Due around August 20th!

Hi girls,found it too.

Tomorrow I have a scan again.Not so worried really now,I got some symptoms back and no sign of bleeding.I will try more tonight to find the HB.
Hope everyone is doing good.10 weeks today...but I will be relieved when I get to 14-15 weeks now.
The scare from Saturday made me not want to tell people that we are expecting.

Good to hear!! I do not blame you for wanting to wait now. Just a few more weeks and we will be in 2nd tri!!!! Keep us posted! :hugs:
Hi ladies! I am due (so far, by LMP) on August 22nd. Had a quick US at almost 8 weeks that showed the heartbeat but no dating done then. Next scan and appointment at almost 12 weeks.

This will be #1 for my husband and me. We just bought our first house and I can't wait to decorate baby's room.

I am very ready to be out of the first trimester- as I'm sure you all are too. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I also just want to tell everyone and relive the excitement again!
Hi ladies! I am due (so far, by LMP) on August 22nd. Had a quick US at almost 8 weeks that showed the heartbeat but no dating done then. Next scan and appointment at almost 12 weeks.

This will be #1 for my husband and me. We just bought our first house and I can't wait to decorate baby's room.

I am very ready to be out of the first trimester- as I'm sure you all are too. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I also just want to tell everyone and relive the excitement again!

I hear ya on the sick and tired. LOL
Good morning/afternoon everyone :flower:

How are you ladies feeling?

I'm feeling much better than yesterday, thankfully. I had a lot of head pressure and dizziness and was awful tired. I tested my blood and it came back a bit high so I am keeping a close eye on it just to be safe. I'm just tired today. Back doesn't hurt as much though so I am quite happy.

Very nervous about tomorrow because I have an appointment with a new cardiologist. I'm scared because I fear that, if he doesn't know much about my condition, he'll simply dismiss it and undo about 10 years of personal medical progress. :cry: Really hope he will be nice and not some grumpy old man. He didn't look too smiley on his picture... :nope: I hate meeting new doctors!

What are you ladies up to today? Have any of you purchased anything yet? I've only purchased a baby book and looking into a pregnancy journal. That's it for now though.

Have a sweet day everyone!
Hi girls,found it too.

Tomorrow I have a scan again.Not so worried really now,I got some symptoms back and no sign of bleeding.I will try more tonight to find the HB.
Hope everyone is doing good.10 weeks today...but I will be relieved when I get to 14-15 weeks now.
The scare from Saturday made me not want to tell people that we are expecting.

were you able to find the HB last night? be sure to update us on your appt!:thumbup:
Jazzy: your appointment is today? Keep us updaded!

Nela: Do you have a heart condition? Good luck meeting your new doctor! I have only nought a girl outfit and a girl outfit. Hahaha. My friend gave me a book ( it is her nephew's favorite book). I will not (or try not) to buy anything else until 20 weeks. No clothes until June! We are not finding out the sex so I want to be able to return anything we cannot use! Haha

I have a doctor appointmet today. Just a pap, getting blood work results back etc. And hopefully she will try and find the hb!

I never eat fast food...I have probably had it once or twice in the last year but I have been craving a big mac like crazy!!!!!! Should I cave and get one for lunch after my appointment?!
Sure get one,is tasty:)
Yes got appointment today have to see what is going on and why I get so high blood pressure.
Jazzy: your appointment is today? Keep us updaded!

Nela: Do you have a heart condition? Good luck meeting your new doctor! I have only nought a girl outfit and a girl outfit. Hahaha. My friend gave me a book ( it is her nephew's favorite book). I will not (or try not) to buy anything else until 20 weeks. No clothes until June! We are not finding out the sex so I want to be able to return anything we cannot use! Haha

I have a doctor appointmet today. Just a pap, getting blood work results back etc. And hopefully she will try and find the hb!

I never eat fast food...I have probably had it once or twice in the last year but I have been craving a big mac like crazy!!!!!! Should I cave and get one for lunch after my appointment?!

Hey you! How did your appointment go? I haven't heard back from my blood test results from last Friday but I'm not sure how long it would take anyway. She bruised me quite a bit though. I haven't had a pap, hoping to get away with it... :haha: Did you end up getting your Big Mac?

Yeah, I have a problem with my nervous system which causes it to go randomly crazy. It affects my heart and sends it into tachycardia like crazy sometimes. It's not dangerous but can cause me to pass out so I've been on beta-blockers for a few years. They want to check now if it's better to have me on them or not during the pregnancy.
My appointment is in half an hour. I am lucky and my doctor is about a 4 minute drive from my house.

Have not gotten a Big Mac yet..it is only 1030 here in MN but seriously considering getting one for lunch! (Took the whole day off for my appointment). ; ).

