


So.... Im in two minds about epidurals. Basically I want to give birth in the mid-wife led birthing centre as its nicer than the main hospital. You get your own ensuite room the entire time and OH can stay all the time. But.... I cant have an epidural there. I really dont want pethidine as it sounds awful.

So some women are really dead against having epidurals and say dont even give me one if im screaming for it and some women say they are amazing.

I'd like to know what everyones experiences are of them and if you are/were dead set against having one yourself why is this?

I had an epidural because I had a c-section. They had a really hard time getting it in and had to try 6 times. I ended up super bruised and now I keep getting random spasms up my back ever since. If you want to feel no pain, that's the way to go. But its not the only way, if I hadn't been given the section I would have really pushed to not have it.
I had one and am glad I did. The woman who did mine was amazing though and got it in quickly. It allowed me to rest during the night (which was good since I was in labor for 32 hours!)
I had a near 30 hour active labour and did most of it only on gas and air. For the last couple of hours, after being told I was only 7cm dilated, I decided to go for an epidural as I was in a lot of pain and did not know how long it would take before I would be fully dilated. I found the epidural really good. They got it in no problem and the pain relief was almost instant. I had some control over it as well as they gave me this button that I could press every 15 minutes if I wanted to top up the epidural. If I wanted to have more sensation, I could decide not to press it. This meant that I had some sensation when pushing in the second stage.

I did have some numbness (only a little numbness, I could still feel through the skin) in one leg for a few weeks after, but it is ok now.

Good luck with your birth whatever you decide. A natural birth is great, but if you need pain relief, go for it.

When I was pregnant with Alexa, my plan was NO PAIN RELIEF AT ALL!! I told OH and the nurses that I didn't want to be offered it, and I didn't want them to give it to me even if I was in the worst pain ever. After being in the hospital for two days with barely any sleep, I caved when I was in labour, I was in too much pain, and too tired to deal with it, so I got the epi... it was the best decision I could have made, I still had a lot of pain, but it made it soo much nicer. If I have another child, that's how I am going to do it again... plus, if you need stitches, you won't feel them-well I didn't anyway, and I know I would have had an awful time letting them stitch me up if I could feel it. The downsides-back hurt for maybe a month or two after-just strain type pain though, and also, the catheder (sp?) I didn't mind it, BUT that area felt really weird for a while.
I had an epidural with my first and although they are excellent pain relief ( I couldnt feel a thing once it was in ) I didnt want one with this baby because my labour went on for ages because I was flat on my back after the epi. I ended up having to have forceps because I was too tired to push at the end.

This time I, like you, wanted to go in the birth centre although you can ask to be transfered to the main hospital for an epi if you really cant cope. I wrote in my birth plan 'dont give me one even if I beg for it!'. Fortunately they listened me coz about 45 mins before I delivered her I was asking for one!!! My hubby was brilliant and so were the MWs and they stalled me long enough for to find I was ready to push!!!

I hope to have another and I will definately not have an epi again - I loved my birth and being mobile was a big part of why I thought it went well.

I had an epidural and went into labour ( it being my first) open minded about it. I didnt decide to have one and didnt decide against one. You dont know how your labor will be so i think this is the best way to go into it all. I ended up being induced which is not an easy experience to do without any pain relief as the petocin causes very difficult contractions very early on. I still decided to try and go as long as i could without pain relief. I lasted 6 hours , 3 of which i dont even remember i was in so much pain. After 7 hours I was barely 2 cm and like i said out of it with the pain. So I asked for an epidural. It was there within 15 minutes. The midwife held me and the anethetist gave me an injection to numb my spine, this burnt a lot but only for a few seconds and to be honest i didnt care because i knew my pain relief was so close. I didnt feel a thing when they put in the actual epidural line and it went in first time. I was afraid of moving during them putting it in , which is i think most people biggest fear due to the risk of paralysis but honestly you are so scared of moving you just dont move at all!
Within 15 minutes i think the epidural was working and i finally got rest. Like one of the other girls said it allowed me to sleep for a good few hours as my labor ended up being 24 hours long and very rough at the end. I am so glad i took the epidural if i hadnt i am sure it would have ended in a c section. I had to push for 2 hours and i would never have been coherent enough or had enough energy to get him out had i not taken the epidural. ( They even had me prepped for a c section). it did wear off a bit in one leg towards the end which hurt a bit.
I had a little back pain for 2 days after birth which i just took some pain killers for.
I almost fainted after being put in a room but this was probably not due to the epidural.
hope this helped!
p.s some places offer walking epidurals
i didnt have a epi myself but before i had zane my mum told me it was the best thing EVER and that id need it! she have 3 og us with no pain relief as it was too late n my borther her first waswith the epi.

and i have to say givin birth is painful yes but i didnt think it was that bad well not as bad as i thought it was going to be lol so id say to u dont bother makin a birth plan as they normaly dont get used unles ur lucky n just got with the flow.

have u thought about a water birth? i wanted one n heard they r great.

instead of sayin yes im goin to have a epi why not just see how u feel n see how u cope with the birth n labout hurts so much more than the birth (pushing)

good luck
Thanks ladies. Think Im going to try and start off in the midwife centre with a birth pool and just see how it goes! Ill prob only last 10 mins before Im screaming to be transferred! Ill have to ask how easy it is to be transferred at my next appointment.
Thanks ladies. Think Im going to try and start off in the midwife centre with a birth pool and just see how it goes! Ill prob only last 10 mins before Im screaming to be transferred! Ill have to ask how easy it is to be transferred at my next appointment.

ive heard great things about water births hence why i wanted one u will be fine u will shock urself bout how much ur body can take and do :)
oh,a nd just wanted to add that if you think about the pain a lot before labour, then the chance is that you will be so scared of the pain you may opt for pain relief, but if you try not to think about it and not be scared, then you have better chances of going naturally... Yes labour is painful (to say the least LOL) but, I would love to relive the experience, the labour and birth part was my favorite part of the whole pregnancy, even though it was painful!!
I had four epidurals. I had to get to 3 cm with my first before he would call it in. Well, took me about 80% of my labor to get to 3 cm. Labor started Sat @ 9 pm and baby born Monday @ 1 am! had my epidural at 9pm sat! the others were more welcome to give me it right away. I may go natural this time, do not mark my word! LOL
I went in the pool too and I'd recommend that as well - definately eased the pain of the contractions and that was when I was almost fully dilated. :)
I had one and I would never have one again. I needed it due to the pre-eclampsia but it gave me the shakes and alsorts. I remember nothing about the birth either.
I had one. My BP was extre,ely high so it was suggested to try and bring it down... Plus I was in so much pain by 7cm I was almost vomiting.

I did request not to have too much, and I could still feel and push. I had just enough to take the edge off. I walked and pee'd after the aftebirth etc...
i had one even though i was dead against them. i had been in labour over 24 hours before i got mine and needed some relief G&A did nothing but make me feel sick and a bath made my contractions more painful. my epi was in they quickly and i didnt feel it go in glad i had it my labour was 35+ hous in the end but ended in a c section due to bubs position, him pooping and his heart rate x
I'll be going to a MW centre, and like yours they don't offer epidurals. The nearest hospital is 60 miles away. To be honest though, I think that if it is totally off the cards then you will just deal with it as best you can. My centre offer morphine, would that be another option for you?
Yeh that is another option. I just dont want anythign that makes me feel sick and out of it because I get very panicky when I feel out of control.

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