Elimination Communication Support Thread

Did you buy your training pants or make them? I'm wondering about getting some but need them in smaller size. Thanks x
I bought 2 Blueberry brand training pants when they were on Babysteals at half off. I bought size small and they fit my 17lb 9 month old. I had been told that they run small. I really like them. They will leak if used as a diaper. They have PUL inside them but the PUL is hidden so it wicks. I put them on under fleece pants just in case.
I'm working on making some trainers right now using a fleece cover. they'll probably turn out more like a pull up diaper with a snap in insert but I'm trying to make them as trim as the blueberry trainer. I'll post some pics when I'm done. I'm also going to use some old wool sweaters to make some wool covered ones.
I tried holding DD over the adult potty (still don't have a baby one yet) and she clung to me for dear life and cried :( I hope we can get a potty her size soon, I don't want her to think the potty is nothing but scary and bad experiences
Mwa ha ha our nappy free weekend has made a big difference! It's like its clicked for the boy. He sits on his potty quite happily and done quite a few wees and one poo on it - and if he doesn't want to go he stands up (he's not some standing up prodigy, I support him from behind when he's sitting on the potty and he uses his head pressed against me to stand!).
I'm mostly using timing rather than being able to spot signs in advance - so after naps, feeds and if he hasn't had one for a while. Interestingly, there's been several times that I've thought I'll take him when we've finished doing something - and he's peed before I can, so I wonder if I'm picking up a signal I'm not consciously aware of yet.
Learn from my fail ladies! Make sure the tail of the baby vest isn't in the potty before you cue - or the whole operation becomes a lot more complicated... :/

Definitely start listening to your intuition; it is real! But you do have to be quick about it, no second guessing yourself-- at least that is my experience. And the whole phantom pee thing works too. I was skeptical at first, but I've caught several pees that way. And yeah, I've let the back of the onesies fall in the potty on more than one occasion.
I tried holding DD over the adult potty (still don't have a baby one yet) and she clung to me for dear life and cried :( I hope we can get a potty her size soon, I don't want her to think the potty is nothing but scary and bad experiences

You want to ensure she feels secure. Perhaps a classic EC squat will work best either over a bathroom/laundry/kitchen sink (great height for protecting Mum's back) or you can pee her in the garden with her in an EC squat and you squatting behind her with her back snuggled right in to your body. Alternatively you could put a potty (or other container) on your lap or between your legs. Another position that offers baby security is double up backwards or forwards on the big loo.

I can explain more about these positions and try to find pics if that would help you.

I wish I was closer and we could have an EC info meet and I could demonstrate the various positions. I had a friend show me and it became instantly clear how it all came together although it took me some time before I was as practiced as she was.
I found there was also a telepathic element. Seriously. I would have the thought that I needed to pee then realise I didn't but that my baby probably did and sure enough they always did have to go when that happened. I also occassionally thought I was hungry then realised I wasn't but that my baby probably was.
I tried holding DD over the adult potty (still don't have a baby one yet) and she clung to me for dear life and cried :( I hope we can get a potty her size soon, I don't want her to think the potty is nothing but scary and bad experiences

You want to ensure she feels secure. Perhaps a classic EC squat will work best either over a bathroom/laundry/kitchen sink (great height for protecting Mum's back) or you can pee her in the garden with her in an EC squat and you squatting behind her with her back snuggled right in to your body. Alternatively you could put a potty (or other container) on your lap or between your legs. Another position that offers baby security is double up backwards or forwards on the big loo.

I can explain more about these positions and try to find pics if that would help you.

I wish I was closer and we could have an EC info meet and I could demonstrate the various positions. I had a friend show me and it became instantly clear how it all came together although it took me some time before I was as practiced as she was.

picture demonstrations would be wonderful :flower: I wish we were closer too, I've always wanted to go to Australia!
Me too - I would love face to face support - I am continuing to EC part-time but it's still not going great - but I keep offering opportunities. LO is teething now and is miserable so is not as patient when I put him in the EC squat.

