Due towards end of January 2009

Sounds mad Helen! Really glad you're keeping a sense of humour about it :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:. Isn't she at all worried about what it's going to be like at work for her? No one is going to trust her or want to be around her as everyone knows what she's like now. She'll be stuck with the stupid boss man (if he stays there).

Hello ladies x Hope you and little ones are all well x

Am knackered....really looking forward to mat leave!
elm thats my biggest fear giving birth at home! no gas, air or medical help if baby needs it. no way. would feel safe in hospital. I live outside a town about 2 mile. dont sound much from docs but its a long walk and i cant go that far, the stairs are near killing me. bad back now and spd pain on and off. City is 7 mile away. dont wory i will get to hpspital for labour! i will be demanding and screaming for any way there and will get there. dad will be on call. or even my bro who is very inrelaiable if i can get him.

anyway my mate got me stuff today! bless her. got me loads of toiletries for my hospital bag, cloths for baby, wipes,nappies,cotton wool. shampoo,hair brush,face bloths, bag,bed socks! loads of stuff ! she is giving me her cot down to she had for her baby. just need a matress. And i have everything choosen on mothercare and kiddicare. cant wait to get money.
Sounds mad Helen! Really glad you're keeping a sense of humour about it :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:. Isn't she at all worried about what it's going to be like at work for her? No one is going to trust her or want to be around her as everyone knows what she's like now. She'll be stuck with the stupid boss man (if he stays there).


hit the nail on the head there.

she already had the title of office gossip. but now they call her the mole lol.
what keeps me going is that i have lots and lots of people who come up to me and tell me not to give up. they say he drones on when in a conversation with him lol, and all day i can hear the mechanics shouting wah wah wah wah like duck noises ripping the pee out of him, now i can hear them other side of the workshop in my office (without a door now lol) then he can hear them doing it too, but he's so far up his own backside he don't realise, if i were miserable at work i'd get signed off but i actually really like it in between the crap lol
Glad your hearing went well Helen. I guess you're so looking forward to mat leave.
Dragonfly, you really should have some sort of plan in place for emergencies. I dont want to make you more anxious than you are but isnt there a good friend or someone who can run you in to see your doc or midwife? I am giving birth in a hospital and hr and half away, that was my choice because the hospital closest to me doesnt have all the latest and greatest techy stuff that the larger one has outside of my town. But I have plans in place just in case. There are all sorts of scenarios that are playing out, a bunch of "what if's" so I have to make sure everything is taken care of. As for your bubba not moving as much, my LO has slow days as well, and I found out today why the movements have changed. He's no longer breech!! He's in head down position. Dragonfly I hope that when you do get to see a health care professional that you tell him/her about your nausea, your spd and everything you can think of.
Glad your hearing went well Helen. I guess you're so looking forward to mat leave.
Dragonfly, you really should have some sort of plan in place for emergencies. I dont want to make you more anxious than you are but isnt there a good friend or someone who can run you in to see your doc or midwife? I am giving birth in a hospital and hr and half away, that was my choice because the hospital closest to me doesnt have all the latest and greatest techy stuff that the larger one has outside of my town. But I have plans in place just in case. There are all sorts of scenarios that are playing out, a bunch of "what if's" so I have to make sure everything is taken care of. As for your bubba not moving as much, my LO has slow days as well, and I found out today why the movements have changed. He's no longer breech!! He's in head down position. Dragonfly I hope that when you do get to see a health care professional that you tell him/her about your nausea, your spd and everything you can think of.
well my dad can be reachabe at any point and will take me to the hospital in emergancy. My apps i have to change a fwe times to work around his work but they give me late evening ones now which is handy for dad to take me they just dont seem to call me as much as everyone else here. I have a scan at 13 weeks and booking , 24 weeks and that was it. they found nothing wrong with scan or blood and said my sickness is normal. My own doc i call on the phone to talk to and says its all normal pregnancy stuff and to be honest she was sick of me calling her when i was really bad.

I have app next week so am looking forward to that one and asking loads of stuff. Then they have given me when to make apps on my card so i can see when i can get up and make them myself.

