Due Early Nov 2011

Oh yeah, if it's a scan this early on it will be I think - my friend had one done with what she lovingly refers to as 'dildo-cam!' but at least you'll know everything's going as it should be. I kind of feel like I'm in limbo till I see the midwife. But it's only 6 weeks away and at least if I make it to that point I can tell the world! I don't think due dates really mean anything because most first time mums go over anyway. We'll probably both be twiddling our thumbs waiting for something to happen on 2nd Nov!

I have a 9 month old Jack Russell Terrier. He's currently cuddled up to me on the sofa, so cute! I grew tomatoes last year outside and they were rubbish, they just stayed green! I think it's our weather - wasn't really hot enough for long enough. I did grow peas though, they were lush.

We'll have to look into feet exercises!
Congrats Quartz and Amerikiwi! Welcome!

Twinkie my day did end up lovely, thanks. He does always know how to cheer me up. How cute about your twins, bet it was hard leaving them!
So the twins survived their first day of kindy and they loved it. Yay!! I have just been spoilt to a night out at the movies with one of my girlfriends. My OH bought us the tickets and he looked after the kids while we went to the movies. He is such a sweetheart!! I am going back to the GP tomorrow for my blood test results so hopefully they are all normal.

DrGomps- As for an internal scan don't be too scared. I had heaps of them while going through fertility treatment and while the first one is a scary thought it isn't that bad. I would assume that an early scan would definately be done by an internal so just prepare yourself for that when you go. As Notjustyet said her friend calls it dildo cam and funnily enough that is what my OH and I used to call it also lol. It doesn't hurt at all.

Hi everyone else :hi:
part of the reason why I am concerned is I bled during my pap...but that is much more invasiv (actually scraping) then the camera (I hope). I don't blead during bd so should be fine (sorry TMI).

I love Jack Russells!! Awe!!! They are great dogs and so smart (especially for their size)!
I am debating whether or not to spread the news to everyone (i.e. on facebook). I have so much I want to share and could use the support. hmmm....

Twinkie, your DH sounds like a doll!! Was it emotional sending them off to school the first time?? My poor DH has been working like a dog, leaves the house around 6:30am comes home around 10pm. I have to go to the scan next week without him (I am bringing a close friend).
I'm sure the scan will go fine, try not to overthink it. Focus on the getting to see your baby part of it!

I know, he's a little genius! He picks up everything we train him to do really quickly. I'm hoping he'll adjust to the baby really fast too. He's never been allowed upstairs so that should make it easier in the early days.

I'm getting excited about announcing it too. I'm not planning on doing the facebook one until 12 weeks though, so I've had my scan and know the baby's ok. You could wait until after your early scan? That's not long now. Or just go for it! What were you planning on posting? A cheeky hint or a full blown announcement?

Twinkie your DH does sound lovely! That's so sweet.
Your jack russell sounds lovely.We have a cat and he is pretty smart. he uses the toliet. :D

Today was sort of a crazy day for me symptom wise, got light headed and dizzy because I was hungry, had total baby brain moments, nausea, gassiness and pure and utter exhaustion (almost didn't make it through the day).
Haha that is genius! How did you manage to train him to do that? We don't allow my dog upstairs (don't fancy dog hair in the bed) but if he could do that I would reconsider!

I am feeling worse symptom-wise too, particularly sickness - I nearly threw up this morning brushing my teeth. Spoke to my sister about it (she's 20 weeks) and she told me she was only sick a handful of times but felt sick a lot of the first tri and she told me she felt less tired after 16 weeks. I'm on holiday from about 14 weeks so hopefully not long to go till I'm feeling better. Have you got any sisters / cousins who've been through it recently? I'm finding my sis really useful! And I'm just hoping my pregnancy goes similarly to hers (I'd much rather be sick a handful of times than constantly).
Notjustyet- The tired feeling definately does pass. The second tri is the best I think. You have more energy and generally m/s has stopped or slowed down a bit. That is great that your sis is pg too. My sister in law is also pg with her second and due in July so our babies won't be too far apart. This will make grandchildren 4&5 for my oh parents!!

DrGromps - How are the symtoms going now?

Hi everyone else!!

As for me I got my blood test results back yesterday. The blood was taken on Monday so I was 15DPO and the result came back at 74 so I was pleased with that. I googled HCG results and from what I have read my level was within the right area which is good. I am still feeling pretty good still very sore boobs and tired but not too sick yet which is the complete oposite than I was with my other pg. I was vomiting by 4.5 weeks several times a day :dohh: I have booked in with the same obstetrician as I had with my twins and I see her when I will be 10 weeks along. I can't wait to see her again and show her the twins and how much they have grown. The last time she saw them they were only 6 weeks old.

Ok better go night everyone :flower:
notjustyet, I used a litterbox that goes under the toliet seat with flushable litter. Basically everyweek I removed a ring until it got wider and wider and he was using the toilet!! its great!!!

No one in my family is pregnant at the moment but several of my good friends are so I have the support. Actually they are going to give me some of their hand me downs by the time my bean is born theres will already have outgrown some of their clothes!! This is actually the first grandchild for both my parents and DH parents and great grandchild for both my grandpas (both my grandmas have passed). So this baby will be spoiled, though we are in NYC and our family is all in california.
Greetings all! How's everyone feeling today?

