Eating disorder recovery support thread!

:hugs: Thanks for sharing your story Tanya, you sound like you have been through so much. May I ask which adolescent ward you were in? I was put in an adolescent ward in the Priory Southgate which didn't specialize in eating disorders either, it was DISATROUS for my eating disorder, the nurses didn't know how to deal with me and I liked the 'challenge' of hiding food :nope: Of course you can't only blame yourself, I can't imagine how much it would have destroyed me if my own mother had called me fat and ugly! How do you feel these days? You and Chris77 are my inspiration :)
How is everyone feeling at the moment? I am struggling a bit, I have this weird feeling of nostalgia when I think about the anorexia. I have a massive tendency to sugarcoat some memories, when really I was almost constantly depressed at my lowest weight. I couldn't imagine Ivy being around to witness me at my lowest, that is the best motivation I have to stay healthy. In fact Ivy is the ONLY motivation!
I'm hovering ladies!! I'm not recovered.. though i am really trying. I am expecting #2 (shocked may i add lol) and i know i cannot keep starving/restricting then binging.

I am feeling okayish with the fact i will gain.. i'm just worried after i will relapse.
How is everyone?x
oh my god Sarah congrats :hugs: We will help you through this, don't think so negatively otherwise staying in recovery will be so difficult! Just about to go to bed but will write a longer reply tomorrow, congrats again! :hugs:
I am doing alright. Dealing with a lot at the moment, and am struggling with my thoughts of my old addictions, anorexia and cutting. No strong urges, just idle thoughts that I am easily able to beat.

Congrats HellBunny!!!!! :baby:
I like those words cowboy: "easily able to beat". :) Strange thing is, we shouldn't have to beat them. They shouldn't be there at all. :(
I like those words cowboy: "easily able to beat". :) Strange thing is, we shouldn't have to beat them. They shouldn't be there at all. :(

I like those words too. Much better than when I go to my husband and say "honey...I couldn't beat it..." which leads to A) food being forced on me, B) him crying (making me cry also) while he helps me wash and bandage my cuts, or C) both...and often threats to be forced back on meds for my depression...

I was really worried when all this started coming down and I know I'm more edgy, highly stressed...but I am okay... I've learned after everything I've been too that "this too shall pass" is a very true statement, and also that I CAN survive.... ugh don't want that song stuck in my head.... :rofl:

I'm very impressed with myself though cuz I thought I was gonna end up backtracking really really bad.....but I've actually done okay. :)
Hey guys,

I'm 22, pregnant with my first - TRYING to recover from a 4year battle of anorexia/turn bulimic.

I've had a few slip ups since being pregnant, it's so hard.. but this time in our life is SO important.. for the little one(s) <3

I wish everyone the best and healthy recovery and hope you all enjoy motherhood.

You're all so beautiful. xxxx
I'm hovering ladies!! I'm not recovered.. though i am really trying. I am expecting #2 (shocked may i add lol) and i know i cannot keep starving/restricting then binging.

I am feeling okayish with the fact i will gain.. i'm just worried after i will relapse.
How is everyone?x

I have the same fears AFTER baby.. but hopefully we'll be too distaracted by the beautiful human we made - by trying to be healthy for it <3

You're doing amazing.. well done for the trying.. keep it up xxxx
How is everyone today? I'm doing okay, but i fear i may have GD again like i did with J, so i'm off to make an appointment tomorrow.. I know its not ED related but i guess food wise it is.

On the ED front i'm not too bad, i'm so pleased for the fact i haven't fasted, been sick or binged in nearly 2 weeks now, its a record! And i don't have any intention to soon either, i worry about afterwards but i'm living for the moment and all that..
&#26377;&#26102;&#20505;&#25105;&#24819;&#65292;&#20303;&#38498;&#27835;&#30103;&#26159;&#19968;&#31181;&#39278;&#39135;&#22833;&#35843;&#30151;&#30340;&#20154;&#26368;&#31967;&#31957;&#30340;&#20107;&#24773;&#65292;&#22240;&#20026;&#30142;&#30149;&#30340;&#26412;&#36136;&#26159;&#22914;&#27492;&#30340;&#31454;&#20105; &#65281;&#22312;&#21307;&#38498;&#65292;&#25105;&#32463;&#24120;&#33258;&#24049;&#22312;&#37027;&#37324;&#30340;&#20854;&#20182;&#22899;&#23401;&#36827;&#34892;&#27604;&#36739;&#65292;&#36825;&#20960;&#20046;&#26159;&#20316;&#20026;&#19968;&#20010;&#22899;&#23401;&#26102;&#20351;&#29992;&#40763;&#39282;&#31649;&#65292;&#23601;&#20687;&#20182;&#20204;&#22312;“&#29983;&#30149;” &#30340;&#26368;&#20339;&#25104;&#23601;&#12290;&#22238;&#24819;&#36215;&#26469;&#65292;&#25105;&#35748;&#20026;&#25105;&#20204;&#22788;&#29702;&#30340;&#26041;&#24335;&#26159;&#21487;&#24597;&#30340;&#65292;&#25105;&#26159;&#34987;&#36843;&#37319;&#21462;&#25239;&#31934;&#31070;&#30149;meds&#30340;&#65292;&#22240;&#20026;&#25105;&#26377;&#24778;&#24656;&#21457;&#20316;&#65292;&#27599;&#22825;&#26202;&#19978;&#65292;&#24403;&#25105;&#35273;&#24471;&#25105;&#38656;&#35201;&#26377;&#20154;&#36319;&#25105;&#35828;&#35805;&#65292;&#24110;&#25105;&#30475;&#30475;&#25105;&#30340;&#33041;&#28023;&#20851;&#38381;&#30340;&#24076;&#26395;&#24471;&#21040;&#28040;&#38500;&#39135;&#21697;&#12290;
How is everyone today? I'm doing okay, but i fear i may have GD again like i did with J, so i'm off to make an appointment tomorrow.. I know its not ED related but i guess food wise it is.