I havnt met my midwife or consultant i did ask who midwife was and was just given anyone who was on call. i think thats what they do here. My hospital is only 15 mins at most away and thats with traffic its just up a dual carriageway and through the city. Think you are worse off than me there. I love hospitals for some reason anyway. i know i am probably the only one that does. Soon as i step in i am calm. I would near go there just to feel calm! lol

I will be fine though, thanks for your concern :blush:

movements i can feel vibrating about the back again so baby has turned around, its feet wherein my ribs and now i cant feel them but my bowl and cerves are being kicked. So its there, its moving its just changed.
ooohhh Dragonfly, poking and movements in the cervix area is quite uncomfy isnt it!
Elm, I do help Don with paint colors..thats the fun part..lol. He's into the painting and I try to clean, but I find sometimes I over do it and end up on the flat of my back with back pain. I don't know aboutthis nesting thing..lol. Still no mouserat?
Does anybody know much about cot mattresses? Far too many to choose from, and not entirely sure what I should be looking for. Has anybody bought theirs yet?
you should have heard the mice in here last night! my god i thought they where in the same room as me and darren had to ask me to leave the room in case i paniced, even though mice dont scare me. I thoughtthey where in the piano. They where inbetween the floor boards upstairs and making loads of racket. Sounded like they where racing each other and squeaking away up there. Have to get them plug in things. They aint like in the house they are between bits we cant get to , if that makes sence. I know they are in the garage though.

cot mattress i am getting mine from mother care online as they where the onely ones to have the size nearest to the cot i am getting, i am confused of that many sizes. Mines about £50 aprox. air spung cooler things.
curlywoo, i'm getting a spring mattress so i can use it for when in a bed as well think am getting it from mthercare or toys r us.

well i came from work at 12 in floods and floods of tears, the managing director had me in for my appeal, tried to turn it all against me said that i should only answer my phone in emergencies and i answered it and it were my mum wishing me happy birthday. i said that how does one know if a call is an emergency until its answered and i kept my mum on the line cos i were really upset. he said how do you know he were stood out there a long time, i said cos he was leaning up the doorway to the main office right outside the loo, i said if someone is leaning against something they are resting and it wasnt a coincidance. he said did i realise his wife has cancer and how would i feel if i were him. i went mad at that point i said how does that excuse his behaviour my daughter is poorly but i don't go screaming at people. he asked me why i let my supervisor read the statements and i said cos they arent confidential and if he werent lying what does it matter. i held it together girls dragonfly you'd have been so proud lol its not just for me its for every other preggers girl out there too, got to stand up to bullies.
but when i came out and sat down at my desk i broke down and my supervisor couldnt console me and just told me to go he'd cover me tell i felt ill.
i wanted to knock that woman out i've never felt rage like that before she was supposed to be my friend and she's told them that i went to Acas and all my intentions, but i suppose she forgot to tell them that they have said that the reason my door was taken off was incase i fell over in the office and no one could see me lol, but we not got to that part yet. its so tireing i just cant do it anymore i know i have to because i cant let them get away with it and i've come this far, but how low is it to excuse yourself using your wifes cancer, sicko or what....
have you joined a union yuo need people behind you to scare them *******s! OMG what a dick! after what happened to me i know your rage! mine went on 3 years and wasnt anything to do with pregnancy but i was treated really bad and was set up i dont know who many times. Had me in tears, had me on flippen medication it was that bad. I hauled in loads of people after I was sacked and my boss looked like a wanker! sitting there refusing to speak tyo people i had given the right to speak for me. He couldnt explain why he done all he did. He wouldnt even appear in court ffs as he was sacked before it all ended. I stil got paid off though as it had to be setled some way.
He used to give me warnings for silliy things and humilate me. used to pull the chair from underneath me and make me stand while everyone sat around me working! i wasnt allowed to sit apparently at a computer i had to stand.
his gf used to bit on and on about how she was getting people sacked if she didnt likethem and i heard her! staff used to apprach me and tell me what they where saying about me in the staff room. She didnt like me and he turned because of her. Staff liked me , well most of them the ones that where not liking bosses ass as i was their boss when he wasnt there. could run the place better than him and prived it.

anyway sorry for rambling on there but seems like you have gotten worse than me with what he done in pregnancy. It makes my piss boil this! i cannot believe that people do this. I am actually glad i dont work as bosses are *******s, i am fine on my own an always fucking doing their jobs and end up getting back stabbed.

I want to work for th union. I would kick ass.

wouldnt blame you for crying, i would have to withthe way i am. if i wasnt pregnant yuo would have seen my neck twitching and my face go red, then you may clear the room because its hard to actually control myself after that. I have to walk off.

