Expecting #1 and over 30

Sbmack welcome, I hope your scan goes well.
With regards to exercise it a case of listening to your body and not overdoing it. Yoga is great for pregnancy, I have been doing some and really enjoying it!
Welcome Sbmack! congrats on your :bfp: !! How are you doing so far?

Poppy- Hope you are well! Havent heard from you in a while :)

Chezek- Hope you fell better. Im sure LO will be here soon!:happydance: I know what you mean with cervix pain..ouch. Since LO is head up, he keeps kicking me in the cervix...feels like a knife stabbing me :haha: Im ok with this as long as he is healthy kicking around! :)

Hi Clarkeyness - I'm good thanks. I do read up daily but am not very good at posting!

We had our 3rd NCT antenatal class last night - learning lots about birthing positions and breathing and the dads got to practise massage which was lovely. Also learned about soothing a crying baby. All really useful stuff but makes it feel very real all of a sudden. It's not something lovely that will happen in the future anymore but it will definitely happen at the most in 12 weeks if he is 2 weeks overdue and if he is 2 weeks early it could be as soon as 8 weeks. It's a bit scary actually :argh: Does anyone else feel like this? It's no longer something I'm viewing with rose tinted glasses, don't get me wrong I'm sooo happy that we have our beautiful baby on the way and know that it is right for us but I'm still feeling a bit anxious about the whole thing. Similiar to the nerves you get before getting married - excited but nervous at the same time.

Sorry I've rambled, it's so good to know you ladies are there if I need to vent xx
Hi poppy13 glad you are enjoying NCT - we finished our classes a couple of weeks ago and loved them - learnt so much and made some good friends going thought the same thing! I know what you mean about being excited and nervous! I still don't believe it's actually going to happen and I am having a baby!!!! Don't think I will until she is here!!!

Hope everyone else is ok!! And welcome sbmack !!! Congrats!!! I did Zumba up until I was 6 months - like everyone has said just listen to your body! Don't do anything you couldn't do before but continue with your normal exercise - you will soon know when to stop!!! I was just too tired to be jumping around!!!

Only 2 weeks left at work after this - can't wait!!!!!!

SO a quick update from me…I had some PMS like pains last night: cramps in my lower abs and lower back ache. Slept through the night but when I woke up, the cramps were much worse and I actually had to stop what I was doing and breathe through some of them. I had my regular scheduled doc appt at 11:30am so I just waited it out. Turns out these were contractions!!! But since I was handling them fine and baby was doing great, they sent me home and said see ya later or on Monday as usual. Well, they subsided by 3pm and seem to have gone away for the most part. False start I guess? :shrug:

Anyway, more details in my journal but I wanted to update you all. I'm not too comfortable sitting at my desk so going to keep this post short…

Clarkey - hope LO flips and stops kicking you in your cervix! BIG OUCH indeed :hugs:

sasha - hope you get away with no berets! FX and hope you had a great time at your work shower today!

Sbmack - keeping everything crossed that your midwife is wrong!!!! Keep us posted :hugs: I would take it easy on exercise and intercourse until you know that your bean has settled in nicely and is strong. No need to risk it for a bit! But once things settle, I highly recommend yoga…I did it up until I was put on bed rest at 36 weeks…DTD we didn't really do cause I was too nervous at first and then too uncomfortable…we started it up at 37 weeks though as a method of induction :winkwink:

poppy - I totally feel your reality jitters! I couldn't wait but after this morning, it all seemed all too real. It is a scary yet exciting time indeed! :hugs:

hi joey! :hi: yay for 2 more weeks!
Clarkey – baby shower 31 weeks is not so early. I’m having mine at 32 weeks because I want a some time to shop for whatever we didn’t get, set things up, wash bedding and some clothing etc and I’d like to be ready at least a month in case I’m just too tired at the end.

Sbmack – welcome and I hope your scan goes well. I agree that you should hold off on all exercise and DTD until you get the green light from your doctor. After that the intensity and amount of exercise will be determined by how active you were before. You will be able to do most of what you did before though sometimes you might need to tone it down a bit. If you weren’t that active you can still build up slowly. Generally you should be able to talk while exercising and avoid overheating. Prenatal yoga, walking and swimming are all highly recommended. Avoid high risk activities such as scuba diving, horse riding, mountain climbing etc. Remember that your ligaments are ultra-flexible due to hormones right so you might injury yourself more easily.

Sasha – Good luck for your scan, I hope you don’t need to go on bed rest. Enjoy your shower.

Poppy –I’ve had plenty of “OMG what have I done moments!” don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t change my mind for the world but sometimes it’s just scary that this little human being is going to be so completely reliant on me.

