early to bed early to rise? or not the case?


SAHM to Rhys
May 22, 2009
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hello ladies.

just curious if the is any patterns in babies sleeping times.

for example...

if your LO goes to bed early do they wake up earlier or later than usual?
if your LO goes to bed later do they wake up earlier or later than usual?

or no difference whatsoever?

just that rhys never seems to have had enough sleep when he wakes at 6.10am and he is in bed by 7pm - at which time he is exhausted!! im wondering if putting hi to bed earlier would mean him getting that sleep he needs? or would he just wake up earlier anyway.

(he naps 10.00 - 1030 in the morning and 1.30-2.30 in the afternoon.)

my lo goes to bed around 8pm and i wake him at 8am. He would more than likely sleep later though if i let him xx
At the start of the year LO was sleeping from 11pm-9am, with naps in the early afternoon and at 7pm-8pm. We decided enough was enough, did CC and she now sleeps 7pm-8am and only has 1 hour nap after lunch.

So yes, when she started putting her to bed earlier she started getting up earlier.
the boys have exactly the same pattern as Rhys - 90% of the time one wakes the other in the morning so one is always a little tired by nap time but short of seperating them not much I can do. They have had earlier and later than that but still wake up at 6am xx
My lo wakes at 8am no matter what time he goes to bed, but i do find that the more sleep he has during the day and the earlier he goes to bed the better he sleeps through the night x
My LO wakes anywhere from 5-7 and there doesn't appear to be any correlation to when he goes to bed. Sometime earlier bed equals earlier waking, sometimes not. Same with late to bed.
Lucy wakes anytime between 8am - 9am and goes to bed between 6pm - 7pm
Badies tend to wake up at the same time no matter what time they go to sleep.

Bella goes to sleep between 6-8pm and it can vary a lot but will always wake at the same time! Lol.
Ive found if LO goes to bed at 6pm he wakes for the day at 6am, but if he goes at 7pm it's more like 5am. Maybe I should try putting him to bed at 5pm ha ha xx
River goes 7-7 since about 6 months

but she still wakes in the the night every now and then (last night she woke up 1am-3am as shes sick) but she still gets up at 7.
Harry goes 7.30pm - 7.30am.

No matter what time he goes to bed he wakes at the same time. Altho if he goes late he doesnt sleep as well.x
Mine wakes at 5:30am no matter if he goes to bed at 6pm or 8pm!!! Which is why I aim for 6pm cause then OH + I practically have a childfree night (except not making a sound and not being able to leave the house, LOL)
LO is asleep by quarter to 8 and is up at 8/9/10

but on 2 mornings he wakes at 7 with my alarm, grr !
No difference, No matter what time shes in bed, shes always awake for 10am :) (at the earliest mind!)
Daisy stays upstairs for roughly 12 hours whatever time she goes to bed. I say upstairs as she's definitely not asleep all those hours :lol:
Thomas wakes up so many hours after he goes to sleep, so yes, if he went to bed earlier then he will wake up earlier.

He goes to bed now at 8:30 and thinks it's time to get up for the day at 6am. He used to go to bed around 10:30pm and get up for the day about 8am.
It doesn't matter what time she goes to bed for the past few weeks Ivy has woken up at exactly 7.14 every morning :shock: She usually goes down between 7.30 and 8.
My LO used to go to bed at 9.30/10 and wake up at 8/8.30. Since then she has changed her bedtime to 7.30 and still wakes at the same time as before lol. But she's a lazy lil girl hehe xxx
my wee girl broke all moulds as a new born. from one week old she slept from 11pm till 7pm most nights (missing the night time feed) she then would go on to sleep the 12 hours of the clock and i remember one morning she was around 8/9 months and in her own room, obviously had baby monitors on and i just normally slept until she slept i woke up and looked at my clock and it was 11.30 am! i panicked like mad and sent OH into bedroom as could not face going in, but here she was snoozing away and that was from 8pm the night before!!! now that was a one off but she was the best wee sleeper and i never felt tired or exhausted (however she did go most of the day without a nap).

My wee boy was different for a start he was 3 pounds heavier than his sister and was just a starver so he was aware every 4 hours for feeds now he will go to bed around 7pm and sleep till 7 the next morning, however i have noticed if i put him down at maybe 9pm for example he can still wake up at 7am.
i put rhys to bed about 15 mins earlier last night and he didnt wake till 7.00 this morning then dozed till 7.40 when i went in to get him up :)

put him to bed at 6.45 tonight so we shall see what the morning holds!!


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