Oh oh

i got invited to darrens sisters for xmas dinner where the while fam meet up! only took 4 years for an invite as i sat here alone every xmas with no one and wasnt invited. and they clearly didnt want me there but for some reason they said inthe text are you BOTH coming for xmas dinner :O holy cray! have i finially been excepted! dosnt matter to them if i am preg or not they didnt pay attention to me for 4 years and showed they where not fussed on me. They are a close fam with no outsiders intruding, any ones OH is not really welcome.
i feel like i cracked some code here lol

i have heartburn really bad since last night and nothing is helping :(
awwww drqgonfly thaks hun, i could of done with you in the room with me, rang gmb union but they said i had to be a member for so many months before they would help, i'm so mad with myself for crying and feel i should have said more in there as well, i mean how does a person know if a phone call is a emergency unless you answer it grrrr. craig is absolutely livid and so are my close friends and family. i just so want it over now but i'm going to see it till the end. i've got 2 weeks and a week off then 3 weeks till i leave. maybe its going my way and i don't realise but i doubt it the people who interview should be impartial but i felt like i was be interigated was awful.
i feel like a right wimpy wet sponge i'm just so happy go lucky the life and soul of every party going my friends love me, i got a lovely baby on the way that we spent 3 yrs of hell to get but i feel like shite grrrrr. craig keeps cuddling me and kissing me think he knows i've hit the bottom, i feel on the verge of tears constantly.
sorry for ranting just wanted to get it out.
luff you all xx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: oh honey- I'm so sorry. At least it's the weekend now and you've got a few days away from it all. Make sure Craig takes good care of you and spoils you. The next few weeks will probably go quicker than you think and then you'll be out of there and will have a lot more to look forward to that any of the sad people that you've been having to deal with.
Sending you lots of :hugs: xxxxxx
yeah they say that to but i was in it like a week and i was sacked as i seen it coming and they still carried on with the case. Some can be assholes! they could have took you on ffs!

rant away you have every right to. Revenge would be sweet here if noting else can be done.

eating cad buttons here watching scary movie 2 in the background and the buttons taste weird! like fruity??? darren says the same they came out of a selection box.
Lingers about thread in hope that someoen will come in.

what are you all at you have deserted me! I have been in and out of here all morning and the kettle hasnt even been on yet! :O

my baby is re aranging my insides to suit its comfort needs here! its off my cervex I think and poking all angles. I caught one of two thumbs on cam, but as usual it stops when i get a cam but its really been rumaging around in there and is now poking near ribs again. Thank god!

i feel like crap but whats new.
i'm here lol, come to lie on the bed i come over all tired, i done three loads of washing 2 on the line but doesnt seem to be drying quick trying to get out the habit of using the tumble cos its in the nursery and will be coming out, so i got everything on clothes horses by the radiators. how elm gets on drying her clothes i dunno cos it does my head in having washing everywhere, i'm geting really big movements and my tummy feels really tender to touch its goes rock hard as well. last night he was being a wiggle bum and i said show daddy how you stick you bum out georgie (pet name) and he did my tummy came right out lol was so funny craigs eyes were like saucers lol said it was the best moment so far awwww.

my supervisor called to make sure i was ok today he said it was really upsetting for him to see me so upset and bawling my eyes out. thought that was so sweet,he said he doesnt care if he gets the sack, its quite clear i'm being bullied into backing down by bringing stuff up in my working life that has nothing to do with the actual incident. so we'll see if it keeps etting too much then my doc has already said she'll sign me off the selfishe thing is i need novembers pay packet to be full salary cos of crimbo and getting the nursery sorted.
who'sgoing to a bonfire tonight, we're going to our next door neighbours.
you can go to your solicator also instead of a union. I remember my solicator shouting at me as he said he would have got it sorted quicker and me more money. Only thing is you will have to pay for him. There has to be more laws on prats like this! and why the union dont let you join is rediculous! have a search around google there has to be something. I will see if i can dig someting up.

baby quiet now, must have found a comfy place , it was fluffing my intestines earlier.
i spoke to acas they said you have to exhaust the grievance procedures in work and then contact citezens advice and the maybe go through no win no fee or pay for a soliciter, acas cant take it to court as its not discrimination but harrassment and bullying. i got my hearing of the door done but i'll have to appeal that when they've drummed up an excuse for it. so frustrating
Ah the papers are always a good one to! disgrace the company and they will have to answer and possibly pay you off to shut you up.hehe.
Hi everyone.
Quiet in here today. I hust finished housework, now back is killing me so I'm resting for awhile. I guess everyone is busy or resting as well.

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