Due May 24th! Anyone in May or June? Buddies!

Are you SURE June 3rd? Have you seen a doc??? We will not know until we see one. Imm going based off LMP also. I was told to make an appt today for tomorrow (pick up my second round of hcg results and get checked and get due date etc) and when i call they say nope they are full. I said okay ill just walk in. they are like no we are full! Im so mad. My bf is like we are going anyway, they dont know how many walk ins they will or wont get lol. SO i HOPE i get everything done tomorrow. Wow maybe youre further along than you thought??? Or maybe its more than one :wacko::haha: lol. I can suck it in too much. i hate it. i only bloat when i eat lol. Any symptoms???

I know, its exciting! I have you in my bump buddies list :) gotta update it. but lol this is my second too. ive been pregnant before but lost it. at around 7/8wks. at that point i had a pouch. im wondering why now im as flat as i am. like, i can suck it in and probably touch my back (exagerrating lol) but its like theres NOTHING. and i just recently was told my utereus is tilted/backwards/retroflexion position. im wondering if thats a recent thing and thats why i wont show at all cuz my uterus is going toward my back. i want a bump too! i do get very bloated sometimes especially after i eat, i look 4 months pregnant! lol. i dont want to look like i have a gut either, i want a cute bump. lol. the spotting stopped... cramping happens rarely now. aw well let me know what happens with the doc :) why are you at risk?

:hi: i dont have an official due date either but by my calculations my due date should be may 24th :)

since this is my second baby i already feel like i have a bump going on but i think its probably so much bloat and everything but i cant wait tell its an actually bump where people can look at me and be like yep shes pregnant not omg she has put on some weight lol ah that sucks about the spotting and cramping its probably really scarey as well.. im so paranoid about like everything! good luck with your results everything will be awesome :) im not actaully sure if they put me to check my hcg levels or not but we will see i know she checked a whole bunch of things so we will see what all comes up! im actually going to be seeing a differant doctor as im high risk so i get to see a high risk specialest tell im 16 weeks than i will get to go to a normal docotor hopefully the one that will be delivering the baby!

Oh gosh, I'm amazingly bloated! I literally cannot suck my stomach in like I usually can. I just measured myself and my waist expanded by 3 inches! LOL In my last pregnancy, before I had a MMC, I was so flat, no bloating. Maybe this bloating is a good sign for me this time around :)
Yay welcome :) Haha i feel the same way. its surreal. My son is 5 years old and I didnt imagine myself with another, at least not now. But I found the perfect man for me and behold, pregnant with #2 (#1 for him) lol. My son is so excited about being a brother. But he seems to think I can MAKE it a girl and with a certain hair and eyes etc lol. Oh that sucks :/ No vomiting though? Nausea has JUST begun to hit me since 2 days ago, and getting worse. I hate it. But no food aversions yet. I actually spent like 2 weeks craving and devouring PASTA (bad craving i know lol). Still eating it lol. Ive been peeing alot as well. My boobs were killing me last week but have calmed down alot now. Was cramping alot too which has calmed down. FATIGUE is INSANE though. SOrry about your MC. I definitely understand. Just off a chemical last month, im STILL paranoid right now.

Hi ladies, :flower:

Im also due on the 24th based on my own calculations, bit of a shock...but happy, feels weird to think my little luca is going to be a BIG brother lol The nausea is doing my head in and im ridden with food aversions, in fact the only things i look forward to without feeling ill is Tropicana with extra juicy bits and cadburys hot chocolate...thankfully not together. boobs are sore on and off unlike the nausea which seems to last all day, sense of smell is ridiculously acute...oh and im peeing for england it would seem...

I had a mmc with my first pregnancy and had no signs of miscarriage we only found out at our routine dating scan so when pregnant with my son i worried left right and centre and it didnt do me any good and was a waste of mental energy as everything was smooth after the first trimester symptoms died down so trying not to worry too much this time.