DrGomps, brilliant toilet training your cat! I love the idea. I was joking with my husband that maybe we'll pottytrain our cat and daughter at the same time-lol.

Notjustyet, I know the feeling about feeling sick teeth brushing. That was the worse for me the first time round. I went off mint flavoured toothpaste after throwing it up so many times. Cycled through cinamin flavoured and even lemon to avoid the mint.

Twinkie, great news on the bloodwork! I haven't had any beta tests, so I just keep POAS and watching the line getting darker. At 16DPO in the middle the pregnancy line on the FRER was so dark there was barely any ink left for the control line. Justified or not, it gave me a bit of peace of mind. :)

I agree with twinkie about second tri being the best! My morning sickness stopped almost bang on 12 weeks with my first. You get energy back and you're not huge yet. Plus second tri is when you starting relaxing about the pregnancy, go fully public with the news, and feel bubs kicking for the first time. :cloud9:

So far, no vomitting although I am getting queezy if I go too long without eating. The crackers are now bedside, especially helpful when DD wakes me up at 2am! The tiredness is def. in full swing--I am absolutely exhausted. Actually closed my eyes whilst walking with the stroller the other day.

Any big plans for the weekend? We're thinking of going to the zoo and beach--one of our favourite family days out. :happydance:
hi amerikiwi!! Does that mean you are from new zealand? LOL. Congrats on your :bfp: when are you due??

Already can't wait for the 2nd trimester...so exhausted!! All the time!!
hi amerikiwi!! Does that mean you are from new zealand? LOL. Congrats on your :bfp: when are you due??

Already can't wait for the 2nd trimester...so exhausted!! All the time!!

Thank you! I'm due on 7th of November and super excited. :happydance:

The Amerikiwi name should probably be Amerikiwioz now. I grew up in the USA, married a Kiwi and moved to New Zealand for five years. My husband's job transferred us to Australia, so we're now living in Sydney! My daughter is a true "amerikiwi" and has both passports. If my Oz permanenet residency application comes through before baby 2, it will be a tri-citizen!

How did everyone tell their partners, or was your partner with you when you tested?

With my first, we got the BFP two days after his birthday so I bough a card that said "Happy Birthday DAD!" and signed it from baby. This time, we had family coming to stay with us the next day so I didn't have a chance to get anything fancy (I wanted to get my daughter a t-shirt that said Big Sister) so I told him over dinner. :thumbup:
Amerikiwi....hehehe...so you really are an amerikiwi!! I have always wanted to go to new zealand and australia..but its so far that when I do I want to spend alot of time there. Will have to wait now until the bean grows up a bit.

I got a faint :bfp: on 9 DPO but DH didn't believe it so I got a digital. The next morning I took it before he work up and then I woke him up to show the digi and he said he didnt see a line. LOL. I had to point out there was no line, but it was a word to read.
We then called my folks and his folks (when it was late enough because of the time difference). We videochatted on skype (our families are in california). My mom cried and his mom danced a jig and screamed!!
Hi ladies. How is everyone feeling?

I am starting to feel slightly queezy in the mornings. I am no where near vomiting yet but feeling a bit off. Also at the moment I am so hungry. I feel like I could just eat all the time :dohh: Counting down the days until my scan I am desperate to see my little bubba (and to make sure there is only one in there lol) 9 more sleeps to go!! I feel like this last week has gone really slowly.

What is happening with everyone else?
Hi ladies. How is everyone feeling?

I am starting to feel slightly queezy in the mornings. I am no where near vomiting yet but feeling a bit off. Also at the moment I am so hungry. I feel like I could just eat all the time :dohh: Counting down the days until my scan I am desperate to see my little bubba (and to make sure there is only one in there lol) 9 more sleeps to go!! I feel like this last week has gone really slowly.

What is happening with everyone else?

Hi twinkie.

My little girl is only abit older then your two. She was born may2008. You seem the same as me with sickness last time. I got sick at 6 weeks and lasted till 18 weeks or should i say was under control with meds by then till the end of pregnancy. I don't know if you had this but i had hyperemesis. Was in and out of hospital. Now i am doing it all again and no sickness yet but i am so scared as i get near to 6 weeks. Lets hope we both have less sickness this time round. good luck with the scan.
congrats quartzbaby!! and welcome!! Is this your first? How long have you been ttc?

Hi DrGomps

Thank you congrats to you too. It will be my second, i have a little girl who will be 3 in may. We were very blessed and conceived on our second month this time round. How about you? Have you had your scan yet? I am so looking forward to when i get a scan. Seeing your little one for the first one makes it feel so much more real.
quartz, my scan is tuesday. We took 5 months to conceive but only two of actual charting/opks etc.

puked today...ugh...hope its not the start of more sickness. :(
:hi: Hi Sandy. Welcome to the group and congrats on your pregnancy!!

DrGomps - Oh dear your first puke :sick: I hope it doesn't get too bad for you. I tried just about every morning sickness cure when pg first time around and I would have to say that continuing to eat as much as you don't want to will actually help. I think the sickness is far worse on an empty stomach.

Quartzbaby- Our kids are very close in age then. My two are June babies. How are you finding this age? I have days where I love this age they are so independent now with a lot of things but other days where they are really hard work. Is your little girl the same? Does she throw tantrums yet? M/s until 18 weeks is just not fair is it :wacko: I wasn't put in hospital like you however I did take maxilon pretty much every day up until 18 weeks just to keep some food and fluid down.

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