Due in July 2012

We chose the angelcare because a friend has it and said it made her relax after the first few weeks. She did say to expect to be listening for the alert for the first couple weeks though. We haven't tested it yet, but in excited to see how it goes.

Angela! So funny we're both Oregon girls. Currently we're living in Southern oregon for my DH's work, but we will be moving back up towards Willsonville soon after the baby arrives to be closer to family:)

I am up every two hours too! It's like clockwork 12, 2, 4, 6 and then 8 for work. I'm also having a real hard time falling asleep. I think I just eventually pass out from exhaustion because I can't get comfortable.

I love your story Angela because that sounds like my DH- I would have punched him for sure:) lol

Cute idea or a thread Canada! It will be fun to see how close they look once they're born :)
Hey ladies, just wondering where everyone will be having baby sleep after he/she is born. I want this Chicco Playard (HOPEFULLY will get one at my shower on Sunday!!) and will be keeping baby in our room for approx. 6 months. What's everyone else doing?

Also, is anyone else breastfeeding? Are you as nervous as I am?! I am hoping that it will all come naturally, but I know it will be very demanding. I have been stalking the breastfeeding threads in hopes of gaining any tips I can. Is everyone here a first-time mom?

We have an Eddie bauer play yard that the baby will be in for the first five months.
I am a first time mom and I plan on breast feeding for five months. I am very nervous I won't be able too. I'm also not sure I can make it that long, but I really want to since its so good for the baby and me.
we have a bassinet that will be in our room.. not sure yet how long, we will see how things go.

I am also hoping to breastfeed. Really nervous as all I hear from friends etc is how hard it is.
I think if you are tough, persistent and stick it out breastfeeding will be just fine. I am a little nervous too but you just do what you can and just STICK WITH IT. Most fo the women I know who "couldn't make it" through breastfeeding got frustrated with it and gave up after a week. Thats just from people I KNOW though I am SURE there are cases where it really just doesn't work out. I am going to consume coconut oil (right now i cook with it and use it from hair to toes lol on my body because its so good for everything!) but its also suppose to help with your milk flow and you can apply it to your nipples when they become sore. This is my first time at being a Mom too! You are SO funny ...you've been "stalking the breastfeeding threads" lol. Any tricks you've learned? :)

We have an old wooden swinging bassinet that my husbands grandfather built and his Dad was in it as a baby then my husband and now we will use it in our room for her. I KNOW I will want to sleep WITH her in my bed here and there for a couple months I just know I will BUT after 4-5 months I think I will start her in her crib in her own room...with this stuff I think you can have a plan but it usually always changes lol...lets try to stick with our guns!

HAVE SO MUCH fun at your baby shower Sunday!
Im back finally:). We've been moving into the house. It's been insane. 2 more weeks and I think it all will be totally done.

Re: the monitor. There's a Motorola that is looking really really good based on professional and consumer reviews. But I'm not finished researching and I haven't had that much time

Our baby girl is sleeping in the room with us for the first month atleast. I'm not sure totally how long bc I've never done this before :) I slept through the night when I was 3.5 weeks old. Sounds hard to beleive but it's totally true. I was 3 weeks past due when born and almost 10 lbs. at 2 weeks old the dr said I was crying bc I was hungry and they put rice cereal in my bottle To supplement meals. My mom said I was sleeping 6 hours when they started that! Unreal but true. So I'm not sure how long I just know that I don't expect her to be that big and I know they would never let me go that long now but still you never know. I bought the arms reach cosleeper. It actually has straps tht go under the mattress to secure it to the bed so there is no way she could fall into a crevice. I got the smaller one which we will also take as travel baby bed and play area.

I PASSED my 3 hour fasting gtt but I have to tell you i was so pissed off. Excuse the language but... I told my husband he didn't need to go and he didn't. I drank the stuff and was fine. They took blood 4 times etc and I was fine. I got there at 8 am and left at 1215 after making my next appt and talking to girls etc. went strait home and made it into hand broken in a sweat and was shaking
I tried to make it back to my car for my cell phone and I blacked out, sweating everywhere, she as a ghost. Thank God the security guard was making funds bc she saw me and was going to make small talk and i told her I couldn't see and I needed help. Of course I was sent to hospital after I ate as fast as I could. They monitored me for over an hour. Baby's heartbeat was high and irregular. Such a mess. 2 of my hubbys good friends ( he golfs with) are drs and they said well.. It's bad but good bc that isn't a diabetic response so most likely she isn't diabetic. Her body produced the insulin but just finally needed some help bc it can't sustain that. They were right. I'm not diabetic and I'm fine now
But how stupid of them not to give me a juice box or some crackers and oj. Hospital was like they should've never let you leave!!! Anyway, all is well now :)
Hey girls! Regarding the breastfeeding, I agree, it seems like you just have to be persistent with it. I know there are some cases where it just does NOT work out, but I hope we can all be strong and that it works out if we are choosing to breastfeed!

