dreading xmas day.fighting the temptation!


proud single mummy
Nov 30, 2009
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You no im sooo very happy im pregnant again(number 6 :wacko:)But what a time to be pregnant....over xmas.Got to admitt i can be a party animal at times and love nothing more than to get cheery and merry over xmas:blush:.What with family coming down from up country whom all like a good ole merry time at xmas,im gunna be stuck as soba as a judge:cry:I probably wont enjoy the atmosphere of the sherry and brandy and the irish coffees on xmas day:cry:as i wont be able to join in.Im gettn over weight and clothes not fitting.Bet il be stuck in a corner with a table full of pies:cry:
How can i enjoy the atmosphere when so many family members will be gettn tipsey and merry?
Im kinda dreading it.
Are you all going to enjoy your xmas day with merry people around you?
we have a large family and although were not all drinkers we do celebrate major holidays.
Do they know you're pregant? I'm more concerned about people guessing the minute I say no to a drink! We are all drinkers, but I don't mind not drinking.

Being pregnant is far more exciting - Xmas is just one day!!
they dont know as yet..as was saving it till monday when they be here..
I'm sure once they know you'll be the focus of all the fun anyway!
I don't drink much anyway, especially over christmas and so it won't be a problem for me thankfully. Hope you get through it ok x
We had our xmas work dinner recently and I have to say I didn't miss the drink at all, which coming from me is a big deal as I do like a drink and am normally at the centre of frivolities! It was actually quite weird watching everyone else get drunk, but as they had just found out my news I was well looked after and pretty much centre of attention anyway so I don't feel like I was left out at all! I'm sure once your family known they'll be far more interested in your news and you'll be so busy talking about your bubs you won't even miss the drink!
This is going to be my second Christmas season in a row being pregnant... I just keep telling myself "wait until NEXT Christmas! I'll be making up for it!". When it got really tough, I'd just have myself a "virgin" version of a drink... like a non-alcoholic margarita, strawberry daquiri or a bloody mary. And I let myself indulge in the food without a bit of guilt...
Ha ha I know what you mean!!

Imaparty animal tooand like a tipple or two...especially at xmas. Fortunately for me though, I can honestly say not drinking hasnt bothered me one bit which Im really surprised at. I will have a couple of drinks though with dinner so wont feel like im missing out that much...but I really could take it or leave it.
why would you feel down?? your pregnant! i cant think of a better excuse or reason not to drink. i defo wont be feeling down on xmas day just because i cant have a drink i have the best reason in the world! just my opinion.x
I'm too travelling to see my partners family for Xmas day and I know everyone will be tipsey and merry, however im not ready to tell anyone yet so I'll be using the good old "I'm Driving" excuse.... I dont think il mind been sober. Ive got the present instore for me next year:)
Do you know what? I came home from my work christmas do on friday and said to my OH "anyone who says you can still have a good time and not drink is lying!!" ;-)

Absolutely totally and utterly thrilled to have my peanut but i know im going to find the festive season REALLY hard esp. as im not exactly surrounded with T-Totallers!!

Plus I just feel soooo... tired and even moving to go to the bathroom requires phenomenal effort so christmas frivolities have no hope!

I know EXACTLY how you feel! I definitely enjoyed my drinks before getting pregnant, and the holidays has been especially tough. My family are all huge drinkers, and I predict I'll end up going to bed early with a book and a mug of caffeine-free tea; it's hard not to feel like a spoil sport! My strategy so far has been to have one sip of my husband's drink, just to feel like part of the fun. Or I'll hold a wine glass with two sips poured into it, and I'll nurse it all through dinner. Especially if we're having steak, I love the taste of good red wine right after a bit of peppery steak...mmmmm.... Anyway, if you're having a sip or two once a week, the baby is going to be just fine. Then switch to cranberry juice and seltzer water, or some other virgin drink, and try to ignore how sloppy your friends and family are getting :)

Here's to staying strong over the holidays, cheers!
iv decided ladies il get some shandy or make my own with weak lager and have a couple after dinner on xmas day..think around the evening time im going to steal my sons new xbox 360 and try my hand at video games lol!
I can remember when I was about 12/13 feeling quite cross with my mum for being so "silly" at christmas - she rarely drinks but has always enjoyed a few glasses come christmas.

I reckon this Christmas will be just like i've gone back in time. Think going to bed is probably a very good idea - they will probably have driven me mad by about midnight (if i'm still able to keep my eyes open by then!)

My difficulty is i'm finding it quite tricky to find a drink that doesn't aggravate peanut. He/she doesn't seem to be very keen on milk, water, coke...and peanut's reaction to orange juice is no good for anyone!! :-(
Its a great excuse to have an 'all you cat eat day' hehee.
Im not bothered about the non drinking part though, i usually like a good drink but im more occupied about thinking about the little bean.
My parents/family don't know yet though so when i say no to the drink im thinking they will guess.. eeeek! xx
I totally agree... I can be a little bit of a lush. :)

Well I've learned that I don't miss the drinking so much because I'm so excited to be preggers BUT I've also learned that most social events that involve drinking are not fun if you are sober. I've been to a lot over the past couple of months and I am sooo bored, probably doesn't help that I'm so exhausted that being social feels like a chore, lol. I'm hoping it's not so bad once first tri is over cause I have to get used to it since I plan on breastfeeding too.

It is also how most of the people at my work who know have guessed. Seeing me not drink at work events was like putting a neon sign over my head that said "Preggers lady here".
I am not a drinker, I usually have one drink with my girlfriend on Christmas Eve, but it is no biggy missing out.
I have been TTC for 3yrs, and all I wanted for Christmas was to be pregnant, so I will be Merry and Happy knowing we made it here.
Awww I know exactly how you feel, I have been dreading Xmas day too!!

Going to the pub / work do's etc sober as well is NO fun at all in my opinion... however, I have recently found one thing that makes it bearable...

People drinking around you who don't know your preggers is horrible but actually, if the people know that your pg then it's not too bad at all. You're suddenly the centre of attention and people seem to make more of an effort not to get wasted or rub it in your face how much they're enjoying that beer...!! So I'm hoping that when we tell all the family over Xmas it will make it more fun for me even minus the drinking.

Of course I wouldn't give up my lil bean for a few drinks over Xmas (or anything else for that matter!) but that doesn't change the fact that it is really hard from going to having a social life that pretty much revolves around the pub and having a few beers in the evening to being Mrs Dry and generally feeling quite left out.

Is it just me, or do people become really annoying when they get drunk as well?? I have never noticed it before!!
Do they know you're pregant? I'm more concerned about people guessing the minute I say no to a drink! We are all drinkers, but I don't mind not drinking.

Being pregnant is far more exciting - Xmas is just one day!!

Hahaha me too!! So i've been telling everyone i'm on antibiotics for a chest infection and avoiding christmas parties for the same reason.

I'm not sad about it though, I couldn't think of a better reason to say no thanks! And there are some yummmmy fruit cocktails out there too, which is handy considering i've given up fizzy drinks!:thumbup:

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