still feeling like a major hangover...ugh. Meant to do more housework, but every time I get up and move around I get super dizzy. How are you feeling mrs. LQ?
I am actually a researcher (PhD student). I am the one behind the scenes making discoveries and advancing medicine! I work on autism and mental ******ation (the politically correct term is intellectual disability, but if I said that you probably wouldn't know what I was talking about). I spend my days in a lab playing with brains and studying synapses involved in memory formation.
Being a lawyer is total rubbish, DH hates it. At least in law enforcement you are directly helping and protecting the community!! Gardening sounds lovely, I only have an aerogarden https://www.aerogrow.com/ (since we live on the 17th floor of a high rise).
I also heard that your feet grow and we might have to get entirely new shoes!!
Hi ladies I was just wondering if I could join in with you. I am due around 6th Nov (4 days before my 29th Birthday!!) with baby #3. I am in Queensland in Australia and I already have boy/girl twins who are 2years and 8 months old. My twins were concieved using IVF however this little one was a natural little miracle!!! I have irregular cycles so today I had a blood test with my local GP which I will get the results back on Wednesday and also have a scan booked in for 16/3 to check my dates and confirm my due date. I have also booked into the same Obstetrician that delivered my twins and will see her when I am 10 weeks along!
So far I have sore boobs, I have started feeling really tired and occasionally feeling a little bit off but not too sick. With my twin pregnancy I had severe morning sickness from about 4.5 weeks until 18 weeks so I am really hoping this time around it is not as bad.
You both sound like you have amazing jobs!! I am mainly a stay at home Mum (the best job in the world being a Mum!!) and I also work one day at an office and half a day from home.
Notjustey - Happy Birthday for tomorrow I hope you have a lovely day and are not too sick on your Birthday.