Nela: that is scary but at least it is not dangerous for the baby. Passing out is the worst!

Jazzy: good luck at your appointment!

I will update after my appointment while I am shoving my face with a Big Mac! Haha
Hey ladies! I had my appointment and it went really good! She just did a pap ( I was due for one) She said my uterus felt good and was growing at the rate it should be. She listened for the heartbeat..I could not hear it but she said she could hear it (only because she knew exactly what to listen for and she had done it like a million times. haha) 170 bpm! She said my thyroid felt big so she had the nurse take some blood to have that tested...not quite sure what that could mean, but she said the results should be back in the next 2-3 days.

She had me schedule an appointment for 2 weeks and she said at that time I will for sure be able to hear the heartbeat, then after that I will have appointments every four weeks.

She said if I wanted to to the first trimester screening, we would do that in two weeks so I have to call and let the office know if I want to. I am torn on if I should do it or not. The results wouldn't change anything, but at the same time, it would be nice knowing if something was wrong. What do you ladies think about the first tri screening?

Oh, and I got the Big Mac and it was DELICIOUS!!!
Hey ladies! I had my appointment and it went really good! She just did a pap ( I was due for one) She said my uterus felt good and was growing at the rate it should be. She listened for the heartbeat..I could not hear it but she said she could hear it (only because she knew exactly what to listen for and she had done it like a million times. haha) 170 bpm! She said my thyroid felt big so she had the nurse take some blood to have that tested...not quite sure what that could mean, but she said the results should be back in the next 2-3 days.

She had me schedule an appointment for 2 weeks and she said at that time I will for sure be able to hear the heartbeat, then after that I will have appointments every four weeks.

She said if I wanted to to the first trimester screening, we would do that in two weeks so I have to call and let the office know if I want to. I am torn on if I should do it or not. The results wouldn't change anything, but at the same time, it would be nice knowing if something was wrong. What do you ladies think about the first tri screening?

Oh, and I got the Big Mac and it was DELICIOUS!!!

If that is the MT21 test, I got it and I'm currently waiting for the results. However, I'm 42, so advanced maternal age factors into why I got the test.
Everything is fine ladies.back in the game.
Heart beat was easy to find,I also found it with my doppler.Very happy right now!
Hi, im new to the site. Heres a bit abt me and our blip. I'm approx 9 weeks. U/s on 4th. Pregnant With our firstand this pregnancy is rough. I over analyze everything so I freak easily I guess I've been sick since before my pos test. But this past week has been worse. My symptoms include but not limited to ..... Nose bleed sneezing (didnt expect those until I did some research.) constipation ugh. Bloated sore boobs tiredness cramping supper moody and emotional. (Husband and i are at eachothers throats this past two wks) Mostly I'm sick like no food to throw up. Can't stand thought of food but starving grocery shopping sucks! Lost four ponds in two wks. I talk to my family and they say they've probably experienced one of all my symptoms THANKS haha. Rub it in my face a little huh. I'm very excited can't wait to leave first trimester. My tummy may be getting a little stiff but no bump. Good luck ladies.

Woot, I am glad your appointment went well! :flower: Aaack the screening... We debated about that one for a while and then decided that we would not do it. We decided we didn't want to risk stressing ourselves in case the test would come back with a higher than expected risk factor as we wouldn't want to do the following invasive tests anyway. Of course, I totally understand why someone would do the reverse as well. It was a tough call really. In the end, we just decided to trust in our future and just deal with things as they come. That's just a fancy way of saying that we're 'winging' it really... :haha: It's not that I don't think it's serious, but I just don't want to react out of sheer emotion and make decisions based on emotions. Like, if the test came back with high risk, then probably I would be more tempted to do an invasive test and yet, when I am calm, I know that I do not want to risk that kind of test. So yeah. I'm babbling... :dohh: Glad you enjoyed your Big Mac! :happydance: I'm craving an Angry Whopper. Lol. I blame you!


Very happy to hear that all is well! :flower:


Welcome :flower: I hope your symptoms subside a bit so you can get to feeling a little better. I am pregnant for the first time as well so I am quite nervous but I am learning to let go of the things I cannot control. Easier said than done though, right? :haha: Looking forward to getting to know you better.


