Due Sept 4th and no bump buddy


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Jan 25, 2010
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Well as the title says really.

Anyone due the same time? Would really like someone :)

Finally someone ;-) I thought I wouldnt find anyone!
I'm here! and we are pretty close as far as due dates go! We're both in the same box on our tickers ;)

So how have to been? How are you finding the third trimester? I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty impatient for the baby to finally arrive. Seems like I've been waiting for...oh, I dunno....months! ;)

Sorry have only just noticed your reply!! I am also getting very impatient, feels like I have been pregnant forever! But to be honest I can't really complain as compared to some I have had a pretty easy pregnancy (touch wood) I had no morning sickness (just headaches) and have only really just popped out big so back ache and discomfort has been minimal up to now! How has yours been?

I see your having a little girl :) Have you got a name picked? And is this your 1st?

for me it seemed like the first tri just dragged on, mostly because i was worried something would go wrong i think. and then the second tri flew by, so i was excited about how quickly time was passing. and then the third tri came up and it seems like time has halted again :( but, ultimately, im the same as you and can't really complain. i didnt have any sickness, a little nausea but never actually got sick. the worst for me was just being tired all the time, but it turns out i was anemic and so now that im on iron pills that has pretty much been fixed. i didnt get really big until recently too, but now that i have the back ache has been pretty bad and its hard to sleep at night. the worst is this pretty constant rib pain ive had, but apparently its just from the uterus growing and the baby kicking. seriously feels like i have bruised ribs though...eeek! :-/ im ready for the next 7 weeks to fly by! :)

thats great that you have had a pretty east pregnancy so far...i know that i have read stories of some people's experiences and it makes me so thankful for how easy ive had it. apparently it can be much much worse. lol.

we are expecting a little girl. we have decided on Audrey Elise for the name. this is my first pregnancy, but i have a 3.5 yr old stepson. ive been in his life since he was about 6 months, so the whole parenting thing isnt exactly new. but im sure it will be so much different having an infant full time, because with my stepson we only have him half of the time. how about you? have you found out what youre expecting? do you have any other children? any decisions about possible names for the LO yet? :)
Hello congrats BTW! i have no bump buddy either-im due SEPTEMBER 1st!! so were pretty close as well! :happydance:
I feel it has gone pretty quick up until the last few weeks where I am literally counting down every single day, so I'm not really suprised it is going slower!

I have had a little bit of back pain but nothing too bad luckily, I am finding it harder to sleep now though and I wake up so many times in the night to go to the loo it drives me crazy!!

Ah that is a really nice name, and looks like you have a bit of experience but I'm sure it will be totally different with your own!

This is the 1st for me, and we dont know what we are having, which I am suprised I have managed to not find out as I am so impatient but I am pretty sure it is a girl! We have a few names for a girl I like Isla/Megan/Scarlett and for a we like Jack and thats all we have lol!

Hi Veronica, come join us we are very close in dates, how is your pregnancy going so far? And looks like we might all be having girls :)

i feel your pain about the getting up in the middle of the night thing! im pretty sure its our body's way of getting us prepared for all those night feedings, but it always seems to hit me at the moment when ive just gotten most comfortable. i curse my bladder regularly these days! thats awesome that that is pretty much your only complaint though. not too bad for carrying a baby around for 8 months already, if peeing is your worst symptom! ;)

thanks about the name. it took us quite a bit of "discussion" but finally settled on it as "the one." im very glad that ive been in my stepson's life and have some experience, but everyone keeps saying that its so different when its your own. plus the fact that it will be all the time instead of half-time. but im still excited, though maybe a little bit nervous.

that is very cool that youve been able to keep the gender unknown. my DH and his ex did that, but i told him right off that i needed to know. he agreed and said that its easier to plan and do the nursery that way. i just knew that i wouldnt be able to not know, hehe. your names for girls are beautiful...i really like Scarlett a lot. Dont worry though, you still have a few more weeks to worry about names! Im sure that the ones you settle on will be perfect :D