:dust: to myself and all :)
Are you SURE June 3rd? Have you seen a doc??? We will not know until we see one. Imm going based off LMP also. I was told to make an appt today for tomorrow (pick up my second round of hcg results and get checked and get due date etc) and when i call they say nope they are full. I said okay ill just walk in. they are like no we are full! Im so mad. My bf is like we are going anyway, they dont know how many walk ins they will or wont get lol. SO i HOPE i get everything done tomorrow. Wow maybe youre further along than you thought??? Or maybe its more than one :wacko::haha: lol. I can suck it in too much. i hate it. i only bloat when i eat lol. Any symptoms???

I know, its exciting! I have you in my bump buddies list :) gotta update it. but lol this is my second too. ive been pregnant before but lost it. at around 7/8wks. at that point i had a pouch. im wondering why now im as flat as i am. like, i can suck it in and probably touch my back (exagerrating lol) but its like theres NOTHING. and i just recently was told my utereus is tilted/backwards/retroflexion position. im wondering if thats a recent thing and thats why i wont show at all cuz my uterus is going toward my back. i want a bump too! i do get very bloated sometimes especially after i eat, i look 4 months pregnant! lol. i dont want to look like i have a gut either, i want a cute bump. lol. the spotting stopped... cramping happens rarely now. aw well let me know what happens with the doc :) why are you at risk?

:hi: i dont have an official due date either but by my calculations my due date should be may 24th :)

since this is my second baby i already feel like i have a bump going on but i think its probably so much bloat and everything but i cant wait tell its an actually bump where people can look at me and be like yep shes pregnant not omg she has put on some weight lol ah that sucks about the spotting and cramping its probably really scarey as well.. im so paranoid about like everything! good luck with your results everything will be awesome :) im not actaully sure if they put me to check my hcg levels or not but we will see i know she checked a whole bunch of things so we will see what all comes up! im actually going to be seeing a differant doctor as im high risk so i get to see a high risk specialest tell im 16 weeks than i will get to go to a normal docotor hopefully the one that will be delivering the baby!

Oh gosh, I'm amazingly bloated! I literally cannot suck my stomach in like I usually can. I just measured myself and my waist expanded by 3 inches! LOL In my last pregnancy, before I had a MMC, I was so flat, no bloating. Maybe this bloating is a good sign for me this time around :)

LOL you go girl! I bet they'll let you in anyway! No harm in trying :) Well, I calculated from my last period BUT I always know when I ovulate, and that was September 10th. I had no idea there was an option on the due date calculators to pick the ovulation date instead of LMP :dohh:

Another reason I'm pretty sure I'm 4 weeks instead of over 5, because when I tested the line was very light. Last year I tested at 5 weeks and the test line was darker than the control line! I remember panicking because I didn't know what that meant LOL I got 5 pregnancy tests to test everyday for the next 5 days to see if it gets darker, because I'm paranoid like that :p

I don't have many symptoms aside from boobies hurting like hell!:holly:

What about you?? Any symptoms? Cravings? Hormonal imbalances?(kind of like myself) hahahha
Hello ladies! I'm due 25th May, I'd love to be bump buddies :)

Olive I'm the same as you, I don't have any symptoms except sore boobs and feeling super tired (like even if I sleep 8 hrs I feel I didn't even sleep at all).

No ms (yet) but I'm sure its a matter of time.
Ely, let us know how your scan goes, they'd better see you!! You tell em girl! My scan isn't until Tuesday week when I'm at least 6 weeks... Hopefully then we'll see a heartbeat, so looking forward to it :) this is our first child, and the first time I've gotten my BFP.
May 21st :) exactly 6weeks today! Thought I was 7 but got an ultrasound so my due date was changed.
They ended up seeing me but just to give me the hcg results (which is what I wanted.) went from 2452 last tens to 8745 last friday. so thats good! :)

ohhh wow that sucks that until you see a doctor you wont really know lol. but if you are sure about when you ovulated, i would go off of that.

My boobs used to be sore. that has really calmed down. which sucks cuz so has the size lol. But RIGHT NOW i am insanely nauseous!!! :cry: I caught the flu so thats really whats triggering my nausea. I just feel like CRAP. Before this flu, i was peeing like crazy, craving PASTA, eating like a man, boobs hurting alot more. Now just the nausea, fatigue, and mood swings!

