Well Powell you should have a little treat after baby is born! I don't know what the food will be like at the hospital...most NHS hospitals have had their kitchens close so an outside company provides the food, and it isn't always good.
I always remember getting food at one of the hospitals I worked in as a student...their canteen was my favourite place haha! And we got staff discount, which was brilliant. They also prepared the patients' food so we knew they'd get a decent meal.
I suppose if its free, we can't complain. Some people give the whole NHS stick for being rubbish but its free for everyone and relies on the government to provide funds, so it's only going to be as good as the support it gets. Mind you, some nurses and doctors should find other jobs because they give us a bad name.
Anywho, I've gone on a tangent.
My BH stopped at about 10:30 last night. For a while it seemed like they might have been getting closer and more intense but suddenly stopped so I'm still pregnant and not on my way to being not pregnant lol. I only got some very unwelcome pain at 4am when my leg gave me horrendous cramp not once but twice!
It wasn't the cramp I have had since being pregnant....I describe that as a silly pain because I can't help but laugh even tho it damn well hurts! This cramp is the type when you stretch and only in the calf muscle. It's more like a spasm and OMG, surely contractions cannot be worse than that! Or at least I'm hoping the pain is a different kind of pain because that sucks. Lmao. It's still really sore so I'm hobbling this morning