I'll keep going though...
Ooo feeling abit disheartened today, not really caught any pees the last 2 days. I'm still having trouble reading her cue signs. :-( hope it improves tomorrow
Don't get too disheartened. I still don't catch many signs. I just have her go whenever I have to go and since I drink a ton of water I'm constantly going. I'm hoping that eventually she'll tell me when she needs to go potty too. Its hard for her though when during the week she goes in her diaper and on the weekends and in the evenings she goes in a potty. Conflicting messages but its what we have to work with. I'm hoping the next room (1-2 year olds) will work on it with her.
Pics of ECing:

Some nice pics of ECing with secure holds for small babies:

This first pic here is a classic EC hold for a young baby and one that I used the most when at home. The mirror means you can make eye contact with baby and also see when they are finished. Baby has their back close to Dad meaning the feel secure. This position is great for the parent's back because of the height of the sink.

I'm including this one becaue it shows how with a young baby you can use leg warmers with a nappy to keep them warm but still have easy access to EC. There are some really funky custom made baby leg warmers but they are expensive. I found my own socks worked brilliantly and were much cheaper. I left the feet in until they were mobile then I cut the feet out so they had traction.
Here is an awesome site with this section depicting 10 different EC positions.

Here are a few nice videos of ECing in action:

And this one is just for fun:

Celebrity Alicia Silverstone Dabbles with Elimination Communication
New to this all .
Is 7 months to late to get started ,,and I'm a busy mum of 5 other children lots of school runs and things..will i find to to much work and how do i get started...Thanks,,
New to this all .
Is 7 months to late to get started ,,and I'm a busy mum of 5 other children lots of school runs and things..will i find to to much work and how do i get started...Thanks,,

It's never too late to communicate. Oh, I just made a rhyme and amused myself. But it really is never too late. Have you had a look at the first few posts in this thread. There are some links to get you started and feel free to ask specific questions here or share your experiences. Also, since you have so many other children they should be able to help with it making life easier - my older children seemed to have a great instinct for when their baby siblings had to "go" especially handy when I was distrated by other things like dinner or shopping. Good luck.
Like Sam said, its never too late! We didn't start until 6 months and didn't get real serious about it until the last month or so. it really isn't that much work I actually have LO go potty when I do so its really not much more time than it takes for me to go. Occasionally she'll need to go poop at a different time than when I'm taking her so that's extra time but to not have to clean poop out of diaper, its worth the time!:thumbup:
....right now I have two carpet fitters downstairs, fitting a new carpet... that'll go sooo well with EC! The old one was just dirty and so thin we were getting horrible drafts - so we couldn't put the baby bug down to play as happily as we'd like. We're going to need a big oilcloth type mat as he's going to be learning to eat solids over it too.

How could we go wrong with this plan?!?
Hey ladies, thought I'd bump this up again. How's everyone getting on this week? We've not being doing it much as LO hasn't been well with cough & cold. Put her on the loo after her nap today and as I took her nappy off she coughed and peed all over me as I was putting her in the loo! It was a massive wee too!!! Lol bless her. Better luck for 2moro
Meant on the loo, not in the loo! Stupid phone
we're doing ok...several days ago we caught 20 pees! I take LO to the toilet (in arms) as soon as she wakes up, before and after carseat/swing/carrier and then every 25-30 minutes or so. Yesterday was kind of rough though...missed lots of pees we usually get and she was crying a lot more when i took her. I'm wondering if I'm overdoing it, or if I'm just not making it fun enough. Really not sure. I want to give her lots of opportunities, but not make her sick of it. She also seems to be peeing more often than she was, which is making it harder to keep her dry. Still got 10 pees which is great but missed way more than usual.
Things have been hit or miss around our house. It seemed like for a while she was less interested in going in the potty so I stepped back. We're still sitting on the potty when she grunts, when we wake in the morning and before bath. She went poo in the potty this morning which was nice because she's been having loose stools lately.
New to this forum - only have been creeping around in Baby Club up untill now.

I have been doing EC with LO since she was 4-5 weeks, on average (she is 11 weeks now) we have 4 or 5 wet diapers a day. I only EC during the day and not at night as I am too lazy to get out of bed :)

Its amazing what our babies can do!

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