Elimination Communication Support Thread

Things have been hit or miss here lately. The past few days she's realized that she can get up off the potty so I might bite it and buy another potette or something similar that goes on the big potty so she can't get up and crawl away :dohh: It wouldn't be a problem except for the mess!

I was also thinking of buying a couple small toys or something that she plays with on the potty. Before she was so content just to talk with mommy that I hadn't brought in any toys. Any suggestions? Maybe a board book?
I really want to start doing this. My son is nearly four months old, he is in cloth.

Where do I start?
I really want to start doing this. My son is nearly four months old, he is in cloth.

Where do I start?

Hi Hot Tea, I"ve read that there are windows of opportunity with ECing. It's best to start from birth but 4 months is usually another good time to start.

There are lots of links for recommended reading at the beginning of this thread.

Basically, you will choose a cueing sound, most people use "psssss" or "weeeeee" and you can if you like have separate cueing sounds for wees and poos - ours was invented by my daughter who one day grunted a few times then made a rasberry fart noise and it was very clear what she was on about. You will make this noise any time your baby does a wee or poo and any time they are with you when you eliminate yourself and in this way you teach your baby the cueing sound.

That's the communication part.

Then you will also try to catch wees poos by "timing" put bub on the pot when you guess she will have to go and you will figure this out through observation e.g. after a nap, after a meal, after it's been a while since s/he's last weed. Or whenever you like.

You can use a potty or the sink or the grass, the gutter, behind a bush, in the shower, or use the big loo. Until bub eats solids all of these should be fine.

The other thing you can do is look for your baby's natural cues, body language. Squrming, grunting, fussying, stopping play, funny look on face, goose bumps on thighs etc. to indicate when they might be about to eliminate.

During the early phase you might want to have a cloth nappy on as back up or no nappy at all.

Good luck.
today DD both pooed and peed in her potty in one sitting. As of now I just sit her on the potty whenever I hear her grunting and pushing, it's a good start I suppoose
Well.. we were doing really well.. for over a week LO only had a wet nappy, no poops in the nappy AT ALL :yipee:.. but for the past two weeks now, he has refused to go on the toilet. :shrug: He will do a wee, but then starts straining his back and will start screaming.
So I take him off straight away, and put a nappy on him. Within 10 minutes max. he will then go poop in the nappy. :cry:
If we are at the change table he will do a poop in the nappy when I put him in a squat and say 'poop'.

There have been a lot of changes though, he is rolling, starting to BLW more, cut his first tooth, standing and has just started a proper bedtime/naptime routine.
All of these things are going really well.. but EC is the one thing that is causing a problem.

So far, I am NOT about to even attempt to force him to remain on the toilet until he poops. I want a positive experience with the toilet. He knows what poop means, holds his poops all night, but just refuses the toilet.

Any advise as to how to get him to poop back on the toilet? Will this sort it's self out eventually? Do I need to start bringing him into the bathroom when OH or I go?
I have completely fallen off the wagon this week and I cannot even place why.

She is still signaling and being very communicative about when she needs to go, I just havent been able to make myself get up and deal with it. OH was sick for several days and now I am sick - so that may be why.. but it's not like I cant just take her diaper off and go to the bathroom.

