doubting our decisions for LO


Mummy to Ella
Aug 12, 2010
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I am really starting to doubt the decisions we have been making for LO. For example we decided to go down the BLW route and although she is not totally ready I have been allowing her to play with bits of food as a bit of sensory play - much like a treasure basket. I am now doubting my judgement as to wether blw is the route for us/LO.

I am doubting my skills as a mother across the board - a few of the parenting choices we made when pregnant have been thrown out the window as when LO they weren't right for her such as breast feeding, not using a dummy etc.

I guess I am just worried that I am doing it all wrong and am some how messing her up. Maybe its just the sudden multiple wakings in the night for feeds thats just started.

I don't know if what I am doing is right anymore
But what you just said shows how you are doing it all right. Something didn't work for LO so you changed it to make her happier - you can't mess her up doing that.
I agree with Punk_pig! What you had planned didn't work out so you did what was best for LO and changed. Just becuase you want to do BLW, doesn't mean you can't if LO is ready for something more now - just TW for a few weeks then move to BLW when she is more ready. Don't doubt yourself - your doing great! No-one can prepare you for having a baby and you just need to do what works!!
:hugs: You're not doing anything wrong my lovely. It's all about adapting to what suits your LO best. I totally failed to do things that I was adamant on doing, but that's because they didn't suit Holly. I definitely wasn't bargaining on a LO that refused to breastfeed, had reflux and a cow's milk protein intolerance (and a crazy uncontrollable nutcase to boot!). Looking at Ella's age, it seems that the dreaded 4 month sleep regression has hit. Holly used to STTN, and when she hit that age, woke up all the time. The length of time it lasts varies between LOs - hopefully it won't last long, it's pretty tough. Sounds like you need cheering up, why don't you come back to join us in the losers club? x x :hugs:
your LO is still very young so re: BLW, I wouldn't expect too much! We started at 5.5 months and she didn't really start eating proper amounts until 2 weeks later. BLW is brilliant once you get into it!! And soooooooooooo much easier!!

Like punk pig said, if something doesnt work for her, you are changing it for what she wants. i said i was going to bf and not use a dummy too, but both of those ideas went out the window once poppy arrived. as long as your lo is happy, you are doing a great job!
Trust your instinct hun! There is no right or wrong way of parenting. Alot of what I was adamant we'd do flew out the window when LO was born! Each baby is different and what works for one may not work for another. Trust that you are doing the very best you can and everything else will fall into place x
thanks ladies.

I don't expect anything from her right now regards BLW - its more I wanted to give her experiences of different textures and smells and am using food as part of that. I just have a niggle that maybe she wants more - her mouth goes when she watches us eat, she literally doesn't take her eyes off someone if they have food. Also I held a bit of pear out for her this morning (she was struggling to pick it up as it was slippery and sliding around the highchair tray and annoying her) and she grabbed my hand and pushed the pear into her mouth where she gummed some off and seemed to really enjoy it.

The sleep regression hit around 4 months but has now gone up a notch which doesn't help.
I thought I was going to BF, not use a dummy, not rock her to sleep in my arms or the pram etc etc. Now my ideals have gone out the window were a lot happier and I'll do whatever for a bit of an easy life :haha: There's no way of knowing what will work and what won't and your LO will tell you what goes! I bet you're doing a great job, your baby is healthy and happy so you must be doing something right :)
you sound like you are doing great. I dont know many people who have stricktly stuck to baby led weaning. Have read recently that it could cause poor nutrition if the baby doesnt take to it well. You natural instincts will take over like for other decisions. My little girl got to play with what we ate at food times from 5 months but she got frustrated at not being able to eat some of it. Eg meat that needs chewing etc so these she got to play with but also mashed up on a spoon. Yogurts got fed on a spoon as well as this just felt right to me. Do what feels right for you and mainly have fun with it and you toddler will learn that food is fun! not something to worry about.
(nothing against strict blw though :)

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