Due in July 2012

Ahhh... congrats Dani!!! Can't wait to her all about her!!

ah the hormones. I can go from laughing and happy to total bawling in about 30 seconds flat. The worst is when people ask 1. are you ok or 2. how are you feeling. That is an instant cue to the waterworks for me. I find that getting out of the house (no matter how scary it is the first couple of times) really helps. That and trying to laugh at the little things.. like ending up covered in pee and poop.. yup that was last night for me, or Iain doing skin to skin with DH and apparently being hungry and latching on to DH's nipple...

My DH has also been amazing.... he can't get enough of the little guy!!!!
Thank you all!!! I managed to snag a few pics before they wheeled her off to the nursery to be cleaned and warmed up.

oh yeah she's 7lbs3oz, 18 and a half inches.


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Dani! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another epidural story....Tht sucks but it's over and done with now so I'm sure you ant even focusing on that.
Can't wait to see pics of the little lady.

Mummy- yes! They better all be here by end of July!!!! Or else...... Ha

Angieloo- I can only imagine! I told Shawn y'all we saying you were crying and jaut emotional in general etc and he goes oh no! I can't stand to see you cry. It worries him and upsets him so badly :) its sweet.... I don't allow him to red anything on here but occasionally he asks for an update:) like what new info ive learned etc.....I'm hoping some of this discussion we have regarding some things everyone says will help to prepare him. Too bad he didn't join a hubby support group . That might really be beneficial . Oh well. Too late now..

Is everyone on here...are all of your friends nearby and having babies too. Mine aren't. They are 6 hours away........ It's hard bc our kfriends here have older kids. Our lives about to be totally diff...I need to connect with some people that are similar to me. I'm going to join the new baby group at hospital. Go once a week and have lunch and talk and take babies etc.. Hoping that will help. If anyone else in similar position as me tell me if you have any ideas on how to make new friends with young children etc....I be never had a baby or ay kids so most of my friends don't or they are colleagues of my hubby's and they heave older self sufficient kids so they are passed the baby stage.
Aww I bet yre so proud and glad its done. Let us know how she is doing:) thanks so much for pix.
Congratulations and sorry about your epi! It sucks!!
Fingers crossed and sending labor dust to all!

About the engorgement... I was making way too much milk (especially in my right breast. I could get a full ounce in 5 minutes of pumping! UGH!) This was probably due to my pumping at the hospital while he was in the NICU and it just overstimulated them.... I did a LOT of research on oversupply, and found that if you pump some to freeze, you will just make more and more and exaggerate the problem. Plus... If you have too much milk, when he nurses, he would only get the foremilk (no fatty hindmilk.) This is what happened during the 24 hours of engorgement, and he was having bad gas and explosive green poos... NOT GOOD! (You can hand express a little if the pain is to unbearable or right before feeding to ease with latching.) I began to only feed from one breast per session (as advised in my research), and the issue is completely resolved! (Back to happy baby, easy latching, normal yellow, seedy BFing poos.) That quickly! I am going to wait to do a lot of pumping and freezing until my supply is correctly balanced to his demand AND we are really in a rhythm. He is back to latching immediately now, and it's easy peasy, so I don't want to risk losing that.
One more thing...
The hospital gave me an abdominal binder to support my tummy post c section... (It's like the belly things a bunch of you ordered.) Well, not only does it help TREMENDOUSLY with the discomfort, my tummy is starting flatten back out nicely already! If any of you end up with a section, as the nurses at the hospital for one... They just gave it to me!
PS... I am down 24 pounds! Woohoo!
Yay kt! I'm glad the engorgement is fixed. I was goin to say I thought that the more you pumped the more you get. Congrats in the weight loss too! I'm going to look at belly binders this weekend. I've been putting it off and have finally decided to just get one :)

Claire: most of my friends are having babies or already have them, except one who freaked when she found out I was expecting - I was the last of one besides her because DH and I waited so long. It's funny how babies change friendships so much
Sooooo...... I went to dr this am and I'm 3 cm and 50% effaced which is whatever bc I'm not having any consistent contractions etc....but after all this time thinking she was small to average they are now concerned she's too big?!?!?!?!??!?! I'm measuring bigger than what I should be . Next fri they want to do an ultrasound to see what it says. So I may not be having the "normal" pregnancy and delivery as they thought. Ugh!!!! I'll be 39 weeks next fri so I am truly hoping that I just go into labor on my own before they declare there is a problem and we have to do anything else.

Kt- wow! That's great. I will not forget that and awesome in weight loss. I can't wait!! :) and thanks thanks thanks for info on bfeeding. Thats the kind of info i need and maybe I could find it online but it would take me forever when I just read yours and it took 30 seconds. I actually read it twice and im going to remember what page it's on so I can reread if necessary in a few weeks.

