Expecting #1 and over 30

Hi ladies! I know it's been forever but wanted to drop in and see how everyone is doing!
Congrats to all who had their LO already!!!
So glad to see everyone is doing well!
I'm being induced Tuesday evening so our LO is expected to arrive Wednesday sometime. I've battled gd so they aren't letting me go past 39 weeks.
I'll try to check in more often, sorry for being MIA, I've missed you all.
Hey Breezy!! So nice to hear from you! I was wondering what happened. Glad everything is going well and good luck Tuesday. Cant wait to hear all about your delivery. Miss u too! :hugs:
Hey guys. It´s preg_pilot again. My second account was banned, as I´m not allowed to have 2... They haven´t answered me yet, about reactivating my account, so I cheated and made yet another one, just to let you guys know what´s going on :blush:

Preg_pilot glad to see you back...I tired to look at your birth story but it would not let me...How is the baby doing? Do you have any pictures? Hope you are doing well...

Glad everyone else is doing well...

AFM...had my 28 week scan...Got to see my baby really good and Placenta has moved out of the way...so no more pelvic rest...dh is very happy about that lol..

Yea, they deactivated that account, and apparently deleted the pregnancy journal with the story, and I posted pictures and everything. Nevermind, I´ll post those at the bottom of this mail... ;)

Good to hear about the placenta moving. :hugs:

preg_pilot good to see you back. Hope all is well. How are things going with your little one? xx

Thanks :hugs:
Things are going really really well.
Thorgeir has finally learned to drink effectively from my breasts (he kept ripping himself off and crying a bit). Today I learned that putting a blanket that his grandmother knitted over both of us while he´s drinking, keeps him from getting distracted. (he likes looking out of the window while drinking).

Bsmack - my best friend got her BFP 2 weeks before me for her second child and she had a hard time telling me as I had been trying longer than her for my first, but then I got mine and sharing our pregnancies was the awesomest thing ever!!! We gave birth 10 days apart :happydance:

Sasha - yay for a good scan yesterday! How exciting :happydance:

Zeez - good for I packing ur bag! When my water broke we started packing and never got anywhere as my contractions got too strong quickly so we just grabbed a few things and took off!!! My parents had to come pack things for us and bring them. :dohh:

Luna - its SO good to see you on here! Congrats again and H&H 9 months!!!

Pilot! Welcome back :hi: I look forward to reading your birth story and seeing pics of ur LO! :hugs:

Wow, sounds amazing to give birth so close to your friends date. Should be fun growing up together :)

Preg pilot- so nice to see uback:hugs: hope all is well with u and LO. Looking forward to reading about ur delivery. We missed u! :hugs:

Sasha- yay placenta moved:happydance:

Mrs C- hope everything is well with u. Can't believe LO is almost 2 weeks old.

Thanks :hugs:

Hi ladies! I know it's been forever but wanted to drop in and see how everyone is doing!
Congrats to all who had their LO already!!!
So glad to see everyone is doing well!
I'm being induced Tuesday evening so our LO is expected to arrive Wednesday sometime. I've battled gd so they aren't letting me go past 39 weeks.
I'll try to check in more often, sorry for being MIA, I've missed you all.

Phew, good luck with the induction :)

Below here I´ll be posting my birth story for those interested, but please be warned. It is a story of failure (sort of), though it ends well, with a healthy mom and baby.
For those of you about to give birth, I´m not sure it´s a good idea to read this, so read if you like, if not, I will not be offended.

I want to apologize to you lovely ladies, who I left behind when I went all hormonal and weepy... I hope you can forgive me.

For you who are about to give birth, this is a horror story, so be warned.
It is not a happy story, so read at your own risk.

For those interested, here is my birth story.
As some might remember, I wanted to have a home birth, water birth, lotus birth and hypno birth.
I ended up having none of these, actually.
The lotus birth I gave up, because DH was opposed to it,
the rest went bye bye, when labor got really started.

