Ellismum is going to be fab at 30! ***13Ib lost***


Ellis' mum!!
Apr 1, 2009
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***sorry I keep changing the title:blush:****

OK ladies, it's time for some honest facts and figures, having them typed at for not only myself but all to see will hope keep me focused! This journal is going to be my way of putting my weight loss journey out in the public so I have to be good:winkwink:

I have always struggled with my weight since I hit my teens. My Father and his family are all overweight and unlike my sisters who take after my slim Mum I inherited their genes:dohh:

I've never know what it feels like to be slim. I have never been able to shop in High Street stores such as River Island, Primark, Topshop, etc.. I have a wardrobe full of clothes "for once I've lost weight" as incentives, some of which have been in there for over 5 years. Every diet I started failed as I would go back to my bad habits. I am fat, I make no excuses as there are none. I eat all the wrong things and do not exercise. I have awful food habits, I have to have a dessert after evening meals, I pile too much on my plate, eat too fast, snack in the evening on all the wrong things and I can never have just a little. I drink a whole bottle of wine as the OH doesn't drink it and it would a shame to waste it:dohh:

I managed to slim from 20st 8Ib to 17st with WW before my holiday in June 2008 after being diagnosed with PCOS in February. I have all the traits, ecxess body hair (I have to pluck the dark hairs on my chin and the odd one on my neck nearly everyday and my belly hair would give Simon Cowell a run for his money:cry::wacko:) Excess weight, etc. Luckily I then fell pregnant but piled it all on again:dohh: Ellis was born in May 09 and in July I went back to WW and weighed in at 19st 7Ibs. My head was not in the right place and I struggled. I had a traumatic birth with Ellis and my C Sec wound was infected (I had regular dressing for nearly 3 months) I gave up after 6 weeks after yo-yo'ing every week and have sat on my fat arse scoffing my face since.

Here I am now, struggling to fit in a Size 24 and I have had enough. Whilst I know my shape is different I have never worn a size this large and I feel disgusted with myself for allowing this to happen. I can't even wear all my lovely heels as my feet hurt from all the weight I am carrying:growlmad: I have a wardrobe full of clothes that do not fit and I am returning to work on Jan 18th so having to purchase work clothes.

My main motivator is Ellis. I don't want to be the fat Mum at the school gates, I want to be able to set a good example for my son, run after him down the park and most importantly, live to see him grow up and raise his own family. I have no photo's of us together. I hate how I look and I refuse to have my pic taken but I've bitten the bullet and added "before" pics! I have no idea what I weigh now (but's it's more than 20st as thats all my scales go up to:blush:) but guessing I am the heaviest I have ever been. As soon as I get into town (prob Tuesday now as I need to get more clothes for work:dohh:) I'll pop into Boots.

So it begins. I had initially set a goal for April, when we are hoping to go away, to be back in my pre-pregnancy clothes and then to be a size 16 (14 at a push) in October when we are hoping to go for our first holiday abroad. On Monday I received an email from an old friend, she is getting married on July 24th and we are invited:happydance: Another Goal, nice dress and shoes in a smaller size! 2 hours later my Sister calls to say she has set her Wedding date for July 17th and would I be Bridesmaid. Right now I want to say no:nope:but I have realised this a going to have to be my year to get slim and what great motivators I have:thumbup:

My plan involves a mix of WW with Slim Fast. I have followed WW in the past and it does work when I do it. I had originally planned to start it on Jan 18th once I am back at work. I am a PA but it's a very busy role so I know food will not occupy my time! Now this been brought forward and so far it's started well. I do the shop and resisted the lure of cheese, 1/2 price biscuits etc.... stocked up on friut and veg. I feel positive about doing this to the point of thinking about going back to my old eating habits macks me feel pysically sick:nope: I live a 25 minute walk from work and if Ellis is not at his Childminders I will walk to and from work and start swimming once our local pool is open. The excersice DVD has been dusted off and will be done tomorrow (OH at work so I'll feel more comfortable dancing around like a prat!)
I will post weight updates every 2 weeks and a progress photo once a month as well regular updates on what activity have done and what I have eaten.

https://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r145/emmarushuk/P1020674.jpg https://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r145/emmarushuk/P1020675.jpg


Breakfast: 2 x Weetabix and sml Banana with Skimmed Milk. Sml OJ.
Lunch: Bowl of Veg soup with 1 thin slice of Bread used as croutons
Snack: Hand full of Grapes
Dinner: Slow cooked homemade Beef Cassarole which has bulked up with loads of veg and swede (my fav) and a tin of WW Baked Beans - No mash, Bread or dumplings!! Tinned Strawberries in Sugar free Strawberry Jelly (Strawberries were in fruit juice, not syrup)
Lots of water!

