Due in July 2012

Ahhh Ali yes. Yellow! I have pregnsnt brain clearly. I was looking at the stork itself. Lol. I see the yellow bag. Really- I'm it normally a ditz AT ALL! At drs appt we'd I wrote may 7, 2012 on everything. Ahahahaahah no clue why. Just did it. So weird

Fur baby ok! 670$ later and they said they think liver enzymes up is just a genetic thing. We saw a specialist so I trust him. So she should be good

Bug - I'm going to buy one and try it Thanks!
Glad your pup is going to be okay- we had to have a vet visit recently too- our terrier was peeing in her sleep :( kidney stones- yuck. Better we get them taken care of now than right after the baby is born!

Is anyone else still nesting or getting started? I can't stand being in my house because I keep seeing thing that must be cleaned - and any dust is driving me bonkers
I don't think I am to the nesting point yet. I had one day where I washed all of baby's clothes/blankets/towels, hung everything by size and folded everything for the dresser. But I honestly have to MAKE myself do things, like clean the house.. started packing the bags today. I think I have had a couple of bum days recently where I have felt kind of down and I just don't know why?! I am so incredibly happy yet have felt a tad depressed for the past 2-3 days. I think it will all be better after Monday as it's the last day of school and my hubby will be home with me every day for summer vacation.

I can't wait to get the true nesting experience. I'm sure it will come! I wish I was like you, Angie!! I would love to be on top of the cleaning, lol!
My house is driving me crazy cause I keep trying to clean it.. then my DH comes home and leaves stuff all over. LOL
I am in that phase in spurts but frustrated bc workmen still in my house. The I have to be like get it together. Bc I'm slacking on major stuff and even tho I'm only 34 weeks I just read on webmd that babies can come anytime after 34 weeks ( I knew they cold come whenever they wanted but it's what they said after) and that many needed relatively little care and go on to be healthy babies. It actually said to pack bags and be ready bc women never think it will be them that go into labor early and being not ready just adds to the stress. I do NOT want that to be me!!!!!! So tonight I just finished sorting clothes. Tomorrow and Sunday I will wash them.

Is it true that babes go thru 8-10 outfits per day? I could call friends with kids but asking y'all is just as helpful plus when I ask them they always launch into a million other things that I'm not even trying to think about right now. I know I know. I'm being grumpy but the over information I'm getting from multi generations is getting to be too much. I finally said- I'm a first time mom and I'm sure I will act like one. All of you did it your first time I'm sure. You can all keep telling me not to be anal about this or that but please recognize that I'm where EVERYONE starts and where you all once were. Let me have my time.
Does anyone understand what I'm trying to say ? And is that rude? I'm not trying to be. But I'm like I'm going to do this or that and they're like oh! You don't need to bc we did that with our first and it's a total waste of time. It makes me just wanna walk away. If I want to use baby laundry detergent just shut up about it and dont tell me babies are fine with tide. I'm sure tide won't kill a baby but I want to use a baby one. End of story

Anyone experiencing this?
Angelasd. Was just looking back bc it seems kt hasn't been on in a while!!! Anyone know anything????? Whooping cough!! Yes! Im aware. The shot is called tdap and I know kt said a while ago she had gotten it. I was wondering why I couldn't get it after birth bc I hate shots while prego bit kt said it wasn't as good and took a while to kick in. We are going to talk to dr next appt bc ive heard over and over that anyone spending time w baby ESP at first should get it. I really trust my dr so I'm going to get an answer ASAP. I will let you know what they tell me but atleast me and hubby will get it at some point. That's what I'm thinking
Looks like last time kt was on was may 30th. I'm really wondering if she had her baby boy???????????????????? If not and your reading this kt please let us know bc we know you are close!!!!
LOL Flagirl I totally feel you on that one. I am a first time Mom and at first appreciated the "advice" from others until it got to be downright rude at times. I also don't get how a woman that JUST had her baby can start telling me things I need to do or about items I need/don't need. In my opinion, everyone is different and has their own lifestyle. Every Mom was a new mom once. If we don't learn from experiences, how will we learn anything at all?.. they had to! This isn't to say that I don't appreciate when my Mom "acquaintances" (I say that because I honestly have like 1 friend, LOL) give me meaningful advice about something I ask about... it's when a couple of them talk down to me like I'm an idiot and it's usually on a topic I already know about thanks to the B&B ladies here!!!!!