I started going into labor at 1am on the 9th of February.
It was pleasant, and a couple of hours in, I got DH to fill up the pool for me.
I listened to my hypno birthing CD´s, and felt really calm and comfortable.
At 6am, I called the midwife, who showed up about 30 minutes later.
at 7am I called my mother, who showed up about 15 minutes after that.

Midwife checked my dilation, which was at 2...
At around 10am, I felt the contractions getting less intense, and farther apart, so I got out of the pool. Me and DH decided to take a nap.
At 2pm, we woke up, and my contractions had subsided completely.

Midwife went home for the time being, and I started trying every trick in the book to get labor started again. (coffee, pineapple, squats, castor oil... you name it, I tried it).
At 9pm, my contractions started again, but they were different from before. All the pain seemed to radiate into my lower back this time.
I managed to stay out of the pool for about 30 minutes, and then went back in.
DH climbed in soon after that to help pressing on my back...
That didn´t really help. Mom was talking to me the entire time, giving me strength to go on...
At 1am they called the midwife again, she was there shortly before 2am.
She checked me again, and found that I was only at 4cm... not progressing very well at all.
She decides to send me to the hospital for closer monitoring. I´m admitted shortly before 4am.

I get an epidural shortly after arrival, which was complete bliss. The first painless moment in 7 hours...
Sadly that only lasted for 2 hours.
The epidural then failed in such a way as to leave me paralyzed, but in intense pain on the right side of my body.
I got a replacement epidural, which lasted for 30 minutes, and then went the same way as the other one.

By that time it´s about 7am, and labor started 30 hours ago.

I push and push, dilating with the help of syntocin up to 10cm.
They had to use a dose way surpassing normal dosage, and had to get clearance from a doctor to up the dose even higher. By half past 2, fully dilated, after a few hours of pushing, they finally realize my little boy is stuck.
Hasn´t budged in a long while.
The doctor comes to me and tells me she wants to try a suction cup, and if that fails, a cesarean section.
I, of course agree, as I´m way beyond exhausted at that point.

In we go, and I finally get numbed enough that I´m pain free.
I´m actually completely numb up to my earlobes and eyelids.

She makes an episiotomy, DH shows up in scrubs, and with the next contraction, the doctor starts pulling. LO is out with the second contraction.
He is put immediately onto my chest, and there he stares at me, with his big blue eyes. Completely focused. I feel my heart swell 10 times over. I never imagined being able to love someone this much.

Weighing in at 4.650 grams and 53.5cm long. Healthy and happy.

The labor took just over 38 hours from beginning to end.
Thereof 27 hours active labor, thereof 24 hours of intense pain...

DH then notices a lot of blood. Turns out I ended up losing 2 liters of blood. I tore from the episiotomy cut.

Stitched up and recovering, we are put together in the recovery section.
I feel very woozy, so I can´t hold my little boy for more than a few minutes, and need to have somebody support most of his weight for me.

That evening, a midwife shows up and gives me penicillin to bar possible infection from the cut and tear.
She leaves, and comes back a few minutes later, by that time the entire bag of penicillin has been emptied into my veins, and she wants to take blood, to check if I need an infusion or not.
She sticks my right arm, going through the vein, so she goes around the bed to try the left side.

That´s when I start coughing. I try a glass of water, and cough a bit more. I try a deep breath, and cough more. By that time, I realize something is seriously wrong, and tell the midwife I can´t breathe properly.
Turns out I´ve developed a severe allergy to penicillin.
Basically I start choking, DH sends the midwife to get the doctor (the midwife froze completely, and had no idea what to do), and a couple of minutes later, the room is full of doctors and nurses giving me adrenalin, oxygen and all sorts of things.
Off we go to the heart section of the hospital, to be monitored.
We stay there for a few hours (by this time DH has been awake for more than 45 hours...), with our LO only about 6 hours old.