As for myself, I am totally stressed today. Trying hard not to think about today's appointment with the cardiologist but failing. I just hope he's not a jerk. Glad my Mr. will be coming with me! That's the good thing, OH's manager has been very supportive of us and our appointments. I was very concerned because it's a new job and he's taking a lot of time off (he's paid by the week, not by the hour so it's important that he works those hours) with all of the appointments but it seems to be going alright at the moment. I made him take my pregnancy folder from the hospital to show her all the dates and things so she could see that he's not making things up or anything. She asked him to write it down for her just so she knows when to expect him to be away. That was a big relief. I am not home here and I am not comfy speaking dutch yet, especially when it comes to important medical conversations and it just helps to have my OH with me. He's always very calm and reassuring. I had always said that if I had a c-section I wouldn't want anyone in there with me, but I am starting to change my mind rather quickly on that. I don't think he'd be thrilled to hear me say I would want him in there though because it freaks him out. Hehe. Ahhhh and I am babbling again... Sorry, didn't sleep much... :haha:

Have a good day ladies! :flower:
How did your appointnent go? Hope the doctor wasn't an ass!!
SMGP- I would say do the screening, just because I think it is a good excuse to both see baby (it's an ultrasound) and to have some kind of idea if you are going to have to deal with anything you may not have expected in the first place. For instance, if this child I am carrying happens to have downs syndrome, that wont change anything for me and my husband, but we would like to be prepared and do reasearch on how to handle things and the differences (if any) in raising a child with downs.. Just my two cents:)

This is going to be long so please bear with me. :haha:

I wanted to cry from relief for how much better than expected the appointment went. The cardiologist was much nicer than I expected and he actually listened so I felt much better very quickly. He knew about my heart issue but he was rather shocked at my actual condition that causes it. He was rather impressed with how crazy my body can react. LOL. The great fun about him was that he told I was his first patient ever to present with a confirmed Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia so he told me he was happy to have something new to work with. Now, THAT'S the kind of doctor I want - one who is eager to learn something new, despite having years and years of experience.

Of course, we discussed the beta blockers and he was very happy that I stopped the one I was on immediately because he said it would have stopped the baby growing. Phew! Glad I trusted my own instincts on that and didn't just jump on the 'should be safe' and take it on assumptions. He did say that that kind of tach. is benign so it's really mainly a question of comfort. I told him I know that very well and that I was on them because when I was hospitalized with a heart rate of 180bpm, they were convinced I would pass out if I walked around. Since my heart rate can jump up extremely quickly, the beta-blocker prevents it from jumping like that as often and as high. He was shocked that it had jumped that high. Suddenly, he kind of realized that it really could be a bit more of a problem than he thought. It's still benign of course, but the real issue is the risk of passing out. Also, I've never experienced severe pain and since your heart rate increases naturally with it, I also wonder what effect that will have on delivery. Which is something very important for them to look into which is why right now they are thinking it might need to be done via c-section. Anyway, he was asking about what happens with my blood pressure when the tach. kicks in and I told him that it's usually normal but I can randomly have drops but that I didn't think it was directly related to the tach. more just to the autonomic dysfunction as a whole so they don't go hand-in-hand. I explained that it was the same autonomic dysfunction that could cause my temperature, sugar, etc. to randomly drop. His eyes went wide and he said "Dysautonomia huh? I think I have some homework to do tonight!" I apologized and he replied "No no, thank you. It's nice to have something new to do sometimes." I wanted to hug him...

Anyway, he did an EKG right there on the spot. I am still trying to get used to this dutch way of just being told to "drop your clothes" and not being given any form of gown or anything... Lol :wacko: Incredibly disconcerting for someone who is body-conscious and not used to stripping naked! Luckily, the woman who did the EKG was very very friendly and was telling me all about her son in Canada and had me chatting so I almost forgot I was lying there completely topless. (Was the same at my first ultrasound. The lady just said "Ok drop all your bottoms, lie down here, scoot your bottom aaaalll the way to the edge, and open wide!" :shy: Of course, I tried opening as little as possible and all she looked at the Mr. and said "Awwww she's shy, cute." LOL.)

Anywho, he caught the sinus tach. on the EKG. so that is good. Now, I have 3 more appointments in February including an echo, 24-hr halter monitor and another with him.

Aside from that, I have like 6 other appointments from here to March so that will be keeping us very very busy. However, now, I am much less stressed about them now that my cardiologist is on board. I've been very blessed to find such nice doctors! I'm very relieved now.

So, that's how that went yesterday. Are you sorry you asked yet? :haha:
That is awesome!! Happy you like your doc! Where are you originally from? And why are you now living there? (If you do not mind me asking). That is very odd that they just tell you to "get naked!" Haha! Sooooo weird!

At least the doc sounds like he knows what he is doing!
That is awesome!! Happy you like your doc! Where are you originally from? And why are you now living there? (If you do not mind me asking). That is very odd that they just tell you to "get naked!" Haha! Sooooo weird!

At least the doc sounds like he knows what he is doing!

Thanks :hugs: I'm originally from Montreal, Canada. I moved to the Netherlands in 2009 to be with my love. Hehehe. Ah the things we do for love! :blush: Yeah, I was really taken aback by that request. Lol. I knew the Dutch were not shy in that respect but sheesh! :haha:

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