On the ED front i'm not too bad, i'm so pleased for the fact i haven't fasted, been sick or binged in nearly 2 weeks now, its a record! And i don't have any intention to soon either, i worry about afterwards but i'm living for the moment and all that..


I dunno what GD is but I hope you get it sorted <3 I'm so proud of you, YOU should be so proud of your 2 week record, that's amazing... unfortunately, wish I could say the same thing.

Good girl, live for NOW - worry about later, when it comes to it <3
You are doing so well Sarah! Don't even think about what could happen, enjoy the fact that you are free of ED thoughts at the moment! I remember when I first decided to accept help, I said that my aim was to one day walk into Starbucks, eat a muffin, leave and never think about that muffin again :) It took about 4 years but I can finally do that! I never thought I'd be able to eat anything without obsessing over and over in my head. And like you, I'm sure there will be times when it comes back to haunt me, but right now I am just enjoying being able to just eat without it being physically and mentally draining!

Why do you think you might have GD again? Hope you are feeling okay, you are doing so well! :hugs:
I'm really thirsty and it was one symptom of it with J, i tried to make a DR's appointment today and they said they don't have any for 2 weeks!! Hopefully my Midwife appointment will be before this as i'm so eager to get it sorted this time asap.

I'm feeling okay at the mo, o/h made a meal and although i was bloated after it was good, lol.

I hope you feel better soon xloula :hugs:

Lou the test will be after the birth, hopefully my mind will be sooo busy with 2 babies (well a baby and toddler lol) but i don't know, i relapsed one week after giving birth to J but i will be all hopeful and happy :)
Hi Ladies.

Please feel free to boot me out if you don't think this is entirely appropriate.

I don't suffer with an official eating disorder although my psychologist has called it a 'Binge eating disorder'.

I'm a 21 year old mother with a 2 year old. It all started when I was aout 16. I don't remember how or why it started, there was no major trigger as far as I can tell it just did. I've been battling it or 5 years now and only in the last few weeks have I actually done anything about it.

I have regular urges just to binge. I suppose it's like binge-purge bulemia except I don't actually purge, just binge. Then my 'purge' is a complete slump into a few hours of self hate. It's disgusting. I don't know why I do it. But nothing I've tried stops it.

I don't even know if this has a place in this thread it's really just the closest thing to support I've seen.
:hugs: Of course you are welcome here, even at the height of my anorexia, binging still ruled my life too! It is such a difficult thing to conquer and those of us with bulimic tendencies will be able to relate. I am about to go to bed so will type out a longer reponse in the morning, just wanted to say that you are completely welcome here :hugs:
Hi Ladies.

Please feel free to boot me out if you don't think this is entirely appropriate.

I don't suffer with an official eating disorder although my psychologist has called it a 'Binge eating disorder'.

I'm a 21 year old mother with a 2 year old. It all started when I was aout 16. I don't remember how or why it started, there was no major trigger as far as I can tell it just did. I've been battling it or 5 years now and only in the last few weeks have I actually done anything about it.

I have regular urges just to binge. I suppose it's like binge-purge bulemia except I don't actually purge, just binge. Then my 'purge' is a complete slump into a few hours of self hate. It's disgusting. I don't know why I do it. But nothing I've tried stops it.

I don't even know if this has a place in this thread it's really just the closest thing to support I've seen.

:hugs: lots of people suffer with a binge disorder hun, so i do think it is appropriate for you to be here!! :flower: Are you seeking any professional help for it?x

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