The day after I have a severe headache, which keeps me from walking around at all, even rolling over in bed is excruciating.
That day I get an infusion, but the headache doesn´t subside at all.

The day after, the diagnosis of the headache is in...
I have something called a spinal ache.
Basically they punctured holes in my spinal cord, which caused fluid to leak out whenever I moved, causing low pressure in my brain and spine, causing that headache.

The day after I go to have a procedure which entails drawing blood from my arm, and injecting it into my spinal fluid, forming a "band-aid" formed from coagulating blood...
If it works, great. If not, I could be stuck with that headache for several weeks... (fingers crossed every one)
3 hours later (not allowed to move even my little finger), I stand up, crossing everything, and thankfully, it worked. The headache is gone.

That day is wonderful, complete bliss. Feeding my boy is going well, and I´m resting up whenever he´s napping (which is most of the time).
That evening they check my boy for a yellowing of the skin, as he seems a bit yellow... He´s then put into a tanning bed to help with ridding him of it, which in turn leads to him being checked for a fever, which in turn gets him admitted into newborn ICU...
Turns out he has a mild infection, and a broken collarbone.
He´s in the ICU for 3 days, just for monitoring (his Oxygen levels weren´t completely to the doctors satisfaction).

While the birth was traumatic enough, it was nothing compared to what I felt like when I had to leave my baby in the ICU...
I was devastated.

Thankfully he got better over time, got a stomach tube for a night to help with getting his energy levels up, as he was too tired to drink much at a time.

My precious little boy was born on the 11th of February at 3:22pm.
We were checked out of the hospital at noon on the 17th of February, after very eventful few days.

The first few days at home were difficult, as I was still recuperating (which took about 2 weeks more), but were all very happy and healthy today.
Nipples are a bit sore after feeding and pumping for 2 weeks at home, but that´s to be expected. (I´m trying to get supplies for the summer, so as to be able to not breastfeed while I´m working, could be a problem getting breaks to pump breastmilk there...)

Today I have a healthy 5kg boy, who drinks about every 2-6 hours, depending on the time of day. (5-6 hours in the night, 4 hours in the day, and 2 hours in the evenings).

Again I´m sorry it took me so long to post this.
I love you all guys. :hugs:

And the pictures :)
Right After Birth
Me DH and LO.jpg
Him holding his head up at 8 days old. He´s been doing that from day 1
Strong LO.jpg
Week old, just got home
Þorgeir Ás Sigmundsson.jpg
great pictures pilot :) (I read your story before the thread was closed)
You cut all your hair off!
great pictures pilot :) (I read your story before the thread was closed)
You cut all your hair off!

Yep, didn´t really feel like having my little boy tugging on it all the time.
My best friend still has long hair with her 5 month old, and doesn´t like it at all.
Hey guys. It´s preg_pilot again. My second account was banned, as I´m not allowed to have 2... They haven´t answered me yet, about reactivating my account, so I cheated and made yet another one, just to let you guys know what´s going on :blush:

We do read these posts you know?

The forum rules were as follows:

You are permitted a maximum of 'One' account (membership), active or inactive (including previously banned and accounts closed at user request). If you require temporary access for any reason, require a user name change, or have forgotten your log in details and are unable to retrieve them via The Service, do not create a new account! Please contact the forum administrator using the Contact Us link below. If you choose to ignore this rule, ALL your accounts will be banned.

Please use the Contact Us link if you haven't done so already.
Wow this place suddenly feels very big brotherish!!! Creepy.

Anyway, sorry I'm MIA still but it's been rough! I'm still in pain and recovering slowly...Hayden has started the wailing period where she just seems miserable when not asleep. We're trying to troubleshoot to make sure it's not a fixable thing like gas issues. So far no answers! So it's hard...motherhood is very hard. But there are moments of joy that make it all worthwhile. Sort of (hoping for the balance to shift to a more positive state sooner than later!)