My baby shower was just wonderful! It was nice to see all of my family and friends, and get all of the goodies I had on my registry. The only thing I didn't get was the play yard, so that will be ordered soon! Q - did you girls get electric breast pumps? I am not buying one yet.. there are a lot of 'ifs' involved... IF I find a teaching job where I would have to start at the end of August and IF I'm successful with breastfeeding, I will purchase one. They are so expensive! But I definitely think I am going to go with a Medela double electric pump if I end up getting one.

As for me recently, I have been washing clothes like a mad woman. I returned some items yesterday, just because they were very gender specific (Boy) and the size was all wrong for when he/she would be a certain age. Today's task: hang clothes according to size in the closet! A crazy part of me even wants to color code.... I think that may be the nesting taking over
and going one step too far...:haha:

Hope everyone is doing well!

Im back finally:). We've been moving into the house. It's been insane. 2 more weeks and I think it all will be totally done.

I PASSED my 3 hour fasting gtt but I have to tell you i was so pissed off. Excuse the language but... I told my husband he didn't need to go and he didn't. I drank the stuff and was fine. They took blood 4 times etc and I was fine. I got there at 8 am and left at 1215 after making my next appt and talking to girls etc. went strait home and made it into hand broken in a sweat and was shaking
I tried to make it back to my car for my cell phone and I blacked out, sweating everywhere, she as a ghost. Thank God the security guard was making funds bc she saw me and was going to make small talk and i told her I couldn't see and I needed help. Of course I was sent to hospital after I ate as fast as I could. They monitored me for over an hour. Baby's heartbeat was high and irregular. Such a mess. 2 of my hubbys good friends ( he golfs with) are drs and they said well.. It's bad but good bc that isn't a diabetic response so most likely she isn't diabetic. Her body produced the insulin but just finally needed some help bc it can't sustain that. They were right. I'm not diabetic and I'm fine now
But how stupid of them not to give me a juice box or some crackers and oj. Hospital was like they should've never let you leave!!! Anyway, all is well now :)

Oh my god... when I had to do the 3 hour test at 28 wks (I only failed 1 hour by TWO POINTS!) I ended up fainting while the phlebotomist was taking my blood for the first draw... I fell out of the chair straight onto my belly... I had to be taken to the ER and baby and I were monitored for 3 hours. It's absolutely ridiculous, I'm telling you those tests are pure torture. :nope: They then took 5 more vials of blood from me in ER. I now have a fractured tooth, had 2 black eyes from hitting a counter on the way to the floor, huge abrasion on my lip.... The thing that really gets me is I would never have fallen had the woman put the arm down on the phlebotomy chair...... Soooo mad about that.
Congrats on a successful shower? Mine is on Saturday.....
OMG ladies! I would contact your states board of medicine ASAP so that doesn't happen to more women. They should have way more precautions in place. I work in the medical field and my drs would freak out if that happened to any of their patients. Hope you both are feeling better!
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry you all had such a hard time at your glucose testings! I would FREAK OUT if I fell on my belly!
I am feeling very nostalgic today... It is the last day of school, and I have no idea how long it will be before I teach again. What makes it harder is that this has been the BEST class ever! I will really miss them. I am taking three of the ones with the highest reading growth to the movies after school, and one of them doesn't know what a movie theater is! (This is a VERY low income ESOL population.) I can't wait to see his eyes light up!
Glad you all had successful showers! I am using the medela pump as well.
On another note, at my last DR appointment, they said that at 36 weeks, they will do an ultrasound to measure him and determine whether they will induce of C section me at 39 weeks. (C section if they think he will be over 10 pounds, induction if he is not to prevent him from getting to 10 pounds.) He is supposedly almost 6 pounds now! Yowza! Anyways, baby is already at -2 station, and we all have a feeling I won't have to make that choice because it's doubtful I will make it that far, but it's still crazy to know that just over 6 weeks from now, I will have him in my arms no matter what!!! Count down time!
Aww, that is awesome what you are doing for your students. I can't wait to have my own classroom and am really hoping to start teaching this coming school year. I know it will be SO hard and I won't want to leave the baby, but part of me is so ready to do what I love. I just graduated in January, so I am currently job hunting. My hubby is a teacher too (5th grade) and he only has about 9 days left of school. I can't wait until he is home for the summer! What grade do you teach? I really love K-2, so I'm so hoping to teach that age.