Are you SURE June 3rd? Have you seen a doc??? We will not know until we see one. Imm going based off LMP also. I was told to make an appt today for tomorrow (pick up my second round of hcg results and get checked and get due date etc) and when i call they say nope they are full. I said okay ill just walk in. they are like no we are full! Im so mad. My bf is like we are going anyway, they dont know how many walk ins they will or wont get lol. SO i HOPE i get everything done tomorrow. Wow maybe youre further along than you thought??? Or maybe its more than one :wacko::haha: lol. I can suck it in too much. i hate it. i only bloat when i eat lol. Any symptoms???

I know, its exciting! I have you in my bump buddies list :) gotta update it. but lol this is my second too. ive been pregnant before but lost it. at around 7/8wks. at that point i had a pouch. im wondering why now im as flat as i am. like, i can suck it in and probably touch my back (exagerrating lol) but its like theres NOTHING. and i just recently was told my utereus is tilted/backwards/retroflexion position. im wondering if thats a recent thing and thats why i wont show at all cuz my uterus is going toward my back. i want a bump too! i do get very bloated sometimes especially after i eat, i look 4 months pregnant! lol. i dont want to look like i have a gut either, i want a cute bump. lol. the spotting stopped... cramping happens rarely now. aw well let me know what happens with the doc :) why are you at risk?

:hi: i dont have an official due date either but by my calculations my due date should be may 24th :)

since this is my second baby i already feel like i have a bump going on but i think its probably so much bloat and everything but i cant wait tell its an actually bump where people can look at me and be like yep shes pregnant not omg she has put on some weight lol ah that sucks about the spotting and cramping its probably really scarey as well.. im so paranoid about like everything! good luck with your results everything will be awesome :) im not actaully sure if they put me to check my hcg levels or not but we will see i know she checked a whole bunch of things so we will see what all comes up! im actually going to be seeing a differant doctor as im high risk so i get to see a high risk specialest tell im 16 weeks than i will get to go to a normal docotor hopefully the one that will be delivering the baby!

Oh gosh, I'm amazingly bloated! I literally cannot suck my stomach in like I usually can. I just measured myself and my waist expanded by 3 inches! LOL In my last pregnancy, before I had a MMC, I was so flat, no bloating. Maybe this bloating is a good sign for me this time around :)

LOL you go girl! I bet they'll let you in anyway! No harm in trying :) Well, I calculated from my last period BUT I always know when I ovulate, and that was September 10th. I had no idea there was an option on the due date calculators to pick the ovulation date instead of LMP :dohh:

Another reason I'm pretty sure I'm 4 weeks instead of over 5, because when I tested the line was very light. Last year I tested at 5 weeks and the test line was darker than the control line! I remember panicking because I didn't know what that meant LOL I got 5 pregnancy tests to test everyday for the next 5 days to see if it gets darker, because I'm paranoid like that :p

I don't have many symptoms aside from boobies hurting like hell!:holly:

What about you?? Any symptoms? Cravings? Hormonal imbalances?(kind of like myself) hahahha
Welcome! yay a day after mine :)
I had already gotten a scan (early, was spotting) at about 4 and a half week so i only saw a sac and fetal pole. Not even a heartbeat yet. Im currently looking for a OB/GYN so until i find one i wont have my official first pregnancy appt. and the scan around 6 wks (which i am now). SO im rushing looking for a doc lol. I want to see more than a sac and i wanna see a heartbeat! lol. The appt i had on friday though was to get my second set of hcg results (which they DID see me lol). went from 22452 to 8745 in a matter of 2-3 days so that was good to see.

Well congrats on your pregnancy!!! :) let us know how the appt goes on tuesday! I am currently just sick with flu, nauseous, FATIGUED, and cranky -_-

Hello ladies! I'm due 25th May, I'd love to be bump buddies :)

Olive I'm the same as you, I don't have any symptoms except sore boobs and feeling super tired (like even if I sleep 8 hrs I feel I didn't even sleep at all).

No ms (yet) but I'm sure its a matter of time.
Ely, let us know how your scan goes, they'd better see you!! You tell em girl! My scan isn't until Tuesday week when I'm at least 6 weeks... Hopefully then we'll see a heartbeat, so looking forward to it :) this is our first child, and the first time I've gotten my BFP.
They ended up seeing me but just to give me the hcg results (which is what I wanted.) went from 2452 last tens to 8745 last friday. so thats good! :)

ohhh wow that sucks that until you see a doctor you wont really know lol. but if you are sure about when you ovulated, i would go off of that.