Sporty – I just did my first prenatal yoga class last nigh and you’re right it’s wonderful. I released tension in places I didn’t even relize were tense.

Joey – yay for 2 more weeks. Can’t believe you so far along already.

Mrschezek – I just saw on your journal that your waters broke! I guess next time we hear from you you’ll have your little girl in your arms :happydance:
Mrschezek – I just saw on your journal that your waters broke! I guess next time we hear from you you’ll have your little girl in your arms :happydance:

Yikes! Good luck. Best wishes for a speedy delivery!!

Thanks for all the responses. I was fairly active before getting pregnant. I did yoga once or twice a week and ran and did Kettlebell (a type of crossfit) once or twice a week too. I kind of let myself go over the holidays (it's my busiest time of year at work) and had been building back up to my full routine before I got my BFP. I'm going on vacation in a couple weeks and I'm really not looking forward to getting into a bathing suit. Luckily I'll be with my closest friends who have all seen me at my worst so I'm not too worried.

How have all your husbands been as you're getting closer to delivery? I told my husband that we have 34 more weeks and he had the deer in headlights look. That seems like an eternity to me, but he's already freaking out. He was mostly faking but I know he's nervous.
Welcome sbmack, I'm no longer the newest one on this thread! Congratulations!!! My DH and I have been trying for over two years so we are definitely both ready and almost wish time would go faster! However, things will feel a lot more real the further we get along in this pregnancy and at some point we will probably be freaking out a little feeling like we are not ready (but really who ever is with #1?). As for exercise, I have really slacked off. I used to hit the gym about 4-5 times a week but now it is only 1-2 times! But, I do a ton more walking. I figured I'll pick up the pace a tad more once I get through this first trimester.

Zeez, congrats on joining team pink!

MrsChezek, OMGEEE!!! Your water just broke which means your LO is on the way. Can't wait to get an update from you- but I don't expect one anytime soon:happydance:

Sasha, I hope you don't have to o on bed rest. I also have enough time saved up to carry me through maternity leave but wouldn't if I had to do bed rest. But, would also do anything o ensure my LO was as healthy as old be. Keep us updated!

Clarkey, I hope LO turns soon. That doesn't sound very pleasant.

Joey, the count down if really on now huh!?:happydance:

AFM, I don't feel pg really at all. Just recently my sore bbs went away (even though they still look swollen :thumbup:). But no morning sickness at all. I go to bed a bit earlier than usual but besides that I feel totally normal... It's kind of freaking me out as I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow and totally expected ms by now. I have my next scan on Wednesday and it couldn't get here soon enough!
Poppy- I also cant believe he could be here in 7 weeks...crazy. I just want to make sure things are ready for him!

Joey- Yay 2 weeks!:happydance:

Mrs C- Congrats again on your new little girl as i already posted in your journal! :hugs: And yes I hope LO turns in time. He is still breech. I can feel his head poking in my ribs:haha:

Zee- Ya i guess my baby shower is not too early. I just know of people having their shower at 34-35 weeks..I dont think i could wait that long as I need the extra time to organize as well!

Sbmack- My husband is so excited but we both still cant believe how close it is getting. He was a little more freaked out in the beginning as well and now it's becoming more real.

Kmae- i know how you feel. I had no sickness and my breasts werent really sore. I was anxious for my scan too. I never felt pregnant until I saw LO on the screen and when i started to get a little bump. Maybe you will also be a lucky one with no MS :)
Here are my updated progression pics. 15 weeks, 20 weeks, 25 weeks, and 30 weeks. :happydance: i will be doing my 31 weeks pic tomorrow and i think i had another growth spurt. I would love to see others belly shots!!


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Love the photo series Clarkeyness! I am going to try and remember to do that. A friend of mine took a face forward pic in the same white tee for the last 15 weeks and made a flip film type thing. It was really neat. I don't think I'm that technically savy though.

Mrs. C, congratulations!!!
Clarkeyness, I love your little baby bump! Thnks for sharing. I can't wait to get mine:winkwink:

My DH has been taking a belly pic of me once every week starting at 5 weeks. But since I am only 9 weeks, there is nothing to see yet. Once my belly does start to come out, I will post a few. Sbmach, he plans on doing a time elapse thing but neither one of us are technically savy either so hopefully one of our more techy friends will help us.:shrug:
Hi can I join? Age 35, expecting 1st, a baby boy April 20th 2013 :)
:hi: Bitsy, welcome! And yes you can join! Our thread starter just had her baby a few days ago so it might take her a while to add you to the list :)
im expecting my first which is a boy as well, due April 27th..but we all know how babies will come when they're ready. We may have the same due date..we will see!! How has your pregnancy been?