Not too bad considering it was only last week I had days where I had none of my 5 a day:thumbup:

2010 WILL be my year!


I finally got weighed today and it's a shameful figure:cry:

Weight: 20st 7Ibs (130.2kg)
B.M.I: 43.5
What a great start hun! I'll be keeping an eye on this here journal of yours ;)
boy do you sound motivated hun!! well done you! Really looking forward to seeing youre updates!!! You can do it yummy mummy!! xx
boy do you sound motivated hun!! well done you! Really looking forward to seeing youre updates!!! You can do it yummy mummy!! xx

Agree you def sound motivated! I think a before picture is a must it will help, and we are all here to support.
Thanks ladies!

Still motivated this morning and after looking at the pics taken last night (my bellys sticking out more than my tits!!) even more so.

Breakfast today was a Sachet of Oats so Simple mad with Skimmed milk. Still full from that but going to have some Couscous for lunch made with a baby veg stock cube and and a Kiwi and Banana. Tea is homemade Bologneise using good old caned tinned toms and Basil bulked with lots of mushrooms and onion. As I have some Morrisons LF Garlic Bread I'll ensure my OH gets the most meat and I may forgo the Pasta. Don't want to overdo the carbs!
Good luck with your weightloss journal darl, fab start! :hugs:
You mention your hubby getting most of the meat, have you thought about trying to introduce quorn, or another meat replacement product into your diet to lower the calorie content?

For instance in your spag bol, 100g of lean steak mince = approx 190cals, whereas 100g of quorn mince is just 94cals!

There are many meat replacement products on the market, and as long as your check the calorie content (some things can be decieving!) you can often lower your calorie intake.

There's plenty of recipes on the quorn website, we love to try them - https://www.quorn.co.uk/Our-Recipes/
Good luck on your weight loss journey!!! Try and eat more protein for breakfast. It will help sustain you throughout the day. If you feel hungry for a snack, either grab a vegetable or a fruit, or try drinking a glass of water first. A lot of the time when you feel hungry, you are really dehydrated.
You can do it!!!!! You will be looking even more fabulous in no time!!!:hugs:
I wish I had some scales to get my true start weight! I have never wanted to know how much I weigh sooooo much lol!!! I was looking at the holiday pics for June 08 last night and I can not believe how much bigger I am now:cry:

I am the big 3-0 on December 22nd which will be my main goal. I have always wanted to be a size 12 - 14 so I have set this date as my ultimate goal aswell as all the mini goals I have through out the year.

With the execption of my OH and bestie mate no one else knows I am doing this yet. After years of trying and failing I feel more determind to make it a suprise (esp after my Dad told me I'd put weight on just before xmas. He worries I'll end up diabetic like him and my grandad) I am scared of letting them and myself down which is silly I know but as I don't see them that often (my Dad more so as he works abroad) I have mini goals and I want to see if they notice and say something.

Thanks for the tip Orange-sox! I usually use lean minced steak but only had stance mince in the freezer:dohh: Next time I go shopping I will certainly stock up:thumbup:

I purchased the Rosemary Conley mag yesterday and it is fab! Come with a free 100 recipie book...so much choice I doubt I'll get stumped for meal ideas now and I can easily adapt them for Ellis as he usually eats what we have.

Yesterday was a good day, Special K for breakfast, HM Veg and Lentil soup for lunch and Salmon, stir fried veg and plan Jasmin Rice for tea. I have also developed a taste for Activa yoghurts, they are really creamy so thank god they come fat free lol!! I did have a snack in the evening, another bowl of Special K. Gicen it used to be Cheese and Biscuits or something stodgy with Ice-cream or custard and I did well lol!!

Had porridge this morning with some rasins for a sweet kick but I think the oats are a bit stale - tasted like dust and I like Porridge!! Lunch is Pepper and Carrot Croudttess with LF Houmous and dinner is Chicken Curry with Rice. Usually when we have curry I usually do Bhajis, Naan, dips etc but no extras tonight.:kiss:

I am hosting our Yummy Mummy catch up tomorrow (There is a group of 9 us with LO around the ame age that met a baby club) so a huge housework blitz is on the cards as well as baking a Carrot and Ginger Cake which is low fat for us to have.

Thanks for taking the time to read my mumbling:hugs:
You CAN do this hun. Winning the battle is 90% motivation.

Just remember that it will take a few weeks for your body to stop craving junk, so everyday you feel like reaching for a naughty treat remember you'll be re-setting your body back to square one.

