Due in July 2012

First off....Canada!! OMG I am soo happy everything is okay what a freakin SCARE THAT mucst have been!!

SLC Mommy...Boooooooo:nope: Ugh!!! I am so sorry! I thought mine came back too but only stuck around for a day thank goodness! My best friends with the morning sickness have been Ginger or Peppermint candy. I tired everything and those were the best!

I think I have heartburn?! Never had it so Im not sure if thats what it is but Fri, Sat and Sun the pain was so bad after eating on my right side of my ribs (so upper right side) I HAD to lady down and strecth out or I could barely stand it! Thought it was just maybe my ligament pains I have had then thougth okay no its happening when i eat, then went from "do i have gallstones?" to "am I developing a food allergy?" To now: Heatrburn? Any suggestions? It has happened withe after eating and while I was still in the middle of a meal. It lasts from an hour to two hours and I can't really even stand the ONLY thing that makes it better and almost even pain free is laying down. and it is not happening with EVERYTHING I eat just some foods. So far Monday, Tuesday and today I haven't had it happen once.

How about "itchy tummy syndrome?" lol. ANy of you ladies have that yet? I JUST started itching yesterday....pretty bad too!! Been lotioning up everywhere and I have ALWAYS bene one to lather up with oil and lotion from head to toe when i get out of the shower so I STILL of COURSE now do that with Viatmin E oil and lotion, I am PRAYING I dont get hit with the stretch mark stick!! Stretchmarks anyone?? My Mom and Sister (sister just had twin baby boys and is a tiny thing like me) got away with strecthmark-free pregnancy so I am hoping i have their skin lol.

Now we have 3 new topics to talk about :thumbup:
Stretch Marks
and Heartburn!
Canada & Angela - I have an OBGYN appointment tomorrow so I'm definitely going to take about getting on some medication for my icky morning sickness! Hopefully I'll be setting up an appointment for my anatomy scan as well :)
Angela, I too get heartburn at times...especially when I eat chocolate.... And the annoying thing is, I crave chocolate all the time lol! I have taken tums when I can't take the burn....but ask your doc first.....mine said it was all good....I am getting itchy skin....instead of itching I rub lol....and you could see your reflection in my belly because it's so oiled lol.

Slc have a great appt! Hopefully your ic can help with your MS......keep us posted
I have had an itchy tummy too! It is so strange because I had never heard it was a symptom, but it's been pretty consistent since the 10th week or so.

Thankfully I haven't had too much heartburn, just round ligament pain from time to time
SLC!! I just saw your signature!!! :'( I am SO sorry and devastated for your loss! </3


When my husband & I decided to TTC - we weren't sure what it would bring. Being his first biological, we were praying I'd get a BFP soon. We TTC for three months, but it seems like that every month that went by that I didn't get pregnant - I prayed and cried harder. Oh, how we really wanted our sweet bundle of joy. I had taken a pregnancy test one morning - negative. Something inside of of told me that I was indeed pregnant - so I retested a few hours later (not with FMU) and I got an awesome BFP. You can imagine my delight because that was such a pleasant surprise.

Having an ultrasound done at 6 weeks was so much fun. I already seen the personality of this baby...it was scared and hid from the ultrasound wand. I had an ultrasound with my OBGYN when I was shy of 10 weeks - same cute little personality! HATED the ultrasound wand and danced it's way, & kicked off the sides of my uterus to try and escape it. It was so adorable. MY OBGYN even joked "who does the baby get the hyperactive from?" and in unison, my DH & I made it very clear... my husband, LOL. It was such a beautiful moment.

We agonized on names - and was set. All we had to do was find out the gender in three weeks and I could announce my baby's name to the world (okay, not to EVERYONE). My morning sickness was still terrible - but my borrowed bassinette that was heaping full of all the stuff I already bought that sat under one of my bedroom windows kept the reminder this was all for a good cause. I recently had bought items for breastfeeding, feeding pillow, etc... including setting up a "nursing station" right next to my side of the bed complete with a lamp, lansinoh cream and a breastfeeding book that I was almost finished reading, and a beautiful home made baby's first blanket along with many other cute, sentimental baby items. I also recently just put over $200.00 of these AMAZING cloth diapers in layaway at a cloth diapering baby store and I was so excited to use them. I had I had put off school knowing that I fully wanted to establish breastfeeding before doing anything because I deeply desired to give my baby that.

With pregnancy comes a lot of bizarre and strange dreams. Most don't mean anything...while I am beginning to think some do. When I had dreamed of the baby - the baby was always a girl. She was absolutely gorgeous and soft. Her smell was that of a newborn, and her hair was always light blonde. In the two dreams, I was nursing her. It was so realistic that I would wake up sore (guess where?... lol!). Every time this happened, it would be on a morning my husband had off...and I would tell him. He would just smile and say "you just want to breastfeed so badly!", kind of laughing it off. But, I would insist he listen because I kept telling him the dreams were the most realistic dreams that I have ever had. I would literally feel her. Feel her full-term weight. I had dressed her in pink, and my both dreams each time I had the most intense mother/daughter bond with this newborn, just like my other three. Last week, I had a terrible, horrible, graphic dream that I was 13/14 weeks and I miscarried. The baby literally fell on the floor with the umbilical cord still attached. It was terribly realistic. I told my husband right away and he said it meant nothing - now I'm wondering if my body knew what was going to happen. I was so incredibly excited and anticipating her birth. My husband and children were gaining more and more excitement too as my belly grew and I started to show. Haylie always talked about holding the baby, feeding it and, and yes - even changing it! Josh and I already had a cute little midnight-crying system figured out and even up until the day of my last OBGYN appointment, he would lay in bed, put his hand on my tummy and talk to the baby. I could tell he was already SO much in love, but our two prior ultrasounds gave that away by the light and glow in his eyes... Well, and he also was beaming ear to ear. He even would try to convince the baby that he should be the favored parent! .... What a stinker.

