Good luck for your scan today Kippenhok! I hope everything's healthy and you get to find out for definite whether you're having a boy
Let us know how you get on?
Movement wise, I definitely am feeling things - it varies from day to day, but always get at least a few small movements, and then on a "busy" day I can get some pretty noticeable kicks.
At my first scan the sonographer said I have an anterior placenta, but I'm wondering whether it's moved because I can feel the kicks and also the midwife at my 16wk appointment found the heartbeat really easy?

I guess I'll find out tomorrow at my 20wk scan... It would be interesting to know if it was purely temperament. Or maybe even boy/girl related??
Bump-wise, I started suffering from constipation (sorry TMI!) and bloating really early on so that it's made it quite difficult to get excited about any bump... because I was never convinced it was actually the baby I was seeing! I know it's definitely there now though because when I lie down, the top of my stomach flattens still but then I'm left with a solid ball at the bottom! I haven't got a pic at the moment but I'll see if I can get one
As for the SPD, I have to admit I'm not convinced about how much the physio will be able to do either, but I'm willing to give it a go... if nothing else I'll be glad of any tips they can give me to stop me accidentally making it worse! Also I think I can get the brace from them too. I'll let you know what they actually do for me whenever I finally get there, but I'm not feeling too optimistic about it being anytime soon.
My maternity leave begins in 9 1/2 weeks, but I'm actually off sick at the moment because the SPD got so bad. Going back next week because I'm on a course so will be a lot less physical and hopefully less painful, but I've noticed while I've been at home and taking it easy that the pain has got a million times better... so hopefully that should make the last few months of pregnancy a lot more bearable for us. fingers crossed!
I hope you're all well anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing all of our tickers change to the halfway point tomorrow!!