Hello Mums,
My LO's skin is a bit dry and both the HV and the doc say that E45 can help. Anyone has been using it on your babies? My daughter is 4 months old. I've bought the cream (not the lotion), do you think it's OK?
My doc suggested I use E45 on Stewart when he was about 6 weeks old for dry skin and eczema. It worked a treat and I have used it daily ever since with no problems. I even use it on his face.
If you are worried though, try rubbing it on a small area and see if there's any reaction, but I doubt there will be.
My Doctor prescribed this for Niah at around 5 months and I use this probably every second day/the alternative day I use Vaseline and wash her in aqueous cream at bath time.
Never used it, but I got epiderm from the doctors and it has worked really well! It can be put in baths or just rubbed on like a cream, quite greasy though.
Doc prescribes us with Oilatum for eczema. I think both brands have kids versions but I don't think there's much difference cause it's hit or miss whether the pharmacy gives us an adult or child version- and they sure do know who Alex is
used it since day 1 with LO as i use it for me on my eczema and psoriasis and it works wonders for my skin and if LO ever has any dry patches, there gone within a few hours of putting e45 on
E45 is fine, also try Aveeno which we've used on LO from 4 months. Oilatum or Aveeno oil in the bath are good too (they do a junior oilatum which is probably a bit milder). GP should be able to advise if you are unsure x
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