Endometriosis & Laparoscopy


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2012
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I went to my regular gyno after my fertility specialist continually ignored me when I would tell him that I have constant pelvic pain, especially right after ovulation all the way through to my period. TMI alert: It also hurts when I go to the bathroom but not always. Hurts to :sex: during ovulation sometimes. And my periods are very light but last about 9 days. I have night sweats and get strange spasms in my "lady parts" that prevent me from walking on occasion. I was thinking maybe I had pcos or something since we have been ttc for 20 months or so with no success and I am 29 yrs old. I have had plenty of blood work and ultrasounds even an hsg. All normal, except the hsg was excrutiating. My gyno. thinks I may have endo. So I was just wondering if anyone knows exactly why endo causes infertility? And if anyone has gotten pregnant soon after a laparoscopy, I'm pretty scared and nervous about this whole thing. Is it horrible? I've only ever had my tonsils out and a colonoscopy :blush:
Hi Amelia, I am in the same boat. :hugs: My ob/gyn wants to schedule a laparoscopy to see if I have endometriosis, as I have such irregular periods and terrible pelvic pain.

Endometriosis is a condition where the uterine lining grows in places other than the uterus. It doesn't necessarily cause infertility (my MIL had three children with endometriosis), but it can, and it can cause difficulty with conceiving. It can block the fallopian tubes, so that the egg cannot be fertilized, or can prevent the fertilized egg from implanting normally.

I will be interested to hear anyone else's perspective on this, as I am quite nervous about being put to sleep.
I have endo and was diagnosed with a laparoscopy. The procedure itself is no big deal. I didn't have much pain from the wound, just an achey shoulder (they inflate the pelvis with carbon dioxide which then has to escape) which was manageable. I didn't need any pain relief after. I was a little freaked out about the general and did ask about alternatives but with the carbon dioxide they have to knock you out to maintain your airway.

As for the endo, there are different degrees of seriousness and yes it can cause fertility problems but on the other hand it doesn't always.

Hope this helps.
Oh wow! Were you intubated? Did they remove any endometrial tissue? How long did it take you to heal?
no, they use a different type of airway for short ops (called an LMA), which gives you a bit of a sore throat but much less invasive.

I didn't feel like it took too long to heal. I was worn out for a couple of weeks but after 7 days I was able to do everything I normally would.

They didn't remove any of my endometrial tissue because I only have really mild disease so consultant didn't think it was the best thing for me.
I had a laparoscopy at 19 (28 now) after 3 years of investigation with tests and scans. I was told the endo was quite bad and was lasered off during the procedure, they even got before and after pictures in colour so I could see what it looked like (wish I got a copy now)
Due to the condition and scarring I was told it might be a possibility conception would be difficult. That wasn't something I was particularly concerned about back then though so my partner and I continued with contraception.
I came off contraception several years back but not to actively 'try' but more if it happened it happened then We went travelling and I got the implant as we didn't want it to happen whilst away. Within 3 months of getting home we married and I got the implant removed, that was 18 months ago and I'm now 31 weeks pregnant.
I was probably off contraception for around 5 years in total but not continuously and like I said we didn't try, just waited for it to happen so perhaps it could of happened much sooner.
Through the endo I have met many others with the same and so far all have gone on to have children, I hope all goes well for you.
Hi Ladies,
I had endo as well. We have been ttc almost 2 years. I had lap almost 7 months ago. I was sooo nervous before the lap (since I have never had "anything serious" done before other than getting a flu shot ;) Surgery went well,they removed the cyst ( 4 cm from right side 2,5 cm from the left side) They took me to OR, nurse started to IV tehn I woke up in the recovery room. I don't remember anything in between. I didn't have any shouder pain / sore throat. Worst part for me was the bowel prep (not a pleasant process). Doc gave me hydromorphone so I didn't feel any pain afterwards. We ttc for 3 months after my lap but had no success :(
I did OPK & realized I wasn't ovulating. My RE put me on serophene=clomid 100 mg. This month is gonnA be my 4th round on clomid :wacko: So we are still ttc. We ll try IUI in a few months :wacko: I hope all goes well for you :hugs:
Thank you girls for taking the time to reply, I don't know if I'm more worried about what they will find or the whole being put under thing. I don't like feeling like I have no control.... but I know people have this done everyday. :)
Hi Amelia!
I was diagnosed with endo when I was 13 years old. I don't know that it was a true diagnosis considering the gyno didn't do anything but a pelvic exam. He couldn't do an internal Bc I was a Virgin and it hurt too bad. I was told that endo doesn't always cause fertility. Only if its severe enough. I also had a laparoscopy to remove 2 fibroids this past April. The surgery isn't horrible. You'd be surprised how quickly you bounce back. My dr also told me the surgery shouldn't cause me any fertility probs either. But everyone's case is different. Good luck with everything!! :)
Hi I had endo from age 11 to 13 because my obgyn couldnt find it at first. I went to several doctors and ended up at a specialist before it was diagnosed. I had pain when DTD and periods were awful. I had a Lap done at 13 to find the endo, once inside they did indeed find a moderate amount of it, and lasered it off. I was put on the provera shot to prevent the regrowth -due to large hormone levels in the shot- . Now at age 20 i have had several mc all only first tri. ]I worry myself if the sugery or disease is the cause for the difficulty. But most doctors ive seen are making me wait until 22before trying medical intervention to help concieve :(

Hope it works out for you!![/I]
Endo is a pain in the rear to deal with. I've had it removed now two times. First time back in 2010 removed an 2 months later got pregnant. I've also had a hysteroscopy done.