My boobs used to be sore. that has really calmed down. which sucks cuz so has the size lol. But RIGHT NOW i am insanely nauseous!!! :cry: I caught the flu so thats really whats triggering my nausea. I just feel like CRAP. Before this flu, i was peeing like crazy, craving PASTA, eating like a man, boobs hurting alot more. Now just the nausea, fatigue, and mood swings!

Are you SURE June 3rd? Have you seen a doc??? We will not know until we see one. Imm going based off LMP also. I was told to make an appt today for tomorrow (pick up my second round of hcg results and get checked and get due date etc) and when i call they say nope they are full. I said okay ill just walk in. they are like no we are full! Im so mad. My bf is like we are going anyway, they dont know how many walk ins they will or wont get lol. SO i HOPE i get everything done tomorrow. Wow maybe youre further along than you thought??? Or maybe its more than one :wacko::haha: lol. I can suck it in too much. i hate it. i only bloat when i eat lol. Any symptoms???

I know, its exciting! I have you in my bump buddies list :) gotta update it. but lol this is my second too. ive been pregnant before but lost it. at around 7/8wks. at that point i had a pouch. im wondering why now im as flat as i am. like, i can suck it in and probably touch my back (exagerrating lol) but its like theres NOTHING. and i just recently was told my utereus is tilted/backwards/retroflexion position. im wondering if thats a recent thing and thats why i wont show at all cuz my uterus is going toward my back. i want a bump too! i do get very bloated sometimes especially after i eat, i look 4 months pregnant! lol. i dont want to look like i have a gut either, i want a cute bump. lol. the spotting stopped... cramping happens rarely now. aw well let me know what happens with the doc :) why are you at risk?

:hi: i dont have an official due date either but by my calculations my due date should be may 24th :)

since this is my second baby i already feel like i have a bump going on but i think its probably so much bloat and everything but i cant wait tell its an actually bump where people can look at me and be like yep shes pregnant not omg she has put on some weight lol ah that sucks about the spotting and cramping its probably really scarey as well.. im so paranoid about like everything! good luck with your results everything will be awesome :) im not actaully sure if they put me to check my hcg levels or not but we will see i know she checked a whole bunch of things so we will see what all comes up! im actually going to be seeing a differant doctor as im high risk so i get to see a high risk specialest tell im 16 weeks than i will get to go to a normal docotor hopefully the one that will be delivering the baby!

Oh gosh, I'm amazingly bloated! I literally cannot suck my stomach in like I usually can. I just measured myself and my waist expanded by 3 inches! LOL In my last pregnancy, before I had a MMC, I was so flat, no bloating. Maybe this bloating is a good sign for me this time around :)

LOL you go girl! I bet they'll let you in anyway! No harm in trying :) Well, I calculated from my last period BUT I always know when I ovulate, and that was September 10th. I had no idea there was an option on the due date calculators to pick the ovulation date instead of LMP :dohh:

Another reason I'm pretty sure I'm 4 weeks instead of over 5, because when I tested the line was very light. Last year I tested at 5 weeks and the test line was darker than the control line! I remember panicking because I didn't know what that meant LOL I got 5 pregnancy tests to test everyday for the next 5 days to see if it gets darker, because I'm paranoid like that :p

I don't have many symptoms aside from boobies hurting like hell!:holly:

What about you?? Any symptoms? Cravings? Hormonal imbalances?(kind of like myself) hahahha

Ely, your numbers sound great!! I was at the doctor's yesterday and she did the beta test and will do it again friday to see if they doubled! I'm so nervous though.. Yesterday, I took a test and it was lighter than the ones couple days prior, so needless to say, I was freaking out! Fortunately, this morning I took one again, and it was darkest from all of them! :happydance:

Aw, the nausea has started for you... for me it's still just boobies and a stuffy nose. Last time I had a stuffy nose, too without any allergies or cold.

I keep craving Sour Patch Kids lmao. WHat does it mean? Is it a boy or a girl if I'm craving sour? :p

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