Btw, Welcome Veronica! I've seen a few of your other posts lately on her as well. Come join us for a gossip :)
Thanks ladies!! We all seem to be going through the same thing! I am actually tho tired of being preggo! lol..i cant wait!--getting up in the middle of the night constantly is not FUN! :haha: .. im so uncomfortable with everything i do! lol .. But i am def happy & cant wait to meet my baby girl! those names are beautiful btw my OH name is Jack hehe...Im naming my daughter Kailynn Nevaeh :cloud9:
i am feeling the same way as you Veronica, getting pretty impatient for this little one to arrive already. and i still have 6.5 weeks to wait! i think it mostly stems from having everything setup and ready, which makes it feel like she should be here already. well, that and the fact that im getting pretty uncomfortable. im coming to realize that, even though im tall, all of my height is in my legs and my waist is pretty short...not leaving a whole lot of room for baby! plus i havent gotten a good night of sleep in weeks! lol.

i love the name you have picked out. i really liked nevaeh for a time when we were trying to pick a name, but DH was pushing for more traditional names and i got vetoed. also we couldnt think of a middle name that flowed with it into our last name, but you have picked a great combination there! :)
thank you for the name compliment...Yea me and OH went up & down with names until we FINALLY agreed on this name..i wanted nevaeh and he realy didnt - but when i said fine "Kailynn Navaeh" he agreeedd :wohoo: finally!..But yea i havent had a good night sleep in weeks either im so uncomfortable any way that i lay..on top of that my back hurts so its difficult..i am the opposite of you i guess becuz im SHORT! Lol im pushin 5'1 (i hope) every1 in my fam jokes and say i cant reach 5 feet! but im sure im atleast 5'1 or pretty close! so im small..and these small legs are going thru so much EXTRA work holding this belly up and my hips are as well lol..but now im starting my WEEKLY appointments 2 see my OB - so i know im CLOSE :happydance: ... i just want my 37 weeks=fullterm to come and baby follow right then and there! lol...we can be hopeful cant we? :haha:
DH and i had the same issue with names. it was ridiculous! we had picked out a girl's name in the very beginning, but when we went to the ultrasound and found out it was actually a girl (DH had been so sure it was a boy) he decided he didnt really like the name. and that stated about 3-4 weeks of constant name discussion. so glad that is over now! ;)

i have heard that pregnancy is significantly more uncomfortable for shorter women. probably just because there is less room in there and you have a smaller frame in general. i have some pretty sturdy thighs...i guess this will be the only time im ever thankful for them, but they make carrying around this belly a bit easier. ;)

weekly appointments?! thats crazy! i had an appointment on monday and my next isnt for 3 more weeks. and then the next one is two weeks after that. must be something to do with the fact that i go to a military hospital..i dont think they see you as much as others. but for me thats okay. i dont like going to the hospital much anyway, and this pregnancy has been uncomplicated. thats cool though that youre so close...only 5 more weeks to go! and, if were lucky and they come at term, it could be as little as 2 weeks! i and hoping audrey comes at 37 weeks too because im uncomfortable. my worst fear is that ill be really late. at my hospital theyll let me go to 42 weeks before they induce.. :-/
:hi:yea i know my OB starts weekly appointments after 35-36 weeks pregnancy depending what date you fall on to see her...i know its a drag going every week but at the same time i know im getting checked every week and have that assurance that baby is growing fine every week so thats a plus! ... & yes 37 weeks would be great- justo think she can be out with 2-5 weeks! i hope i dont go overdue either!!..he head has been down for the last 2 weeeks so thats good she is not breech atleast! :dance: ... This is my first baby so im not only excited but im sooo nervous! im going to be in charge of this baby...im the mommy aww lol :cloud9:
that is pretty cool to know that youre getting so close...its a great milestone to celebrate. my doctor, she doesnt do that much. i was in on monday and asked her if she could tell if the head was down yet, and she said she would look into it at the next appointment. by then ill be nearly 37 weeks though and i think it will be too late to try to get her to turn if shes not in the right position. basically i go in, she asks if i have pain or questions and she listens to the heartbeat for about a millisecond, and then were out of there. so, its probably that my appointments are so anticlimatic that i dont enjoy them as much.