Breezy - let us know how things go! Good luck Tuesday :hugs:

Pilot - ur LO is so handsome! I'll hopefully read ur story soon. I haven't shared mine as not to scare ppl either! Hope you sort your account soon and we'll hear from you regularly.
MrsChezekin, it's not "big brother" , we are moderators, we are only implementing the rules on the forum that were created to ensure the forum runs smoothly. We don't go through every single users posts. If someone is seen to be breaking the rules, we will act on that. It is for the benefit of others.

Members who wish to return must follow the rules as stated on sign up :shrug:

We can draw a line under it here.
Big brother or moderator... Tomato or Toemato... Creepy indeed::argh:

MrsChezek, I hope things get easier and more enjoyable soon:hugs:

Pilot, so glad to hear you are doing well.

Breezy, wishing you all the best on Tuesday!

Zeez, thanks for sharing the list..it's very helpful.

AFM, had my prenatal physical today and got an ultrasound (from the belly this time) and LO is doing great! I couldn't be happier!
Preg_Pilot...he is precious and so alert...Congrats again!!!!!!!!!!!!
pilot- wow what a story..so sorry you had to go through that kind of delivery. Glad you both are doing well now! :hugs: He is so very precious and yes alert..love it!

Mrs C- :hugs: hun! Hope all is better soon!

Kmae- Yay for seeing LO!! Glad everything is perfect!

AFM- U/s this Thursday... Hope all is well and he is measuring fine and has turned...still feel he is breech though.
Breezy - thinking if you today...it is tuesday right? :wacko:

Clarkey - GL on Thursday! I'll keep everything crossed :hugs:

Kmae - yay for a good u/s!!! :happydance: I kind of miss my weekly appts and seeing/hearing a LO in my belly.

AFM, we're still hanging in there. Bean had her 2 week well visit and she's back to birth weight :yipee: and checked out well all around. Her head circumference is at 1 percetile right now so I'm not sure why she took an hour CROWNING to come out!!!! :shrug:

Oh and some exciting yet scary news...she rolled over last night! TWICE. We had her on her belly to try to release gas and she flipped herself over onto her back at 17 days!!! That's a 4 month milestone so we're screwed!!!! She'll be walking in no time... :dohh:
What rolled over twice...wow..you are going to have a busy bee on your hands :)
What rolled over twice...wow..you are going to have a busy bee on your hands :)

I know. We apparently have a wild monkey on our hands :haha:

So I went to see my doc for a follow up and he said everything is healing great. He took out my stitches and said that should alleviate a lot of discomfort. I sure hope that's the case as it bloody hurt to get it done!!! A bit sore now but hopefully will feel better by tonight.

Wonder how Breezy is doing...
I'm glad things are going better MrsC :)
Can you add me to the first page when you have a chance? Nov 10 :)
What rolled over twice...wow..you are going to have a busy bee on your hands :)

I know. We apparently have a wild monkey on our hands :haha:

So I went to see my doc for a follow up and he said everything is healing great. He took out my stitches and said that should alleviate a lot of discomfort. I sure hope that's the case as it bloody hurt to get it done!!! A bit sore now but hopefully will feel better by tonight.

Wonder how Breezy is doing...

I hope it does help you feel better as well :hugs:
Hi ladies, sorry I have not been arou d for a while. Got very anxious and there were a lot of negative posts around not in this thread but on the first trimester forum and needed to take some time out for my own piece of mind.

Had scan yesterday - dated at 13 weeks and one day yesterday so EDD now 18th September.
Baby healthy -heartbeat 161bpm
Somersaulting like a gymnast so was in scan for 30mins!
Low risk for downs.
Have announced now and feeling much more at ease...
Great news about your scan Loukachu. Glad your feeling a bit better its hard when anxieties take over.

Well its due date today, no signs yet but baby could be here anytime now and I am very excited! :happydance:

Hope everyone else is well.

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