Now I have forgotten your original question.. lol. *Looks back up*... and ok 8-10 outfits... I have NO clue. But holy moly I knida hope not because I don't even think I own 8-10 newborn outfits LOL. I didn't buy a lot of newborn because I figured baby would not be in them long at all. Have much more 0-3 month.. Looking forward to what others say!

My mom is coming this weekend to help finish the nursery. :happydance: For the past few days I have wanted my "mommy" LOL I feel like a little girl!! My hubby even told her to come over! We have a really great friendship but haven't been as close since I got married. Now I just want her to be here! I'm guessing it's all these hormones, and I understand that SHE carried ME in her and felt me do all these things!! I suppose I have a whole new respect. :)

Now if only I could get the energy Bug has to clean!!! Bug, only 19 days until you meet your little one. WOW!!!
Flagirl that all depends on the baby......with my son, he went through about 3-4 outfits for the first week and a half and that was only because the newborn diapers were too big so he would pee/poo through it.....I could not find ant premee diapers. 8-10 seems like a lot, but every baby is different.

One thing I did find was, breast fed poop, which is like a mustard yellow stains! If any of you notice this, I would love to hear suggestions on how to get out the stains as I lost a lot of onesies and outfits....lol

Yes even though this is my second, I'm not a fan of of pushy know it all moms.....every child is different and your mother instincts will guide you.....it is great to ask for advice because believe me when I say, even tough I did this 5 yrs ago, I'm so nervous because it feels all new again and I will be asking you all and others for tips.....I just listen to the ones who say, you must do this and that lol
Ps, as my due date approaches, I'm trying to become more confident in the labour experience. I'm so nervous! I don't remember it and I have an extremely low tolerance for pain...what are you all doing to mentally prepare yourselves? Tips anyone? Right now all I keep on saying is labour pain is good and and it is not forever lol.....any other ideas?
That's me exactly. A lot of it I appreciate but the caddy attitude about - oh! I bet you are going to make people wash their hands everytime they hold the baby....that's just a thing first time moms do but you will get over it. Yea someone really said that to me. I was like-just go away now haha

Also, I don't have that many newborn things either bc I felt it would be a waste.

Canada- hey! Seems like its been a while since I talked to you. That seems way more reasonable. I thought 8-10 was totally excessive. We sat onthe floor last night and sorted and I was like oh my we don't have many newborn things anid we have only 2 preemie that Shawn (my hubby) insisted we buy. I'm kind of glad we have them only bc if she is like 6 lbs but not super long then preemie is what you need I've heard.every baby carries the its weight differently and sometimes newborn is just too big. Like kt I'm sure is totally sure she doesn't need preemie bc her boy is already so big but I don't know about my baby girl.
But it was funny bc we have a ton of 0-3 and 3-6 month stuff and maybe 15 newborn things and 2 preemie. I do have kind of alot of sleep sacks that appear as though it will fit a smaller baby even though it doesn't say newborn.

By the way has anyone noticed that sizing seems to be off or a little inconsistent between brands. I look at things sized 6 months in one brand and it looks like a dress I looked at 5 mins ago that was sized 0-3 months in another brand. We were both like - ok we gonna store this stuff in bins but we may be going through this faster than we thought again depending on how fast she grows.

Canada- I'm trying to stretch my back and spend a few minutes a day focusing on just me and thinking and talking myself though it. I'm really nervous. I woke up this am with a full bladder bc I was sleeping so hard and I was in pain and I was like oh no! How am I going to deal with labor. Haha.
I also am extremely tired and emotional again. I haven't been this emotional for months! I'm wondering if it means anything or if it's common. I mean emotional in general. Not just aabout labor etc. its weird. I can cry at drop of hat if I wanted to I just hold it back a lot.
flagirl i noticed that too....sizes differ based on brand...strange...I got 2 preemie onesies and a ton of 0-3 3-6....we are riding on the same boat lol

