I am getting impatient! I have AT LEAST another week to wait before I can test.
But I've been using the old wives tale of the string test (thread a peice of hair through your wedding ring, use a necklace, etc.) and held it above my belly. When I did this in the past (not pregnant) it wouldn't move... now, it whips in a circle (girl). This test has been accurate for everyone I've done it to or has done it to themselves. In my family there's a baby boom going on so it's been the new fun thing for the last year.
According to this, I'm pregnant.
Give it a try and post your results. Then when you you test, post those results. I'm curious how accurate the old wives tale is. Plus I'm screaming inside not being able to test! Even though I am already late for AF. (I ovulated a week prior to my expected period...)
But I've been using the old wives tale of the string test (thread a peice of hair through your wedding ring, use a necklace, etc.) and held it above my belly. When I did this in the past (not pregnant) it wouldn't move... now, it whips in a circle (girl). This test has been accurate for everyone I've done it to or has done it to themselves. In my family there's a baby boom going on so it's been the new fun thing for the last year.
According to this, I'm pregnant.
Give it a try and post your results. Then when you you test, post those results. I'm curious how accurate the old wives tale is. Plus I'm screaming inside not being able to test! Even though I am already late for AF. (I ovulated a week prior to my expected period...)