Due March 2012 :)

I am due march 7th 2012 hope im not intruding on u ladies. i only have nausea when i start to get hungry and wen i think about eating but after i eat i am ok i have been having a hard time sleeping and for some reason my sex drive is already higher then normal i am not even 7weeks yet i shouldnt want to be touched but i am the complete opposite right now (sorry tmi)
ttcwithendo, we have the same due date!! I'm totally opposite of you with sex drive- I just want to be left alone. I've been having nausea worse than I have with other pregnancies, but I've only made it to 7 weeks before.
Hi I'm tentatively poking my head around the door... I've just had a successful IVF round (my first try) and had a BFP blood hgc at exactly 4 weeks and a positive on a CBD last Wednesday. Then Friday was my official test day and it was negative. Since then I've had another strong positive on Saturday so I am hoping the official test I did was a dodgy cheap hospital one. So I'm now 5 weeks 1 day and so nervous. As you can see from my signature i had an early natural loss 18 months ago so I'm very nervous. Plus I'm nervous because it was IVF and if something goes wrong then it's not like I can try again next month like others would be able to. So to some up I'm terrified. I have few symptoms - am very tired and had a bit of heartburn. But I'm not sure that it means anything especially as I was in hospital last week with OHSS from the IVF (had it pretty bad).

So that's me! Be gentle hehe! Xxx
Congrats beadyeyes on your BFP on your first IVF cycle! Although I did not have fertility issues, I am coming off a loss, so I understand the anxiety and fear. Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!!
Hey ladies... not sure of my due date yet, only know early March. Have had a rough few days. I got pregnant on the pill so they ran blood work to see how far along I am. They said everything looks good. Between 6 and 8 weeks. I went for my ultrasound monday and there was a yolk and sac and small fetal pole but no embryo. I am very worried at this point. My doctor was not very encouraging at this point. I got one set of blood work back today and my numbers were high. The nurse was very pecimistic though. She told me with my levels I should be seeing a heartbeat and there was none. She said so sorry honey but do your next blood test tomorrow anyway and call me Thursday. I am so nervous and feel so defeated. I don't know how to hold onto hope at this point with both the doctor and nurse being so discouraging ........
Hi all am due march 23rd 2011 I would like to join your group.
Just be optimistic everything will be ok. God is the one who knows better not doc. Or nurses.I remember when I gave birth to my son 11. Years ago he was premature at7 months the doctors and nurses told me that they had done all they could for my son and he would not eat or breath by himself they gave up on him.I insisted they remove him from the incubator and let him die on my hands they gave into my demands so I held my little baby put him on my breasts and guess what he started suckling for the first time they removed the oxgen mask and he started breathing by himself they even told me that he won't survive because he was a boy apparently boys are weak guess what? he is a healthy big boy 11 years old I thank and believe in GOD he has the final word. don't give up be patient and pray
Wow! What an amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing it, it gives me hope and inspiration. I will find out in the am what my blood work has to say.
My results came back this morning and my numbers went up! They want me to go in again tomorrow and do another round. They said they need to keep going up and not level off or go down . I have another untlra sound scheduled for Monday. Part of me is really excited, but part of me is really nervous that its still too soon and I will go though the pain of the first ultrasound all over again. The nurse said don't give up hope yet, but also don't get your hopes too high.
Soon - Glad that there is some good news... Keep up hope hunny, prayers for you
hi all can i join plz x got my first bfp 3days ago im v nerveous as this is my first but v v happy x lil bit about me im 25 oh 29 we been tryin since sept 2010 ive got pcos finaly got my appointment at a pcos clinic nxt month aswell looks like i wnt be needin it any more lol according to due date calenders im due march 24 2012 x ive been v v tired goin sleep earlyer then normal nappin in afternoons started weein lots yesterday feel sick on and off v emointional and af like cramps called docs to c if i can get in today but have to talk to a doc on phone first still waiting nearly 3hours later now x
hi kelz :hi: congrats!

Hi all i hope youve all been good. i have not been on in awhile i have just got out of hospital. Congrats to all the newbies :)
I went for my second ultra sound today to find out if the pregnancy was viable......... I was so nervous I thought I was going to be sick. We saw the heartbeat!!!!!!! Most wonderful moment ever! Turns out I was too early last time. I am officially 6 weeks 7 days, due march 14th. I am grinning from ear to ear.......:)))))) Thanks ladies for the support and encouraging words !
MissMuffet - I hope that everything is ok

Soon - glad to hear everything is alright, you're due the day before me :)
sweetmama ----- Aww that's awesome! We can compare notes along the way ;o)
missmuffet---- Hope all is well...
Im due march 7th with my first :D I am so exciting!
My current due date is March 17th though I suppose that may shift after the first u/s. Our first u/s is August 12th and we can't wait! I need more confirmation on the reality of all of this.
Aw, I'm new to this, but am really excited about it ... Found out today I am due March 19 (I have a 4 1/2 and 6 y/o presently, so this is baby # 3). .
:) Congrats to all of You/Us :)

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