Mwa ha ha our nappy free weekend has made a big difference! It's like its clicked for the boy. He sits on his potty quite happily and done quite a few wees and one poo on it - and if he doesn't want to go he stands up (he's not some standing up prodigy, I support him from behind when he's sitting on the potty and he uses his head pressed against me to stand!).
I'm mostly using timing rather than being able to spot signs in advance - so after naps, feeds and if he hasn't had one for a while. Interestingly, there's been several times that I've thought I'll take him when we've finished doing something - and he's peed before I can, so I wonder if I'm picking up a signal I'm not consciously aware of yet.
Learn from my fail ladies! Make sure the tail of the baby vest isn't in the potty before you cue - or the whole operation becomes a lot more complicated... :/
I tried holding DD over the adult potty (still don't have a baby one yet) and she clung to me for dear life and criedI hope we can get a potty her size soon, I don't want her to think the potty is nothing but scary and bad experiences
I tried holding DD over the adult potty (still don't have a baby one yet) and she clung to me for dear life and criedI hope we can get a potty her size soon, I don't want her to think the potty is nothing but scary and bad experiences
You want to ensure she feels secure. Perhaps a classic EC squat will work best either over a bathroom/laundry/kitchen sink (great height for protecting Mum's back) or you can pee her in the garden with her in an EC squat and you squatting behind her with her back snuggled right in to your body. Alternatively you could put a potty (or other container) on your lap or between your legs. Another position that offers baby security is double up backwards or forwards on the big loo.
I can explain more about these positions and try to find pics if that would help you.
I wish I was closer and we could have an EC info meet and I could demonstrate the various positions. I had a friend show me and it became instantly clear how it all came together although it took me some time before I was as practiced as she was.
New to this all .
Is 7 months to late to get started ,,and I'm a busy mum of 5 other children lots of school runs and things..will i find to to much work and how do i get started...Thanks,,