Wow! I hope the best at your 36 wk ultrasound! What does -2 station mean?? Have you measured further along the whole time? Sorry if I missed something in your previous threads, I just joined you ladies not too long ago and didn't read through everything. :flower:
I agree with Angie you ladies should contact your State boards that is absolutly unexcepatble! I can't believe that! I AM SO SORRY you both had those horrible experiences :( WOW...is all i can say...SO BAD...SO SORRY!

Kt that IS SO wonderful what your doing for those kids! What a great teacher you are. Have a really wonderful last day today! You KNOW they are going to miss you just as much as you miss them...and thats pretty dang exciting you get to know when your lil man will be here!! What are you hoping for? C-Section or induction and delivery? I love knowing too that I have a cut off date! Makes me know no matter what she iwll be here no LATER then July 2nd :)

So GLAD you had such a great shower Excited!

Canada yours is FINALLY HERE WHOOP!! And hey there..looks like you have maternity photos?? SHARE>!? :)

I have a maternity shoot Saturday at noon with the husband!! I CANT WAIT! I dont feel cute by ANY MEANS anymore but I KNOW I will be very happy I did them.

I start getting my cervix checked for shortening as of next week and get checked to see if I am dialting :) My Dr thinks I am having real contractions and not just BH contractions anymore! i developed carpal tunnel! :( One more thing i can add to my LIST of things that keep me up all night every night. Guess its VERY common in pregnancy...strange. I was waking up every night with completly numb hands and in horriffic pain from it, bought myself hand braces and wore them all night last night and they didnt hurt ONCE! :) Guess it can stick around for 6 months or longer :( waaaaa
so sorry you ladies had such horrible GTT experiences!!!

Wow -2 already!! Does your Dr tell you that when he checks you at the appt? I can feel mine is lower that it has been but not sure what station. Eeek.. 6 weeks!!!!!

Can't wait to see your maternity photos AngelaSD!! Boooo about the carpal tunnel!! :(
Have fun at your maternity shoot Angela! I hear on not feeling too cute, but I know I'll want photos later too.
We bought three frames that we are putting a 20 week scan picture in one, a belly shot in another and then a photo of him right when he's born in the third. I'm excited to display them.
We have our 34 weeks apt next week and then we have one more scan at 36 weeks. Dr says we will start doing internal exams at 36 week to check for dilation, etc.

I know they say it goes fast, but I really can't believe we are all almost done! May is almost over and most of us seem to be due the first weeks of July. So crazy how the time goes

Have fun with the kiddos kt! I'm sure it will be sad for them too and they'll miss you lots :)
-2 refers to how far he has dropped into my pelvis (he is now longer floating). They could tell when they checked me for dilation and effacement.
Angela: I am honestly hoping I go on my own around 37 or 38 weeks, but if not, I'd rather be induced. We shall see!
I teach first grade... Or should I say I taught first grade. I will miss them like crazy. But I only have 1 chance to stay home with the baby, and I am afraid I will regret if I don't. Luckily, my district will let me take a 1 yEar leave of absence, so I will be guaranteed a job in a year if I choose or think I am ready to go back to work.
Hey Angela,

I was a preggo model at a photography class a few weeks ago....hubby was working that day so couldn't make it...but I got some with my son...here are a few. Sorry I did not download in high def so they are quite dark


  • preg-1.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 5
  • preg2.jpg
    13 KB · Views: 3
awwww BNB won't lwt me upload the pics with my son and some other ones :( the file is too big


  • preg23.jpg
    21.1 KB · Views: 6

Thank you for sharing you look SO SO SO beautiful!! Bet the ones with your son are to DIE FOR too!!:hugs:

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