Angeloo- no doubt it changes friendships.i was on the other side for a long time. I had no kids and my friends did and I wanted to do adult type things like go out and have drinks or etc..l they couldnt and it really hurt our friendship. Nowim on the other side..... Ha.
Yeah ur on ur way. I have NOTHIN lol.. And im due before U .. I really will be last haha
Youre not dilated at all or effaced any?? I wish I was as I am but they didn't think she was big. I hope she's not and they are wrong!

Angieloo- I can't remember what you said. Are you?
I'm 1 centimeter and 60% effaced. Dr said I have to get to 2 centimeters before he will induce me on my due date. So we are thinking widening thoughts- lol :)

That's exciting you got dilated and effaced so fast!

I hope we all go really soon! All my friends and family have a pool going and the 9th is the front runner so far.
Yay!!! Congrats Dani!!!!

So glad your engorgement is better KTS!!!! It is not a nice feeling at all!!!! Hmmm I am going to have to look into the belly binder. I have lost 17lbs so far... but the way this little guy eats I hope it will be coming off quick!

My friends are kind of split. Some have kids already in the 2-3 year old range. A couple are pregnant now and due within the next couple months which is nice. One of our friends who has two kids, one 8 months and one 3 years has been an amazing support this past week. We were constantly texting them questions which they were more than happy to answer. Others who are past the baby stage are a little different. One actually said to me "you get one week then you should be back to hanging out with us"..... um what?!?!
They haven't mentioned anything to me yet anyway about it so I don't think that I am and there is nothing in my notes . She's not even engaged . Just head down resting on my pelvis. :/ my eldest was breach until labour tho so hopefully it all happens at once . Xx

Don't worry about them saying babys big my friends first was 10lb born naturally !!! Lol
Ok ladies... I finally got a chance to write up my birth story. Sorry it is so long!!!

Due to a partial fusion of my lumbar/sacral spine I needed to deliver via c-section as the risk of nerve and disc damage was too great to deliver vaginally. My date for my section was set for June 28th. I was exactly 38 weeks. Two days prior to my section date I had an OB appt who found my BP to be on the high side. It was sitting at about 140/90-148-100. My normal BP throughout my pregnancy had been 110/70. I wasn't showing any protein in my urine and has no other symptoms so my OB said just to monitor it. That evening I developed a mind numbing headache. DH (Matt) took me to the pharmacy to take my BP and my diastolic was 105. We went in to triage that night where they debated starting me on some Labetalol but as I still wasn't showing any protein and my section was so close they opted not to.

The morning of my section we were at the hospital for 7:00 am. My vitals were taken and my BP was still quite high and I was now showing protein. The comment was made that it was a good job that I was delivering that morning. They started my IV, did all my pre-op stuff and by 9:05 I walked into the OR. The spinal was uneventful which was a big sigh of relief as I had been really worried about it due to the fusion. By 9:32 my little boy Iain was here!!! His birth weight was 5lbs 15oz.. I was so surprised as I had expected much bigger!!!

Initial recovery went smoothly and I was able to move my legs and be d/c'd from PACU within and hour and a half. Once back to my room I was able to shuffle my way over from the stretcher to the bed. After another couple of hours in my room I was able to get up and walk to the bathroom. Unfortunately my BP was still elevated.. sitting around 150/100. All in all a very positive experience!!!!

Our first night was a little rough. I started to get really itchy once I was back in my room. The nurses kept telling me it was from the spinal but it was very localized around my abdomen and one spot on my back. Within a few hours I had developed a raised hive like rash all across my tummy and back. The OB took a look and thinks I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive used on the sterile drapes in the OR as the pattern of the rash followed exactly where the adhesive would have been. They gave me some benadryl which really didn't help but I just kept a cold washcloth on my tummy which gave me some relief. As Iain was a section baby and he is so small he was extremely mucousy. At 5 am the following morning he started to make little choking sounds in his bassinet. I looked over and his face was purple and he was struggling to expel the mucous. We frantically called the nurse and luckily being a nurse myself (though having ZERO experience with newborns) I thought to hold him stomach down in my hands and pat his back. Thankfully this worked before the nurse even arrived... scariest moment ever!!!!!!!!

The next day passed without much excitement. I was feeling pretty good with the exception of a constant headache. I was up to the shower by 9:00am and had my catheter and IV out shortly before that. That night I started to get really dizzy in addition to my headache and my BP had spiked to 156/118. I was given some medication called Adalat to try to bring down my pressure. The meds worked for that but they also drove my heart rate up to 140-150.... I felt like my chest was going to explode and was even more dizzy than before. After a few hours of constant monitoring things thankfully settled down.