This time around just a few weeks ago I had a diagnostic d&c,hysteroscopy,laparoscopy & a HSG. This time they found stage 1 again of endo plus one little fibriod. It wasn't removed due to will not cause issues but the endo was removed an I was very sore for a few days.

First time I only had 2 little incision no soreness but this time had 3 incisions an very sore. I'll say both times I had to have pain meds.

A woman can have very little endo an not have no pain or can have very little an have tons of pain. Some women can have stage 4 an have no pain or could have tons of pain. Each woman is different.

First time I had endo I didn't know I had it until couldn't get pregnant for almost 11years. This time around had lots of pain an have very little. Remember endo keeps coming back it never stops. I hate it with all my heart.

When you have a lap done you will be put to sleep an a tube down the throat but you will not know when they do it as your a sleep.

Now we're ttc once again since had my surgeries done a few weeks ago. Hope can get a BFP very soon.

Why does endometriosis cause infertility!
It explains why endo causes IF issues.
In June I had a 4 cm cyst removed, it was so intwined in my left ovary they had to remove half of the ovary. They check both of my tubes and they were clear. The gyno doesn't see any reason why I can't get pregs on my own. ( I was shocked too!) I still have lots of endo in there.

It's a very common surgery. It wasn't my favourite day in life, but you get through it! I will say the crappiest part of the whole surgery was the trapped gas in my stomach (C02), it felt like I had to fart so bad but wouldn't come out (haha, sorry)

Good luck, girl!
In June I had a 4 cm cyst removed, it was so intwined in my left ovary they had to remove half of the ovary. They check both of my tubes and they were clear. The gyno doesn't see any reason why I can't get pregs on my own. ( I was shocked too!) I still have lots of endo in there.

It's a very common surgery. It wasn't my favourite day in life, but you get through it! I will say the crappiest part of the whole surgery was the trapped gas in my stomach (C02), it felt like I had to fart so bad but wouldn't come out (haha, sorry)

Good luck, girl!

Thank you for posting that! I was just sitting here thinking about my surgery on wednesday and how nervous I am going to be and what they might find. Did you already now that cyst was there..... before the surgery?
In June I had a 4 cm cyst removed, it was so intwined in my left ovary they had to remove half of the ovary. They check both of my tubes and they were clear. The gyno doesn't see any reason why I can't get pregs on my own. ( I was shocked too!) I still have lots of endo in there.

It's a very common surgery. It wasn't my favourite day in life, but you get through it! I will say the crappiest part of the whole surgery was the trapped gas in my stomach (C02), it felt like I had to fart so bad but wouldn't come out (haha, sorry)

Good luck, girl!

Thank you for posting that! I was just sitting here thinking about my surgery on wednesday and how nervous I am going to be and what they might find. Did you already now that cyst was there..... before the surgery?

Np :D

I was sooo nervous going in, it's so normal to be nervous, you're human! I had a scan done a few months ago thinking there was a problem with my urinary tract b/c of frequent infections (there didn't end up being a problem) and they tech saw a large golf sized cyst sitting on my ovary. I freaked like a crazy person thinking it was the end of the world etc. etc., but I overreacted... as per usual!

Do you know if you have a cyst? You and I are very lucky to be able to have the surgery and are able to see what is actually going on in there. A lot of women have cysts burst and apparently it's a pain worst than child birth! Or, women will try to have kids for years and years and turns out their fallopian tubes are blocked from so much endo that hey need to be surgically opened.

You are probably having some sort of pre-surgical blood work to make sure your body can handle the anesthetic, hence- you'll be fine and be able to have lots of babies! :) I'm the same age as you, we're in our prime baby making years!

Don't sweat it, seriously.. I'm the biggest baby on the planet and I made it lol

Good luck! xxx
Good luck to you, Amelia! My laparoscopy is on Tuesday, and I'm so scared.
Good luck to you, Amelia! My laparoscopy is on Tuesday, and I'm so scared.

I know this is easier said than done, but don't be scared. At this point you can't change whatever they will find and the recovery is not bad at all. The only thing that hurt was coughing or sneezing after. Try both very carefully! Lol. My incisions were so small and only a little sore. But everything healed fairly quickly. Good luck!!!
Good luck to you, Amelia! My laparoscopy is on Tuesday, and I'm so scared.

Well good luck to you too! :hugs: I would say keep me posted but as you are going in 1 day before me you may still be sleeping it off by the time I go in!
Amelia, how did the surgery go and how are you feeling?

Amelia, how did the surgery go and how are you feeling?


I just got out a little while ago and actually feel pretty good except when I stand and for the shooting pains trying to come up my shoulder ( gas trying to escape, I guess). They found a tiny bit of endo on my bladder and removed it. The Dr. said they don't understand why but even the tiniest bit of endo can cause infertility. So in 7 days I am clear for baby dancing! How was yours? Are you feeling okay?
That's great to hear. I hope you get your BFP right away.

I had no shoulder pain luckily, but my incisions are sore. They did not find endometriosis, but the doctor said my ovaries had lots of cysts and were filled with fluid, o she drained them. I can't have sex for 2 weeks. She said she would talk about medication options at my follow-up.

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