AFM, had my baby shower on Sunday! :happydance: So exciting. Lots of loving and generous family and friends. Got a lot of things for LO so now hubby and I just have to organize it and buy what is left on our list...im sure we may go overboard but not sure what we need exactly.

Dr appt tomorrow...i still dont think LO has turned and is still breech. Not sure if she will book another u/s and schedule a C-section time just in case :shrug:. Little nervous...

How is everyone else doing? Little quiet on here lately!!
Welcome Bitsy!

Clarkyness, I really hope LO turns. Hopefully, they will check right before your c-section is scheduled - or maybe you can request them to?:shrug: What was your baby shower like? Who threw it? April will be here before you know it. So exciting!

I went in for my 9 week ultrasound today. Saw my little gummy bear wiggling around and heard the strong/fast hb. DH and I are on:cloud9:
Welcome, Bitsy!

Kmae, that's great!! What a feeling.

I had my follow up scan today after the MC scare. Everything is great! Baby is measuring perfect. Saw a heartbeat!!

I told the midwife I saw today that I didn't want to see the one who told me I was probably miscarrying. She thought I should give her another try and showed me the report on the last US. It wasn't good and said not a viable pregnancy. I guess she didn't want to give me false hope. I'm still not sure why they thought that when I was only 5 weeks. I thought it was pretty common not to see a fetal pole that early. Oh well, none of that matters now.

I hope everyone has as great a day as I am today!
Kmae- my mom threw the baby shower for me. There was a lot of food, a few games and lots of balloons! LO received lots of clothes, baby toys, little gym, vibrating seat, diapers, gift cards, books..much more. It took me an hour to open gifts. I know April is coming fast. Tomorrow I can say I will be having my baby next month :happydance:.
I'm so happy ur scan went well:happydance: isn't it a great overwhelming feeling when u see that little baby wiggling around with a heartbeat. So in love!

Mack- yay for your scan too!:hugs: so happy everything looks good and measuring on time. A lot of times they can't see the fetal pole that early at 5 weeks. Not nice they scared u like that. I probably wouldn't want the same midwife either as I would always have that feeling towards her and not allow a connection.

Afm, saw the dr this morning and baby still breech. I will see her in 2 weeks at my 34 appt and book an u/s if baby still breech. She said she may try and turn baby for me at 36 weeks if I'm ok with it...I heard this was painful and not sure if I would want that :wacko:
Sbmack, :yipee: I'm overjoyed that you received good news! Personally, I would want to see a different midwife too simply because I would always connect her to what she said which would always give me a negative feeling. I wouldn't ever want someone to tell me I was "maybe miscarrying" that would cause much more stress then them just waiting another week or two to see how things progressed. But, as you said...water under the bridge now! So happy for you!

Clarkeyness, Wow, 1hr to open gifts - awesome. Sounds like you had a great baby shower and hopefully you got almost everything you needed. I keep saying - "Come on baby - turn around!" every time I read your post. I guess you might have to decide whether you would prefer a c-section or to have them try and turn baby. But, you never know, baby might decide to flip on his own last minute. I have my fingers crossed tightly for you!
Clarkey, glad your baby shower went well! I hope that baby turns for you!!

Kmae, at my practice I can specify if I want a dr. or midwife to deliver. I might just say dr. so there's no chance of getting her. I understand why she said what she did after seeing the report, but she was really annoying overall and I didn't really like her to begin with so I don't want to feel uncomfortable during the most important time of my life.
Hi ladies! :hi:

Just poppin by for a quickie. So happy to hear about all these good scans! :happydance: A warm welcome to the new faces - I will try to add you to the front thread when I am able to get to my computer. Too hard on my phone!

AFM, we've had a LONG week of doctor and hospital visits - both LO and I ended up in emergency room one night. My poor DH! He had to take Hayden in cause bloodwork showed something bad and while he was there, i spoke w my doc about some symptoms I was having and he had me go to the ER as well as to make sure I didn't have a vulvar hemotoma! My mom drove me...craziness. But we're both doing pretty well - she's finally getting over her jaundice and I'm slowly healing - very slowly but hey it's progress I guess! Miss u all and am thinking about each of you!
Mrs C-So glad to hear from you!! Wow that must have been crazy going to the ER with Hayden and then yourself. You must of been worried and yes your poor hubby worrying about both of you. :hugs: So glad everyone is doing better and dont worry about us, we totally understand you are busy right now. You just rest and take care of LO.
Miss you too and thinking about you as well!! :hugs:

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