After three days in the hospital we got to bring our little Iain home. he only lost 6.7% of his birthweight which the nurses were all really amazed at. His bili levels were also quite low which they said was fabulous in little babies. My BP has unfortunately stayed elevated and I have continued to have headaches so I was started on some Labetalol to help to control it. My incision is healing great and I have had minimal pain. My back has been a little sore but nothing close to the agony I was in near the end of my pregnancy.

We are so in love with our little critter it is unbelievable.
Angieloo- I'm thinking widening thoughts with you and for you. And you too steph:)

Steph- no way on the 10lb baby thing lol. They didn't say anything abut f she was engaged or not. So I'm not sure about that part.

Bug- thanks for sharing. No telling how many times you will be telling that story in the near future. I hope your bo gets under control. Speaking of mine was a little high this am at dr. 121/80. Never ever been that high before. They took it at beginning then at end bc it was a little high. I gave irig sample so I'm assuming no protein or they would've said something.
She asked if I had headaches or saw spots. I don't have either....yet. Hopefully it will go down. I was really nervous about getting checked bc I was afraid it would hurt. Maybe that made it a little high.
Thanks for sharing your birth story bug!
With all the situations that are occurring with epis I'm getting more and more sure that I don't want one unless I have to have a c section. I was already planning to try to go without, but you ladies are makin my decision a little easy.

Tonight we are trying spicy food, walking and stairs- here's hoping something starts tonight!!!
Bug.. I got the rash too! It was the perfect shape of section adhesive, and I got a smaller one on my back from adhesive used in tape holding epidural line. Mine was angry looking and red with small blustery bumps... It was like having poison ivy all over my stomach!
I'm glad to here ur story... Hopefully my next child's c section will be easier as I won't have labored for 14 hours!
The belly binder is amazing... It seems like every night things are more and more tight... I haven't got the jelly belly like so many people I know.... And I gained almost 50 pounds including the 10-15 pounds of water weight that came on almost overnight... (which I still haven't lost... My feet are more swollen than before if that's even possible! I keep reminding myself that at least that means u still have 10 pounds of water weight to shed!

Congrats on dilation, excited!!
Katie do you wear the band all day and night?

I bought the belly wrap today to prepare. You inspired me to get it! Lol

My dr said that with water weight- if I want to get rid of it (temporarily since I'm still very pregnant) to go into a body of water up to my neck and stand/float for half and hour. E said it should relieve the swelling for at least a day.
hey all,

sorry I haven't been on for a while...we are in the process of moving and have been staging my house to prepare the sale. I wanted to share my birth story.

Saturday morning around 5am, I felt a little bit of water on my leg. For a second I forgot I was pregnant and was looking to see if I had a water bottle in my bed as I usually go to sleep with water near by. I jumped up and went to the bathroom to go pee....after I went, I realized that I was the one leaking and started to panic as I thought I would get contractions immediately. Thankfully nothing....I woke up hubby and said I think my water broke...I not in pain and think they might send us home if we go to the hospital, so let's go to Denny's and have breakfast lol

When we got to Denny's more of my water started to come out, but again, I felt completely normal. I changed my pants in the bathroom and then ate breakfast. After, I went to my grandma's house to drop off my son and step son as my mother was there. I was going to just wait there for a bit, but decided to go to the hospital just to make sure all was well.

When the doc came and checked me, my cervix was still closed and baby's head was high, and I was not in labour, but my water def broke. The doc decided to keep me there and start the labour incase baby started to get stressed. I was shocked because I could have sworn I would be sent home.

Because the anestegiologist had 2 major surgeries and he did not have a back up, I got the epidural right away, so......I had a contraction free labour....I did not feel anything

My grandma, mother and hubby were in the room for my delivery. My grandma requested last minute to come as she wanted to experience a delivery as she never seen hers and was always interested. She is from Trinidad and was so amazed at the technology we now have and the fact that hubby's can also be in the room...it was actually very special her being there.

I was in labour for 13hrs and Celina came our screaming.....It was a wonderful experience.

The only issue I have is, I started to get these pains in my spine at the top by my head and I am scared it was due to the epidural...if it continues, I will go to my docs on Monday.

Sorry for the novel, but this is actually the short form version. Im looking forward to reading everyone's experiences!
congrats Dani! I love her name!

Claire, I had ABSOLUTELY no signs labour was coming...Im still shocked! To believe my baby is 6days old already when I should still be pregnant

Oh Celina weighed 6pounds 14ounces

KT I have been dealing with engorgement! ahhhh! Celina is amazing at latching...I went to a breastfeeding clinic and they told me to use cold cabbage leaves to sooth boobs....it actually worked! Now what I do is try to feed her every 3hrs and then pump out the rest.

My belly band is working wonders and I would def recommend it!

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