So, it was a usual morning on the day of my OBGYN visit. We got to the physicians office a little early, so we sat in the lobby and played on our phones, and giggled like schoolgirls that we were excited for my anatomy scan in three weeks. I told my husband that, oddly....I felt fantastic that morning which was REALLY unusual. We shrugged it off as in hopefully some of my prayers to ease my morning sickness was finally be answered, and now I could start enjoying this pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different, but those who have morning sickness (severe) have a way decreased chance for anything going wrong in the pregnancy because it usually means that the HCG levels and everything else is going smoothly.

I had lost a pound, but I told the nurse that I had been sick so that's why. My blood pressure was good, and was seated in my examination room. Josh and I were excited to hear the heartbeat on the doppler, so we decided we were going to video tape it on his phone, and upload it on youtube so all our friends near and far could celebrate with us. Josh was ready to push play, but the doctor was having a hard time finding the heartbeat. I looked around the room a little worried, as I knew this far along the heartbeat should of been picked up fairly quickly. He than sent us to ultrasound - just so he could see the heartbeat.

Josh and I stared at the ultrasound intensely. Waiting for the doctor to get right on the spot where the heart is so we could hear it. The doctor looked more and more worried, and I noticed how the baby looked....sleeping. No movement at all. She was just...floating there. In my mind and heart I was begging the baby to move. To get out of REM sleep and do SOMETHING. I took a look a Josh and he knew too. His eyes was filled with tears just looking at the ultrasound screen. I looked around the ceiling, waiting for the moment the heartbeat would start but I knew it wasn't. Tears started streaming down my face, and than the doctor told me what was really concerning was that the animo fluid wasn't enough for the baby that size.

We got a 2nd opinion yesterday from a different hospital before we went ahead with a D&C... and they confirmed what my original doctor stated. In fact, the baby hasn't been done that long.

Today I go in for my D&C. We are heartbroken to say the least. :cry: This was completely unexpected.

I'll be unsubscribing from my own thread that I made - but I wish you all the very, very best with your pregnancies. Hold those babies tight and give them a kiss when they get here.

Take Care :cry:
I am totally devastated for you and Josh....what a beautiful msg you left us.....she will be your guiding angel...my love and prayers go out to you and your family.
words can't express how sad I am for you and your family.... I am so sorry for your loss. Take comfort in each other and the love that you share. xoxo
I am so very sorry for your loss... My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Since losing SLCMommy its been so quiet here.....how is everyone doing?
Forget if i updated my due dates; they got (Wow pregnancy brain + spelling = bad) ..BUMPED ...(there we go, 5 tries later) from July 12th to July 17th after my ultrasound that I had.
I know...
I've been doing well, albeit tired. I am still managing to eat fairly healthy and in reasonable quantities. I was really scared that cravings would be overwhelming. I guess it helps that I crave apples, carrot sticks, and steak! Oh, and watermelon!!! I want nothing to do with chocolate (unless it is ice cream), and usually I am a chocoholic! Between that and no wine, I am finding myself to have to play catch up at the end of the day because I am low on calories. I am TERRIFIED to gain 50-60 pounds like my sister and a couple friends did, so I am trying to be really careful.
I finally felt the baby move! It was very subtle, but I could feel him while lying down. Anyone else???
How are you all doing???
Ahh Feeling the babe move is so AWESOME huh? I started feeling it at about 16 1/2 weeks along, I feel it everyday through the whole day now! Just think - if we think THIS is amazing, how TRULY amazing (breathtaking) it will be to really feel a good kick!! :)

I got a pretty bad case of the morning sickness last week! :( AND it was actually WORSE then the entire first trimester MS! I was throwing up, couldn't eat, got SO CAR SICK! YUCK! But it only was for a week and since Sunday I have felt good (thank goodness, knocking on wood!) My husband and I find out in 9 days what the babe is!!!! Can't freakin wait! I still feel "small" and I KNOW by the time I am 20-22 weeks my baby bump will come...just been waiting to slong for it, you really cant tell I am pregnant and everyone at work makes comments as if I am 2 months along...I am like hello you guys I JUST got into my FIFTH FREAKIN MONTH this week!! No cravings for me either thank GOODNESS to that too! And I am a vegetarian who eats all organic everything and since I have high blood pressure I can't eat processed foods or anything (and my diets been strict for 5 years now so I am USED TO IT). I am eating every other hour though, on anything I can, I am def always hungry but when I go to eat I notice I don't eat AS much at one time as I used to.
im feeling my little one to.. so exciting!!! I can't wait for my next u/s on the 21st on Feb.. ahhh three weeks to go!!!

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