I just feel guilty about making her wet/poop herself and then changing her diaper. Hoping to get back on track this week!
I have an infant with suspected norovirus :(
I thought the potty would be hassle for him while he's poorly, but he was fussing and I had a hunch he wanted it, so I put him on and hey presto, squitty baby. Poor little thing is finally asleep after an enormous feed. As he's in our bed, I'm a bit nervous about where it's going to exit him!
Now I'm just waiting for me, husband and my visiting parents to go down with it. :wacko:
Hi everyone! Things have been hit and miss here. We've been dealing with teething for over a month. DS used to use the little potty and pee on cue really well, but now he won't go in the potty but prefers to be held over the sink. On a good day, we only have a few misses, but some days he refuses everything. I've also recognized that my son's temperament is super laid back and he just doesn't complain about much, even a wet diaper or wet clothes. He doesn't signal much, so we rely mostly on timing, and sometimes that phantom pee. At least in the morning, he goes regularly every 25 minutes. I'm thinking about putting him in training pants to see if he signals better. Anyone had luck doing this? He's only 4 months.
Regarding an earlier question about daycare: my son isn't in one, but I've read that if they aren't willing to potty your baby, you should put him/her in cloth diapers (if allowed) and ask them to change the diaper every hour. You can say your lo is sensitive to diaper rash. And you should take them to the potty as soon as you get there in the morning and when you come to pick them up. Baby will still keep their awareness of elimination and will know that you will take them to the potty even if other childcare providers won't.
We're teething badly over here and that might have something to do with LO not wanting to go on the potty as much. She also doesn't mind being in a wet diaper. I need to be better next weekend about trying to catch more pees. Poops aren't much of a problem because its pretty obvious when she does those :haha: she doesn't do any indication that I can tell for pees though.

jcg, I've put her in trainers before but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference for her. Its just more mess for me since we use the blueberry trainers and they aren't waterproof. I'm working on making some fleece and wool ones so we can get her used to pull up pants but still have some waterproofing. What size is your LO? the blueberries fit my 18lb 10 month old pretty well.
We're teething badly over here and that might have something to do with LO not wanting to go on the potty as much. She also doesn't mind being in a wet diaper. I need to be better next weekend about trying to catch more pees. Poops aren't much of a problem because its pretty obvious when she does those :haha: she doesn't do any indication that I can tell for pees though.

jcg, I've put her in trainers before but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference for her. Its just more mess for me since we use the blueberry trainers and they aren't waterproof. I'm working on making some fleece and wool ones so we can get her used to pull up pants but still have some waterproofing. What size is your LO? the blueberries fit my 18lb 10 month old pretty well.

Lol-my 4 1/2 mo old is nearly 18 lbs! Do you have a pattern you're using? Can you share? I've been researching trainers but they're so expensive, especially since I'm not sure they'll work for us. I might go with the Gerbers since they're cheap. I could put a diaper cover over them if I need the waterproof layer. I'd love to try the Ecapants too.
I did catch a couple pees today with a signal, which was a big relief, esp. after he peed all over everywhere this morning and refused all pottytunities.
Well.. we were doing really well.. for over a week LO only had a wet nappy, no poops in the nappy AT ALL :yipee:.. but for the past two weeks now, he has refused to go on the toilet. :shrug: He will do a wee, but then starts straining his back and will start screaming.
So I take him off straight away, and put a nappy on him. Within 10 minutes max. he will then go poop in the nappy. :cry:
If we are at the change table he will do a poop in the nappy when I put him in a squat and say 'poop'.

There have been a lot of changes though, he is rolling, starting to BLW more, cut his first tooth, standing and has just started a proper bedtime/naptime routine.
All of these things are going really well.. but EC is the one thing that is causing a problem.

So far, I am NOT about to even attempt to force him to remain on the toilet until he poops. I want a positive experience with the toilet. He knows what poop means, holds his poops all night, but just refuses the toilet.

Any advise as to how to get him to poop back on the toilet? Will this sort it's self out eventually? Do I need to start bringing him into the bathroom when OH or I go?

You might try giving him a toy or singing songs to try and keep his interest long enough to poop. Also, might try a different recepticle, like a little potty or in arms. They do change theirs minds from time to time about where they want to eliminate. Of course, with all the changes going on, it may just be too much for him to think about. An open door bathroom policy is always a good idea.
We're teething badly over here and that might have something to do with LO not wanting to go on the potty as much. She also doesn't mind being in a wet diaper. I need to be better next weekend about trying to catch more pees. Poops aren't much of a problem because its pretty obvious when she does those :haha: she doesn't do any indication that I can tell for pees though.

jcg, I've put her in trainers before but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference for her. Its just more mess for me since we use the blueberry trainers and they aren't waterproof. I'm working on making some fleece and wool ones so we can get her used to pull up pants but still have some waterproofing. What size is your LO? the blueberries fit my 18lb 10 month old pretty well.