yeah my emotions have been out of whack....so days Im sad, most days I'm frustrated and annoyed....Im trying to enjoy the last bit of pregnancy, but the lack of control of my body and emotions is really starting to take a toll on me....I hate sounding so miserable and feel guilty, but it is the honest truth of how I feel lol
Canada, I have no idea what to expect (as far as pain) and I also have a very low pain tolerance. I know I will end up with an epidural and the way I see it, if it's there I'm going to use it! As far as mentally preparing myself.. I just tell myself that no matter what, baby is coming OUT and that once it happens he/she will instantly be in my arms and any pain that was felt will fly out the window. We will be working toward something that has such gratification. And by thinking about it that way, I'm not scared of labor. I just don't know what to expect.. but I know that it will be amazing!
I'm nervous too! I've been having contractions every so often and they're so painful I just double over- makes me nervous for the real thing!
I have been doing sqauts and lunges every three days since I was about 20 weeks to try and help prepare my body- plus walking a mile a day.

I just keep telling myself that I've done everything I can do to get ready.

For the stains I would soak them in baking soda and water right away or you could use a mixture of color safe bleach, water and club soda- I usually get everything out of clothes this way :)
Sorry to worry yall! I am still here! I don't know what happened... I feel like as soon as school let out for the summer, I just slept for the last week and a half. LOL. Seriously though... I was having trouble sleeping during some point in May, and I thought my days of sleeping well were over, but I have been sleeping for 10 hours a night plus 2 naps during the day. The only trouble i have is my hands... Angela, I totally feel you! My hands are numb and achy and swollen and IT SUCKS! I woke up crying this morning because they were throbbing.
Ali: Your nursery is gorgeous!
And about people's first time mom comments.... The DOCTORS say that everyone SHOULD wash their hands before holding the baby. Babies who run a fever of 100.5 or more (which isn't that high) prior to 3 or so months have to go to the hospital and have a SPINAL TAP. That is a pretty intense procedure. This is standard practice with all 3 pediatricians I have interviewed. So YES... Wash your flippin hands because I don't need the cold that you don't yet realize you have to passed on to my baby and cause them to need a spinal tap, thank you very much. RANT OVER!
I am glad your dog is okay too! I don't know how I would handle something happening to Cheyenne (my border collie) right now.
Angela (or whoever it was) I am so jealous that you are that dilated and effaced! I hope I receive similar news at my appointment Monday! (It's funny how I went from stressing so much to keep him in there, but now I am like "2 weeks little man!"
I hoped that I haven't completely disregarded too many posts that I have missed over the last week... My hands are throbbing, so I am not up to toggling back and forth between old posts and here to make sure I hit everything!
I've noticed that Gerber onsies are TINY compared to others. I have a 3-6 one that is smaller than newborn.

Thank you KT!! I can't wait until Tuesday so my hubby is home everyday for the summer! I know you must be relieved to be off. :)

Anybody NOT having Braxton Hicks contractions?? I haven't felt one?!
Glad you are ok KT (well as ok as you can be).

I got the TDAP shot a couple of weeks ago. My dr said it was fine to get and it would provide extra immunity to baby.

I think I am getting the occasional contraction... a couple times over the last few days I have gotten this really intense pain/tightening across my whole tummy.
I totally agree about the hand washing! My biggest problem is how to approach my DH's step mom. She smokes- always outside about twice a day. My problem is I don't want her cuddling with Ben unless she wears a coat and takes it off after smoking or changes her clothes and of course washes her hands. If I'm being honest I would also want her to wait 20 minutes after smoking before touching Ben.
It's Going to be July so I realize asking someone to wear a coat outside is ridiculous, and so is asking them to change their clothes....

I guess I just gave no idea how to approach the subject since I don't want to be rude- I just don't want Ben around smoke in anyway- second hand, third hand, anything.

Any ideas?
Glad you are ok KT (well as ok as you can be).

I got the TDAP shot a couple of weeks ago. My dr said it was fine to get and it would provide extra immunity to baby.

I think I am getting the occasional contraction... a couple times over the last few days I have gotten this really intense pain/tightening across my whole tummy.

I'm getting these too!!! They're pretty painful- I hate getting them in public because I feel weird breathing heavy and bending over in pain in front of random strangers :) lol. I'm sure I look crazy
Angie, I am the same way about the smoking. I have a feeling that once baby is here I really won't care what I say to people and I'll speak my mind about asking them to wash their hands. I feel like I may have reservations about speaking my mind now, but I know that once baby is here I won't give a damn because he/she will be the most important! Anybody got any ideas of *nice* ways of saying it? I'm drawing a blank, lol!!

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