EDD:01/03/2013-Anybody else?

Oh no, Ducky! I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I can only imagine how devastating that must be!

Congrats on two boys for the group - that works for me as we want a girl... improves the odds hopefully!
Congrats on the boys, ladies! Jaime, DEFINITELY a boy! :haha:

I'm slowly making my way back into "regular" life, so I'm trying to be around more. Of course, my computer is still a giant mess, and trying to do anything is a chore.
Bri I am assuming your follow up scan went great? any new pics---and was the baby still a boy?? :) I love Aiden and Cole, so I think either one is a great choice!

Aww Jaime those are some mighty handsome pictures of Blake (love that name too!)!!! Have you done a lot of shopping? Will you be getting another scan?

Claire are you our next scan---I think you were the first or second week in August? Any others coming up??
Yeah the follow up scan went ok. Baby is doing great. I might have a hemorrhage, but ultrasound tech says it should resolve itself hopefully. Still waiting to hear back from the doc on it. I have another appt on Aug 7th for my official 20 week scan. It's still a boy..haha i asked that exact question of the tech. She said "Yep that sure looks like something sticking out" lol, but it will be checked again at my Aug 7th scan. I'm so afraid to buy anything at this point. Especially with everything that is going on. I guess we will have to do the majority of the shopping in October when we're past V day. The good news is last night i started feeling the baby kick from the outside!!! OMG!!! yaaaaay! Plus it was even cooler because my mom got to be the first one to feel it besides me (awww). I nicknamed him thumper because that's what he did to me..he thumped me. LOL.
Felicity, that's awesome news. My kicks are still quite gentle, but I am feeling them a couple of times a day now.
Ducky, good to see you back. Gently does it.
My next scan is August 13th. Nervous.
Am I the only one not feeling movement or kicks : (
Mrs M, my next is Aug 13, too! It will be my level 2 scan. I can't wait to see boop again (and it's a long one too! They take time to measure everything!) But since we're staying yellow, I hope they don't slip.

Jaime, sorry you aren't feeling anything. If you are getting little bubbles or things that feel like your tum is rumbling, likely it's the baby.
Good luck with the scan. The anomaly scan is awesome isn't it? I am going to have to reschedule mine though. My OH's sister is very ill, she is recovering from breast cancer and a brain tumour and has just found out its now in her spine, so we are going to go down to London so he can see her, and that's the only week we can go. So I need to ring today to try and rearrange.
Jaime you will feel those little movements soon enough I promise. Mine have only just started to be noticeable really and this is my second.
Oh no, Mrs M, I'm so sorry to hear about OH's sister. How scary! Is she young? I'll say a prayer for her and your families.
Nope Jaime, you're not alone. I'm not feeling anything yet either! I think around 18 weeks seems to be the time that we can "maybe" start to feel some movement with our first, but it could first be 20-23 weeks!! I hope it starts soon for us!
Oh Claire, so sorry to hear about OH's sister! Thinking about you guys... :(
Thanks girls. She is 56 Ducky, so not young as such, but too young for this. Her children are in their early 20's, it's so sad for them.
I now have my scan on August 9th.
August 9th!! Woohoo, can't wait! You're staying team yellow though, right? Or did you change your mind?
Jaime/Bri--do you ladies have anymore scans now, or just hb checks?
I think i get a scan at 28 weeks or so...just one more booo
I have my next scan on Aug 7th. It's my official 20 week (eventhough it's at 18 weeks). I don't know after that because of the issues. I might have more and might not. How have everyone's moods been? Mine are fairly stable now with the exception that if someone around me is upset/angry then umm....not so stable lol. Other than that everything else on my end is going well. Absolutely LOVE feeling the baby move daily now! But for all those that don't feel it yet...DON'T WORRY!!! You will and it is amazing!
I'm staying team yellow but with very strong blue vibes! I'm loving feeling the movement as well felicity although I'd like it a bit more often. Baby had a quiet day yesterday so I got the Doppler out this morning, big difference to when I first started trying to find heartbeat! Loud and clear, straight away and quite high up. My mood is ok, I get very teary over anything, a documentary on Amy Winehouse, the Olympic opening ceremony, adverts, anything. Energy levels are picking up too, I'm still napping a couple of afternoons a week but I'm managing to get some housework done too. For a few months I didn't have the energy or the inclination to do anything.
Oh the tears!!! I cry at EVERYTHING!!! I was in the grocery store this past weekend and started crying because I couldn't find fudge pops. :dohh: I get cranky when I'm really hungry or tired, but otherwise, I'm okay. Just happy to have been able to keep boop for so long!

We're trying to stay team yellow, but have heard that Drs and techs slip a lot and tell you baby's gender even if you don't want to know. I'm hoping that doesn't happen. I have another reason to want a girl, though. After losing my sister, we decided to change our girl's name to Emilynne Jennifer.
Yes, that's understandable. And that's a beautiful name. If we have a girl we will probably give her Marks sisters name for a middle name, which is Deborah. It's not a name I would normally choose, especially since its also the name of marks ex! But I would definitely want to pay tribute to her in that way if possible.
Bri bet you're excited for your scan tomorrow! Can't wait for some updated pics in this group!
Anyone else started to get lower back pain and needing to pee a lot? Also lots of round ligament pains down the sides? I'm starting to feel like everything is putting lots of pressure on.

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