im starting to get nervous too. i wants until we started this childbirth class on tuesday. it was kind of terrifying. we watched videos of births and they described all the stages and showed videos of women in each stage..it was all a bit too much. i think i would rather just not know what is going to happen, because that has honestly scared me a bit! but i keep telling myself that all of it will be worth it to have her here and be able to hold her. i just cant wait for that moment...it seems like it has been such a long time coming!
well my appointments consist of hearing the heartbeat and measuring my belly- But she checked it this time and felt the babys head down below--she ask if everything is fine o ri have questions and im out..but yea its very exciting..i havent taken any classes or watched any videos b/c eveyr pregnancy is diff. im scared enough with knowing labor will happen i dont need videos to scare me more! lol .. yea i fell like its taking 4 ever to have my baby but at the same time we are so close! u have any other kids?
i guess our appointments are pretty much the same. i guess i just get myself worked up for them. to me they are each a milestone that im getting closer to the due date, but then i go in and nothing much happens and im kinda left thinking "well...that was kind of a waste!" lol. but, at the same time, its probably good that they are uneventful. eventful checkups usually mean that something isnt right, i would imagine.

the classes are offered for free through the military, and so we figured we should take advantage of the opportunity. some of the information is good. we do breathing exercises and then they went over getting ready, packing the bag, and all that sort of stuff. but, i agree, the videos were a bit much. i didnt need to see that! it has definitely increased my nervousness about the whole thing, thats for sure!

i have a stepson who is about 3.5 years old. we have him on the weekends and one night a week, so about half of the time. ive been in his life since he was about 6-7 months old, and so being around him for most of his life makes me feel like im ready to be a mom fulltime too. but, at the same time, im pretty sure it will be a lot different when audrey arrives and she is with us 24/7! i cant wait though. we had my stepson last night and we asked him if he was getting excited for his sister to get here. he said he was because he couldnt wait to sing her songs (his favorite: the spiderman theme song) and "protect her from the bad guys" with his "superhero muscles" lol. hes a goof. :) do you have any other kids or is this your first?
yea i wanted to do classes but scheduling them when we have time is the problem lol and yea u seem to be ready to be a mommy- but yea its different when its 24/7!! lol this is my first baby so im a nervous reck.. I have younger brothers n sisters that i help raised and im good with kids but nothing like your own! .. Are u working? or home?
we actually really lucked out with our classes because they offered this accelerated class that only had two sessions and in the middle of the week, and they just happened to land on the day we dont have my stepson. so it worked out nicely as far as scheduling, but honestly im not sure that they helped do anything but scare me! lol. last night was the second session and we talked about pain management, recovery after birth, and taking baby home. so it wasnt as scary as the one where she went through the birth process, but still nerve wracking.

awww thats exciting that this is your first! its weird because when people ask me i have an inclination to say no because of my stepson, but then i remember "wait...this is actually my first pregnancy" and. like you said, it will be different im sure. im pretty much the same as you, when i was growing up my mom loved kids and i swear she helped raise half of the neighborhood. so i was constantly around babies and toddlers. plus i was nanny for my nephew for the first year of his life. that combined with having my stepson makes me feel confident in the taking care of baby part. still just a little concerned about the part where i get her from inside my belly to outside of it! Eeek! :-/

i am working up until my due date pretty much, unless something changes and i get orders from the doctor to stay home or something. luckily i work as an architect though, and so its pretty much just a desk job and nothing to strenuous. i cant imagine having a job where i had to be on my feet all day! the worst part is that i take the bus back and forth because parking is about $35/day downtown...which means i have to get up an hour earlier than i would if i drove. and being so exhausted lately, i could really use that extra hour of sleep! ;) how about you, working or staying home? ive seen that a lot of people in canada and england take of by about 34-35 weeks, buit i think they have much better benefits than we do here.

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