I also recommend Zest magazine, which I picked up yesterday.

Try to eat as much protein for breakfast as possible. Like have a bowl of granola or porridge, and a boiled egg. Eating protein means that you are fuller for longer, and much less likely to snack through the day. Setting yourself up with a good breakfast also kickstarts your metabolism, which means you are more likely to burn fat through the day. As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water. If you're still hungry, then drink a glass of skimmed milk,which contains protein and should fill you up.

I'm looking forward to seeing your gorgeous size 12/14 pictures :thumbup:
The cake came out really well and I've only had one small piece along with a banana for Brekkie and Peppers with houmous (again!) Tonights going to be a healthy eating ready meal and brocolli whilst the OH chomps Pie and Mash!
Well done!! Its so hard when OH is eating such yummy food isnt it!!? Youre doing well and well done with the cake! Are you healthy eating or calorie counting .. or both? lol xxx
Well done for kick starting, I think it's a big step and you seem VERY motivated! i think you carry your weight very well by the way if you are a 24. I am a size 16 and my bottom half looks the same size as you. I shall be popping in here daily, I am needing motivation and you seem to have it, so maybe it may rub off on me. Wish I could do proper homecooked meals, all your meals sounded lovely, I can't swing a feild mouse around in my kitchen never mind prepare a wholesome meal :lol:

Anyway, keep going and good luck :thumbup:
Well done!! Its so hard when OH is eating such yummy food isnt it!!? Youre doing well and well done with the cake! Are you healthy eating or calorie counting .. or both? lol xxx

Thanks. Doing a mix of everything really! Trying to avoid Carbs like bread and pasta, WW and once I am back at work next Slim Fast when I am running around like a loony!!
Well done for kick starting, I think it's a big step and you seem VERY motivated! i think you carry your weight very well by the way if you are a 24. I am a size 16 and my bottom half looks the same size as you. I shall be popping in here daily, I am needing motivation and you seem to have it, so maybe it may rub off on me. Wish I could do proper homecooked meals, all your meals sounded lovely, I can't swing a feild mouse around in my kitchen never mind prepare a wholesome meal :lol:

Anyway, keep going and good luck :thumbup:

I have tiny kitchen too, you can only ever 1 person in there at the same time but I enjoy cooking (a little bit too much:dohh:) I've seen pictures of you on here and I think you look gorgeous:hugs:You have the figure I hope to gain.
I've updated my weight on the bottom of post 1. It is what I thought and 1/2 a pound off what my heaviest recorded weight when I went to WW before my holiday:nope: I must have weighed more than this though in those pics but I'll use this as my starting point.

Goal wise, according the print out from the machine in Boots my ideal weight is 8st 10Ib - 11st 10Ib (55.3kg - 74.8kg) BMI between 18.5 - 25. I'm am still going to use my mini goals (holidays, bridesmaid and weddings) Ultimatley I would like to shift a full 10 stone, 10st 7Ib.

The rest of the cake (1/2 of it) went in the bin to remove the temptation. A waste but then it would be if I ate it.

Food wise today I've been very naughty:blush: I had 1/2 a Banana this morning, a grande skinny Latte this afternoon and about to whip up a Chicken Stir Fry. I've had a busy day shopping at Lakeside and food hasn't crossed my mind:dohh: I have clothes for work now, I had to purchase size 24 trousers in Evans:cry::cry:

Tomorrow will be a better day (and I will eat more:blush:) It's shopping day so I am off to meal plan and shopping list whilst OH gets Ellis in bed.

x x x x
I'm bad at eating breakfast. I find I often don't eat a thing til 4pm.
What are you planning on having for Dinner? x
I'm bad at eating breakfast. I find I often don't eat a thing til 4pm.
What are you planning on having for Dinner? x

I try to eat Breakfast. In the past I always justified having something naughty by saying I had not had breakfast and I usually ate more on those days than when I did have it. I know when I have to get Ellis at the CM and into work I won't get time to have anything so I have got some cartons of Slim Fast and will have a shake once I get to work so at least I am getting something in me other than half a cup of tea.

Saying that, today I had no breakfast as by the time I'd got Ellis sorted and showered we had someone over to look at our cooker as the 2 big rings don't heat up. I went shopping after he'd left so all stocked up on fruit and veg. Lunch was a grilled muffin topped with 2 poached eggs and grilled Toms and Mushroom. Afternoon snack was 2 WW cookie and I have just had tea, a sml JP with Prawns, S/Corn and LF Mayo and Salad followed by a fat free yoghurt. I never usually like prawns but they were lovely and not those little ones that look like pink maggots.:thumbup:

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