Lol-my 4 1/2 mo old is nearly 18 lbs! Do you have a pattern you're using? Can you share? I've been researching trainers but they're so expensive, especially since I'm not sure they'll work for us. I might go with the Gerbers since they're cheap. I could put a diaper cover over them if I need the waterproof layer. I'd love to try the Ecapants too.
I did catch a couple pees today with a signal, which was a big relief, esp. after he peed all over everywhere this morning and refused all pottytunities.

LOL! yeah I have a little peanut! She got weighed yesterday and I was shocked because she gained nearly a pound in the last month! That's what happens when she nurses all night long! :dohh: So I'm still working on the pattern. I had an issue with my sewing machine and it needed to be serviced which takes a couple weeks around here. I have a serger I just bought so hopefully this weekend I can get some time to work on it. I made one but I think its too big.
I just bought a fuzzibunz trickle-free trainer. I found a place that had them for like $12 or something so I bought one. I also found a Beetle something brand velour trainer on clearance that I'm mimicing in a crocheted wool "soaker". I'll post some pics when I get something done :haha: and I can send you a pattern or dimensions etc. when I get it settled.
For those of you who EC'd part time, how old was your LO when they were completely potty trained during the day?

- Letting you know when they needed to go rather than you timing and having to watch for subtle signs?
I'm interested as well!

jcg, I finished a wool soaker that I used the Little Beetle training pant as a pattern. I'll try it on LO tomorrow. I might use it to make a better pattern for the pull on fleece/felted wool cover. I'll post some pics hopefully tomorrow. LO's been teething so she hasn't been very cooperative lately!
Have you guys considered using the Katrina's fleece soaker pattern and maybe putting in an extra soaker layer in the crotch? I can whip out one of her soakers in about 20 min. It's super easy. :)
Do any of you have patterns you recommend? I just got a basic sewing machine and I want to try making some trainers for my boy.

I am bummed we have been in disposables for the past two weeks due to unexplained very watery diahrrea. I got so tired of cloth laundry after 10+ poos per day. And i was worried about nasty bacteria or something getting in my nice diapers that might be hard to get rid of. The doc is running some tests so hopefully we will have answers soon!
The Katrina's patterns I was talking about are at: https://katrinassqs.blogspot.com/2007/10/free-soaker-pattern.html

They're free, and REALLY easy to make. They're like a total of 6 seams. :)
Do any of you have patterns you recommend? I just got a basic sewing machine and I want to try making some trainers for my boy.

I am bummed we have been in disposables for the past two weeks due to unexplained very watery diahrrea. I got so tired of cloth laundry after 10+ poos per day. And i was worried about nasty bacteria or something getting in my nice diapers that might be hard to get rid of. The doc is running some tests so hopefully we will have answers soon!

These training patterns sounds great.. think I will look into them when he is older. :flower:

We have also been in disposables for about two weeks now.. and I HATE it, but he was refusing the toilet and then our washing machine broke.. :dohh:, so had to give in for a while.

But on the plus side.. we have had two poops in the toilet today :yipee: He is now starting to have solid poops, so maybe that was the problem too as the new sensation was strange for him. He was getting upset, I thought he had some constipation, but thankfully just regular solid poops.. not hard etc.

So funny how interested we are in our childrens bowl movemtents :haha: makes me laugh all the time when almost every conversation with other mothers ends up about poop/wee.. :wacko::haha:
I'm basically doing something similar to Katrina's pattern I just want something a little trimmer so I'm playing with sizing a little. Then I'm going to put in snaps so I can have a snap in liner. I found a tutorial online and thought I pinned it but I didn't so now I can't find it. I don't need it to be super absorbent as my LO is not a heavy wetter at all.

We've been having some good successes with the potette. I've ordered another one for the basement bathroom because I don't want to have to run upstairs if she's trying to poop and our family room is in the basement so we spend a lot of time there.
I decided to give this a VERY relaxed try this week since my husband went back to work and couldn't judge us lol.

Monday I just caught one pee, yesterday nothing, but today a pee AND a poop! It is pretty satisfying. :happydance:

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