn't mean my consultant still didn't look at me like I had 4 heads when I said I wanted one!! :) xx
I hate being told what I have to do.... :( I just want to have some control!! I'm looking into getting a doula with natural twin birth experience to come along with me to hospital. At the minute I've told my consultant I want a home birth, which he will not sign off (fair enough) but I'm hoping that will give me some negotiation later to not being so managed or monitored when at hospital. and my bp has soared, have a midwife appt next thursday, hope it comes down by then. I need to just relax and stop thinking about everything for a bit!! xx

Hopefully they let you make some decisions. I hate being told what to do as well. I am all for a hospital birth. I am paranoid and like to be monitored. My practice has midwives and I would love for them to be at our birth as well but not sure how to go about requesting that bc I have not met them yet just have been seeing the doctors. Today I see the high risk doctor. I have not met this one in the practice yet but my friend has and she said he told her she needs to relax bc she is paranoid....Well if he thinks she is paranoid he may have me committed lol!!!! I will try and be nice and relaxed bc if he is that kind of doctor I don't want him thinking what I say is out of fear and nothing is really wrong if every I called after hours and he was to be on call you know. 3 years ago my mom was in a hospital and she couldn't walk, she collapsed at work and when they went to send her home she couldn't move her legs. Turned out she needed spinal surgery but her doctor pulled me out into the hall and asked me if she was an overly stressed person and if she makes things up and so on!!!! He didn't believe that she couldn't walk. After a couple weeks she switched hospitals and got the surgery she needed but those weeks of that ass accusing her of not telling the truth cost her movement and she can walk just not as well as you or I and needs a scooter when going to stores. That is my fear that I keep showing these doctors I am so paranoid about things going wrong that they wont trust me when I feel something is wrong u know.
Im glad Im not the only paranoid one, but I think i'm paranoid the other way!!! ;)... like they'll take actions before necessary... like 'OMG twin 2 has not arrived and its been 15 minutes so lets ventuse/forceps'....(in my hospital it says twin 2 should arrive within 15 minutes whereas it is more accurate for a natural twin birth between 20-45 minutes.) So I dont want rush/rash decisions to be made... I need to start writing an 'ideal' birth plan and an emergency birth plan. But a good thing that did come out of the meeting with consultant is that when we meet again in 4 weeks we are going to talk more about the birth and he suggested we also meet with a head midwife in the labour ward. I just cant deal with the stress at the minute!! No wonder my bp is going up! But I do feel lucky that I have some close friends that are well informed and advocates of natural birth (even twins) so they are encouraging & supportive... (the only ones!) xx
My hospital said twin b can be born even an hour later. It 2 separate births and have to push just like you did for the 1st baby.
Sorry to hear that you guys are having some stressful times. For me it was an easy decision as I have had two previous c-sections, so a third one it will be for me. If I was having a single baby I was already thinking of doing VBAC as this will be my last pregnancy.

Things are going well here. Still slowing down. Trying to realise how I need to slow down and do it. My mom and Hubby are getting on my back about slowing down, but there are just so many things to do. I am so thankful that I insisted that we do the babies room really early. I already don't have as much energy as I did 5 weeks ago.

I don't know exactly how big I am now as my dr. didn't measure me at my last apt. But at 22 weeks I was measuring 29 weeks. So I know that I am well in to 34 week territory by now. I was looking back at some older pictures of previous pregnancies and I definatley am getting close to being the same size as I was at the end of my first. Scary stuff.

We all go for the GT here in Canada as well. It's just routine to test all pregnant women. If you have other indicators they might send you for the longer test right away. I need to go and do my test this week.

I've started going to the High Risk Clinic, which is good. They are actually on time, no more waiting for an hour or more for my Dr. at his office. So I like that. They gave me the weights of the girls at my 24w u/s to be 1pound 6 ounces and 1pound 8 ounces. So pretty good. Just shy of the 50th percentile. So I think that's good. There is always something to worry about.

I was just worrying about movement yesterday as well. For the past for weeks I was feeling a pattern of movement, and then yesterday it seemed like I really didn't feel them alot. worry, worry, worry.... I am so ready for May....
Having a rough day today. Woke up fine, made some pancakes for the kids. Sat down to eat with hubby. Ate some pancakes and a breakfast sausage with a hot chocolate.. Then right when I was done, threw it all up!!! Come on what's going on. No other symptoms. I am hoping that morning sickness has not come back... Not cool... :)

Here is a twin home birth I was told to watch on youtube. This lady looks like she is just hanging out no issues. I was in shock how easy it went for her and it made me feel a little more relaxed. I want to be in a hospital but if I am able to have a vaginal birth I home it goes like this.
Oh my! You ladies are brave haha. I cant even really give the birth much thought tbh it scares me. I had all my 3 babies in hospital and will have these two there also. I am not sure what hospitals are like over where you are, but here as long as you have a great midwife/and or specialist the hospitals aren't too bad. My last experience was awful adn put me off having more kids (almost) but that was one bad apple. I don't think I could do it at home, I wouldn't be able to relax just because I know if on the odd chance something were to go wrong, by the time I even got to hospital it could end badly, where as in hospital I know I wouldn't have that worry there.
Good luck if you do end up doing it! I would if I could but I worry too much also after 2 natural births I will be definitely having epidural :p

Minivan - My vomiting hasn't actually left me at all, it eased off to mornings only now and some weeks are great, maybe once or twice but lately it has been every morning.
Even if I have not eaten or drank yet I still throw up and my stomach clenches and it hurts cos there is nothing to throw up.
My midwife said that it will probably stay till the end, I was hopeful that I may get some relief from it but I don't think sounds really sad but its actually become part of my morning routine the past couple of weeks :( I was just saying in another thread that I am just starting to enjoy the pegnancy a bit but can't wait till I dont need to spew again!! I am well and truly over that part. Like so over it, its like a chore now every time I know its gunna happen I stomp slowly down to the bathroom sighing and shaking my head lol.

I can't remember when I posted here last but I had my GT test done on Friday just waiting for the results which I will probably get next week at my appointment.
I am still waiting on my hospital card to show up in the post with my specialist appointment.

Not much else been happening, aside from getting huge! I noticed today my belly touches the drivers wheel in the car and I'm sort of left thinking "Am I actually going to be able to drive in 6 weeks time?"
I sort of got sidetracked when I was talking about the birth thing, I was meant to talk about it a bit more but forgot (see this is my pregnancy fog shining through right here!!Its so bad)
I have been getting heaps of braxton hicks contractions and some of them have been quite painful and the other night I woke up in absolute pain! I actually thought I was in labour cos I had woken up from a dream where I was 10 cms dialated and about to start pushing. Turns out my extremely full bladder was making me have these awful braxtons!

The birth terrifies me! Any time I have discussion with anyone about the birth I end up feeling so anxious, I dont even know why?! Whether its the pain that bothers me, the unknown, or the fact that theres gunna be two babies.....I just dont know.
I also need to have a hospital birth. I need to be monitored and know what's going on. It makes me very nervous as well. I hate the idea of a c-section and a vaginal birth scares me with 2 babies. I rather have a day from hell and do a vaginal birth than weeks of recovery from a c-section tho. I am going to get an epidural ( have no choice actually doctors said with twins they make u get one I case u need to have a c-section I want one anyway so that's fine) hat should make it a bit better.

Sorry you are feeling sick. Hopefully it passes soon :hugs:
I would freak out If I had B contractions. How do u know when it's a real one or a B one??

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